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PerrOS is a Opensource Discord Bot to do it all!
Ubuntu Discord Docker


Manual installation

Use the package manager pip to install the python3 requirements.

pip3 install -r requirements.txt --no-deps

Then run


Go to the IP adress show in the Console and finish the Web-Setup. More information can be found in our wiki.

Note that PerrOS is designed to work on Linux especially Ubuntu Server, it might work any other os too but its not recomended

Dockerized installation

Install PerrOS in a docker container.


To perform an automated install (recommended for beginners) you can use the following commands:

chmod +x
sudo ./

After editing the config file you can enjoy PerrOS on port 80 and finish the web setup.

To uninstall PerrOS you can use the following commands:

chmod +x ./
sudo ./


To perform a manual install you can use the following commands:

docker build -t perros .
docker run -p 80:80 -v perros-data:/app -d perros

Alternative commands:

docker build -t perros .
docker run --network="host" -p 80:80 -v /path/to/folder:/app -d perros

To uninstall PerrOS you can use the following commands:

docker stop perros
docker rm -f perros
docker volume remove prerros-data


To dump the Volumes of PerrOS you can use the following commands:

docker cp perros:/app .
docker cp . perros:/app

Coming Soon


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

For more detailed guidelines please read our wiki


PerrOS is licensed under GPLV3

If anyone is crazy enough to donate to a random developer in Europe, heres my ETH address: 0x1Eb4317add0E70873A88F36987b0003d8830D87D