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Running AlphaFold2 (from ColabFold) in Azure Machine Learning

Colby T. Ford, Ph.D.


Docker Image Creation

The custom Docker image for running ColabFold in Azure ML HyperDrive is available on Docker Hub at If you'd like to build the image for yourself, follow the instructions below.

First, build the custom Azure ML Docker image (with the required dependencies for the AlphaFold2 system).

docker build -t alphafold2_aml --build-arg IMAGE_VERSION=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) .

# docker run --name alphafold2_aml --rm -p 8787:8787 alphafold2_aml
# docker exec -it alphafold2_aml /bin/bash

To push the image to DockerHub, run the following: (If you'd like to use Azure Container Registry, see this documentation.)

docker image tag alphafold2_aml <USERNAME>/alphafold2_aml:latest
docker push <USERNAME>/alphafold2_aml:latest

# docker image tag alphafold2_aml cford38/alphafold2_aml:latest
# docker push cford38/alphafold2_aml:latest

To push the image to an Azure Container Registry, run the following:

az login
az account set --subscription <SUBSCRIPTION_ID>

az acr login --name <CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME>

docker tag mmae_aml <CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME>$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
docker push <CONTAINER_REGISTRY_NAME>$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)