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All contracts for the Protocol, an AMM on EVMs inspired by Solidly.

See for more detail.

Protocol Overview

AMM contracts

Filename Description
Pool.sol AMM constant-product implementation similar to Uniswap V2 liquidity pools
Router.sol Handles multi-pool swaps, deposit/withdrawal, similar to Uniswap V2 Router interface
PoolFees.sol Stores the liquidity pool trading fees, these are kept separate from the reserves
ProtocolLibrary.sol Provides router-related helpers, eg. for price-impact calculations
FactoryRegistry.sol Registry of factories approved for creation of pools, gauges, bribes and managed rewards.

Tokenomy contracts

Filename Description
Aero.sol Protocol ERC20 token
VotingEscrow.sol Protocol ERC-721 (ve)NFT representing the protocol vote-escrow lock. Beyond standard ve-type functions, there is also the ability to merge, split and create managed nfts.
Minter.sol Protocol token minter. Distributes emissions to Voter.sol and rebases to RewardsDistributor.sol.
RewardsDistributor.sol Is used to handle the rebases distribution for (ve)NFTs/lockers.
VeArtProxy.sol (ve)NFT art proxy contract, exists for upgradability purposes
AirdropDistributor.sol Distributes permanently locked (ve)NFTs to the provided addresses, in the desired amounts.

Protocol mechanics contracts

Filename Description
Voter.sol Handles votes for the current epoch, gauge and voting reward creation as well as emission distribution to Gauge.sol contracts.
Gauge.sol Gauges are attached to a Pool and based on the (ve)NFT votes it receives, it distributes proportional emissions in the form of protocol tokens. Deposits to the gauge take the form of LP tokens for the Pool. In exchange for receiving protocol emissions, claims on fees from the pool are relinquished to the gauge. Standard rewards contract.
Reward.sol Base reward contract to be inherited for distribution of rewards to stakers.
VotingReward.sol Rewards contracts used by FeesVotingReward.sol and BribeVotingReward.sol which inherits Reward.sol. Rewards are distributed in the following epoch proportionally based on the last checkpoint created by the user, and are earned through "voting" for a pool or gauge.
FeesVotingReward.sol Stores LP fees (from the gauge via PoolFees.sol) to be distributed for the current voting epoch to it's voters.
BribeVotingReward.sol Stores the users/externally provided rewards for the current voting epoch to it's voters. These are deposited externally every week.
ManagedReward.sol Staking implementation for managed veNFTs used by LockedManagedReward.sol and FreeManagedReward.sol which inherits Reward.sol. Rewards can be earned passively by veNFTs who delegate their voting power to a "managed" veNFT.
LockedManagedReward.sol Handles "locked" rewards (i.e. Aero rewards / rebases that are compounded) for managed NFTs. Rewards are not distributed and only returned to VotingEscrow.sol when the user withdraws from the managed NFT.
FreeManagedReward.sol Handles "free" (i.e. unlocked) rewards for managed NFTs. Any rewards earned by a managed NFT that a manager passes on will be distributed to the users that deposited into the managed NFT.

Governance contracts

Filename Description
ProtocolGovernor.sol OpenZeppelin's Governor contracts used in protocol-wide access control to whitelist tokens for trade within the protocol, update minting emissions, and create managed veNFTs.
EpochGovernor.sol A simple epoch-based governance contract used exclusively for adjusting emissions.


This repository uses Foundry for testing and deployment.

Foundry Setup

forge install
forge build
forge test

Base Mainnet Fork Tests

In order to run mainnet fork tests against base, inherit BaseTest in BaseTest.sol in your new class and set the deploymentType variable to Deployment.FORK. The BASE_RPC_URL field must be set in .env. Optionally, BLOCK_NUMBER can be set in the .env file or in the test file if you wish to test against a consistent fork state (this will make tests faster).


yarn format to run prettier.

yarn lint to run solhint (currently disabled in CI).


See script/ for more detail.

Access Control

See for more detail.


Name Address
ArtProxy 0xE9992487b2EE03b7a91241695A58E0ef3654643E
RewardsDistributor 0x227f65131A261548b057215bB1D5Ab2997964C7d
FactoryRegistry 0x5C3F18F06CC09CA1910767A34a20F771039E37C0
Forwarder 0x15e62707FCA7352fbE35F51a8D6b0F8066A05DCc
GaugeFactory 0x35f35cA5B132CaDf2916BaB57639128eAC5bbcb5
ManagedRewardsFactory 0xFdA1fb5A2a5B23638C7017950506a36dcFD2bDC3
Minter 0xeB018363F0a9Af8f91F06FEe6613a751b2A33FE5
PoolFactory 0x420DD381b31aEf6683db6B902084cB0FFECe40Da
Router 0xcF77a3Ba9A5CA399B7c97c74d54e5b1Beb874E43
AERO 0x940181a94A35A4569E4529A3CDfB74e38FD98631
Voter 0x16613524e02ad97eDfeF371bC883F2F5d6C480A5
VotingEscrow 0xeBf418Fe2512e7E6bd9b87a8F0f294aCDC67e6B4
VotingRewardsFactory 0x45cA74858C579E717ee29A86042E0d53B252B504
Pool 0xA4e46b4f701c62e14DF11B48dCe76A7d793CD6d7