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Mothpi is a software for automated moth pictures used in biodiversity research. See for build instructions of the device.


  • Timer-based capture of moth pictures
  • Status updates to e-paper
  • Web app for status information and configuration
  • Standby during daytime based on calculated sunset and sunrise times
  • Standby during bad weather, automatic weather data retrieval


This software is programmed for use in a Rapsberry Pi with an e-paper shield and a relais shield.

System packages

Required packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y upgrade && sudo apt autoremove

sudo apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip libsystemd-dev wiringpi gphoto2
sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Correct time stamps

Preserve timing information as well as possible:

  • Transport the camera with a battery, as it has an internal clock with limited power capacity; and check the correcttime in the camera when setting up; pictures then will have the correct timestamp.
  • If the Raspberry Pi will be without internet connection, install fake-hwclock or optionally install a hardware clock.
  • If it will have internet connection: Make sure that the systemd service systemd-timesyncd.service is enabled and started time zone is set correctly:
systemctl enable --now systemd-timesyncd.service
timedatectl set-ntp true 
timedatectl set-timezone "Europe/Berlin" # or any other timezone

Mothpi service

Also, the Mothpi program will run as user, so make sure that automatic start-up of user instances is activated:

loginctl enable-linger pi

Mothpi installation

The main Mothpi programm can be downloaded from this git repository.

git clone ~/mothpi

If you use a development version and need an access token, set up an access token in Settings->Access Tokens, then use it to access this Mothpi repository.

git clone https://gitlab-ci-token:${MOTHPI_TOKEN} ~/mothpi

The included script automates the updating process as well as other tasks.

Camera setup

  • Switch the camera "ON".
  • Make sure that PC connection over USB is activated. This can be verified by connecting it with USB cable to the Raspberry Pi. Then, the camera displays a "waiting for connection" message.
  • To reduce power usage, switch off the display setting "Sucher" in the menu for "Display/Sucher" on Page 3 of the Gear ⚙️ page. (Sony Alpha 6000)
  • Don't forget to activate the flash by pressing the flash button.

Run Mothpi

Start with that provides a boilerplate for mothpi, including functions for:

  • automatic updates,
  • systemd services,
  • reverse ssh tunnel to the main server and
  • a pictures uploader.

Initialize with:

./ init

this will copy and enable systemd services and set up systemd service variables.

The core program that takes pictures is in mothpi/

Mothpi App

The web app included in mothpi/ provides a web interface to check its status and change the configuration. It can be accessed on Port 8000 by default. The IP address of the device is displayed on the e-Paper display, if available.

Example configuration page:

Configuration page of the Mothpi App

Mothpi default configuration

The mothpi configuration file will be saved in $HOME/.mothpi. Pictures are saved in /home/pi/pics/ and will be moved over to the server in regular intervals.

Periodic restarts are disabled by default, but can be activated over the configuration file.


Automated moth pictures for biodiversity research







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