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Wiktionary as CLDF


  • cldf1 and cldf2 contain cldf-conform data sets with a total of 2 377 756 entries about the vocabulary of all 1403 languages of the English Wiktionary.
  • raw1 and raw2 together contain 1403 csv-files of 125MB size in total. File names are languages as they appear on the English Wiktionary. Each file consist of 4 columns: 'L2_orth' representing the orthographical form of the word, 'L2_ipa' its IPA-transcription, 'L2_gloss' its English explanation and 'L2_etym' its etymology iff it is borrowed from English
  • lgs contains text-files with wordlists for every language that appears on the English Wiktionary. Files were created with
  • is a courtesy of Tomasz Jastrząb and was used to retrieve the wordlists found in the folder lgs
  • lglist.txt is a complete list of languages that appear on the English Wiktioanry.
  • lglist_full.txt is a copy of lglist.txt - since the latter serves as input for it can be modified according to one's needs without losing the full list.
  • - The parser with which the csv files where obtained. With a download speed of 144Mbps it needed 58 hours to parse all the languages from aari until zuni.
  • makedfs.ipynb - Some notes, documenting the making-of of the parser
  • parser.log - Documenting corrupted file names and handling of errors that occured while squeezing parsed data into data frames
  • dfs is an empty folder into which the parser writes its results. Generated outputs were migrated to raw1 and raw2 due to Git's limitation of maximum 1000 files per directory
  • changelog.txt - documenting manual deletion of false positive and insertion of false negative English loanwords
  • cldf is an empty folder to which writes it output. Generated output had to be migrated to folders cldf1 and cldf2 due to Github's limit of 1000 files per directory


  • Sometimes the column "L2_etym" is not displayed by the csv-viewer in Github. This is likely the case whenever the first 100 lines of the column are empty. Clicking on "raw", the column can be seen again.
  • The reason why columns have the "L2_" prefix is that this data was first used for baseline tests, where they served as pseudo-donor words (hence "L2" ~ second language ~ donor language), even though in the current setting they represent the recipient language (L1). The distinction L1-L2 is only internal.


  • remove middle_english and old_english.csv, and generally anything with middle_ or old_ in it.
  • add missing IPA transcriptions using epitran, copius_api, espeak-ng and potential other software
  • Try to contribute those new IPA transcriptions to Wiktionary