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pip download usefulpython
pip install usefulpython

import with import usefulpy


Filled with simple resources and modules for a cleaner looking program, Usefulpy is a module filled with many useful functions and modules in various subjects geared to cut down and simplify some little bits of code that can become messy or repetitive.

Some are simple - like input validation and versatile type checking.

So instead of checking, say

float(x) == int(float(x))

You can check it as


Which calls

def is_integer(s):
    '''Check if an object is an integer can be turned into an integer without
losing any value'''
    try: return int(float(s)) == float(s)
    except: return False

Other parts of the project are a little more complicated, including


In [1]: from usefulpy.mathematics import quaternion

In [2]: quaternion(1, 2, 2, 2)
Out[2]: 1+2i+2j+2k

In [3]: _ * quaternion(2, 1, 1, 1)
Out[3]: -4+5i+5j+5k

Prime sieves

In [1]: from usefulpy.mathematics import Prime

In [2]: import timeit

In [3]: timeit.timeit("Prime(9999999999998999999999)", number=1000, globals=globals()) / 1000 # Average time over 1000 runs.
Out[3]: 0.008421884500188753

In [4]: Prime(9999999999998999999999)
Out[4]: True

Basic algebraic simplifier and derivative finder

In [1]: from usefulpy.mathematics import cos, x

In [2]: x + x
Out[2]: <mathfunc (2*x) at 0x20115c616f0>

In [3]: x * x
Out[3]: <mathfunc (x**2) at 0x2011566b0d0>

In [4]: x ** x
Out[4]: <mathfunc (x**x) at 0x20115c62200>

In [5]: _.partial(x)
Out[5]: <mathfunc ((x**x)+(ln(x)*(x**x))) at 0x20116781180>

In [6]: cos(x) * 2 == cos(x) + cos(x)
Out[6]: True

And indeed ${\frac{d}{dx}\left[x^{x}\right]}={x^{x}+\ln\left({x}\right)x^{x}}$

3d projection systems

(This does break about five times a day, still in its early stages)

Rotating Cube

Essentially, usefulpy is a large library of functions that improve the quality of python programming. One catch, it can't use any sort of third party libraries... so no numpy, scipy, manim, or any others...
