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Eval Bot

A small discord bot to interface with python-discord's snekbox.

This bot simply extracts the relevant functionality from Python Discord's bot.


To use this bot, you need to set up the following environment variables (you can use .env):

Token Value Description
BOT_TOKEN str The discord token for your bot.
ADMINS int The ID of the "admins" role, which is used in certain permission checks.
MODS int The ID of the "mods" role, which is used in certain permission checks.
CHANNELS [int] A comma separated list of IDs for channel in which commands are enabled.
SNEKBOX_URL str The URL to use for API requests to snekbox. Should include the /eval portion of the URL.
PASTEBIN_URL str The URL to use for pastebin. Of the shape: "/{key}" ({key} is a constant)
TRASHCAN str An emoji to use as the "trashcan". Of the shape: <:trashcan:637136429717389331>

The following variables can optionally be set:

Token Value Description
BOT_SENTRY_DSN str To be used when logging in to sentry.
BOT_PREFIX str An optional prefix to use for the bot. By default, only mentions will invoke it.