stellar-add-guest is a small tool to generate a new guest for Stellar Wireless (Enterprise mode) in OmniVista 2500 hosted on OmniSwitch with AOS Release 8



stellar-add-guest is a small tool to generate a new guest for Stellar Wireless (Enterprise mode) in OmniVista 2500 hosted on OmniSwitch with AOS Release 8.

Overview (meant to be executed on OmniSwitch with access to OmniVista 2500)


Edit the settings-example.json and store it as settings.json

", "validate_https_certificate": "no", "send_emails": "yes", "ssid_name": "Stellar Wireless Gäste-WLAN", "email_from": " ", "smtp_server": "", "smtp_auth": "yes", "smtp_port": 587, "smtp_user": " ", "smtp_password": " ", "language": "de", "email_to": " ", "guest_prefix": "gast_", "guest_duration_in_days": 31 }">
    "ov_hostname": "hostname or IP address of OV e.g. omnivista.home but without https",
    "ov_username": "admin",
    "ov_password": "
    "validate_https_certificate": "no",
    "send_emails": "yes",
    "ssid_name": "Stellar Wireless Gäste-WLAN",
    "email_from": "
    "smtp_server": "",
    "smtp_auth": "yes",
    "smtp_port": 587,
    "smtp_user": "
    "smtp_password": "
    "language": "de",
    "email_to": "
            ", "guest_prefix": "gast_", "guest_duration_in_days": 31 } 

Execute the Python script on the OmniSwitch

Router-> python3 /flash/python/ 
[+] Reading settings.json file
[!] Ignoring certificate warnings or self-signed certificates!
[!] You should really fix this!
[+] Updating email_to address to: 
[*] Attempting to connect to OmniVista server @ https://omnivista.home
[*] Connection to omnivista.home successful!


Language set to English (settings.json -> "language": "en")


Language set to German (settings.json -> "language": "de")


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