Edge static generator. Also Edge means: the outside limit of an object, area, or surface.



Edge is a new static generator.

Edge is onworking. Do not clone or do any changes. No P.R will be merged

Also Edge means: the outside limit of an object, area, or surface.

This blog is using Edge static generator. This generator is not stable and this is just a concept. Main core and others are in another repository. This version is not same with the main Edge. This is just for tests. Do not edit anything.

What is exactly edge doing?

Edge is a simple static generator written in Python. Edge has no high level core or libraries. Up next, I will teach you how to use Edge for your blogs.

How to download and setup a blog?

Edge stable version will be out soon. This is the first Concept of the program.

How do I use Edge?

Edge is a command line program. There is no GUI version of it. When you install and config it, you are able to build your blog with these simple commands.

  • Create a post
$ edge --new <name> <language>

When you want to create a post, you should use --new command. After --new enter the name and the language of the post.

If your post is an English post, use --en and if it is Persian, use --fa.

$ edge --new hello --fa

Other commands for Updating and others, will be wrote in Edge documentations. Now this project is not the stable and completed version. Just a part of the programm.

How to config Edge?

There is a config directory that includes a config.py file. In this version, config file just has one value but in main version, you should add time zone, Author and other things. The main value is Outout directory. All of posts will be in output directory. So you should tell the app what is your output directory.

If you are using Github Pages, write docs in the value.

What is the software structure?

├── out
│   ├── index.html
│   ├── posts
│   │   └── index.html
│   └── static
│       ├── css
│       │   ├── dark.css
│       │   ├── light.css
│       │   └── main.css
│       ├── font
│       │   ├── iransans
│       │   │   └── iransans.ttf
│       │   └── iransans.ttf
│       └── js
│           ├── script.js
│           └── toggle.js
├── config
│   └── config.py
├── files
│   ├── en.html
│   └── fa.html
├── main.py
└── README.md

So, Simple. docs dir is the Output dir. In docs we have 2 directories, posts and static. posts include all of the posts and the main page.

In static there are styles, js files, fonts.

Back in pre directory, config is the directory that has config.py file.

In files, there are 2 files. fa.html for Persian and en.html for English posts.

So, we all know what is LICENSE and README. The main.py is the Edge file.

Remember. This version is not the main version. This is just for tests and people feedbacks

How to costumize a theme?

We will create some cources and themes in YouTube.

This project is licensed under MIT License.

Creator: Amirhossein Mohammadi. Github | BlackIQ.ir

AmirHossein Mohammadi
Full stack mobile and web developer in Narbon.
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