OpenSea Bulk Uploader And Trader 100000 NFTs (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX) Automatically and massively upload and sell your non-fungible tokens on OpenSea using Python Selenium


OpenSea Bulk Uploader And Trader 100000 NFTs (MAC WINDOWS ANDROID LINUX)

Automatically and massively upload and sell your non-fungible tokens on OpenSea using Python Selenium


Automatically and massively upload and sell your non-fungible tokens on OpenSea using Python Selenium.

A Selenium Python bot to automatically and bulky upload and sell your NFTs on OpenSea
(all metadata integrated - Ethereum and Polygon supported).

How To Use:

1-pip install -r requirements.txt

2-Set opensea wallet in Setting.json File

3-python (Run the script)

  • (Version 1.5.10 - February 26, 2022).
  • Sign up on OpenSea.
  • Sign up on MetaMask.

What does this bot do?

This script allows you to upload and sell as many NFTs as you want to OpenSea, all automatically and quickly (about 2.5 NFTs per minute). All metadata are integrated, and the Ethereum and Polygon Blockchains are supported.

You can decide whether you want to upload or sell your NFTs, or both. If you upload your NFTs and sell them later, a CSV file is created with the URL of the NFT as well as its Blockchain and supply number.


  • Version 1.5.10:
    • Minor fixes concerning the sale() method of the OpenSea class.
    • Fixed exception iteration error.
  • Version 1.5.9:
    • The close() method of the Webdriver class has been fixed. It creates an exception when listing NFTs. As a result, it does not try to list them a second time. #144, #145, #149.
    • During the download, when the webdriver starts, sometimes an error occurs and creates an exception. It was supposed to close the webdriver but it caused the bot to crash.
    • The download of webdriver requires a manual entry of the path after a number of failures.
  • Version 1.5.8:
    • Errors related to incorrectly formatted files are now supported. An error is displayed but the bot does not stop abruptly. #90.
    • False listing errors are reduced, the robot checks a second time if the NFT is correctly listed.
  • Version 1.5.7:
    • With each failed upload or sale, the bot retries a second time before saving the NFT data in an autogenerated file.
    • The duration has been fixed for GeckoDriver (Mozilla Firefox). #121.
  • Version 1.5.6:
    • The dict_to_list() method has been optimized and shortened.
    • Minor fixes.
  • Version 1.5.5:
    • Fixed the metamask_contract() method. It was not signing the contract when completing the listing for the Ethereum Blockchain.
    • Minor fixes.
  • Version 1.5.4:
    • The HTTPConnectionPool error in Selenium is fixed, it was caused by defining the driver inside a loop. Now the bot will print an error and restart to launch the bot. #112.
      ➜ For more informations: Reddit - Ralphc360's comment.
    • You can now sell your NFTs on the Ethereum Blockchain for free.
  • Version 1.5.3:
    • Fixed the Webdriver-Manager module, it was downloading the ChromeDriver or GeckoDriver at each webdriver launch. Now it uses the path of the downloaded webdriver. #112.
    • Fixed the collection input. #108.
  • Version 1.5.2:
    • Headless mode support. Download Mozilla Firefox and you can use this bot in the background without any interface. Note: Firefox may be unstable and some features may work differently or not at all. #64, #69, #106.
    • Fixed the connection to the MetaMask success indicator.
  • Version 1.5.1:
    • Fixed the problem of the worker version 1.5.0. The bot now continues to upload and does not restart the upload from the beginning. #107.
  • Version 1.5.0:
    • The reCAPTCHAs can now be bypassed. The bot restarts for each upload - it's a bit slow but it works. #98, #102.
      Thanks to Kanishka-Chandra and elwanm.
    • The bot restarts after 3 failed connections to the wallet or to OpenSea.
  • Version 1.4.9:
    • Minor fixes.
    • Developers can now add new wallets if they wish.
    • ChromeDriver is automatically downloaded - no need to do it manually (pip install -r requirements.txt required).
    • The reCAPTCHAs solver is not integrated/configured.
  • Version 1.4.8:
  • Version 1.4.7:
    • The default language of ChromeDriver is now English to ensure maximum compatibility. The date did not work in some countries because of the different formats that OpenSea offers. #67.
    • Minor fix (Colorama module).
  • Version 1.4.6:
    • The duration has been corrected. OpenSea does not allow to change the year when the next year is more than 6 months away. So it was impossible to enter the month without it being replaced by December (12 - maximum number because the year was entered instead); Note: maximum duration is 6 months. #55.
    • The connection to OpenSea has certainly been corrected. (need feedback about this - I don't have any problems on my side). #53, #58, #61.
  • Version 1.4.5:
    • Minor fix for Linux users. The clear_text(self) method inserts an "A" when it tries to clear the inputs before sending the data. #39.
  • Version 1.4.4:
    • Connection to OpenSea with MetaMask corrected. Download of the extension was requested. #53.
    • Connection to OpenSea with MetaMask improved.
  • Version 1.4.3:
    • File preview is now added. #48.
  • Version 1.4.2:
    • Listing of NFT on the Ethereum Blockchain is fully supported. Be sure to make a deposit and have more than 0.05 ETH on your wallet.
  • Version 1.4.1:
    • Small fix for XLSX files. Empty cells were interpreted as "NaN", which is not interpreted as an empty string for Python. #18, #23.
  • Version 1.4:
    • You can now decide whether you want to upload or sell your NFTs, or both. #3, #22.
    • Signing the MetaMask contract works every time. It can take 30 seconds to be signed when connecting to OpenSea. #5, #17.
    • After uploading the NFT, the bot would crash when it tried to sell it (the URL was not correct). Now it doesn't. #17.
    • MacOS and Linux support improved.
    • Calendar method improved.
  • Version 1.3:
    • Important fixes. #4, #6, #10, #11, #12, #14.
    • CSV file modified: separator changed (from ";" to ";;").
  • Version 1.2:
    • Possibility to set a price for each NFT added.
      ➜ 1+ supplies and Polygon blockchain support added.
    • Supply input issue fixed.
    • Calendar method improved.
  • Version 1.2-alpha:
    • Possibility to set a price for each NFT added.
  • Version 1.1:
    • XLSX support added.
    • PC-wide data file browse support.
    • Properties, Stats and Levels issues fixed. #1.
  • Version 1.0:
    • Inital commit.

To do list

  • Graphic User Interface.
  • Website for NFTs creation.
  • Data file browsing feature.
  • CSV structure reader and interpreter.
  • JSON structure reader and interpreter.
  • XLSX structure reader and interpreter.
  • MetaMask automatic login.
  • OpenSea automatic login with different wallets.
    • OpenSea automatic login with MetaMask.
  • Change of wallet for the same account.
  • OpenSea Testnet automatic login.
  • Collection creator for OpenSea.
  • Automatic NFT upload.
  • Automatic NFT sale.
  • Update of NFT metadata.
  • Ethereum and Polygon blockchains support.
  • 1+ supplies support.
  • "Sell as bundle" part (not planned to be added).


  • Basic installation of Python for beginners:

    * It requires [Python]( 3.7 or a newest version - _developped with Python 3.9.7_.
    * Install [pip]( to be able to have needed Python modules.
  • Configuration of the bot:

    • Set opensea wallet in Setting.json File

    • Open a command prompt in the repository folder and type one of these commands (may require sudo on MacOS and Linux):

      • pip install -r requirements.txt
      • pip3 install -r requirements.txt
      • python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
      • python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
      • py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Download and install Google Chrome and/or Mozilla Firefox.

    • Create your NFTs data file containing all details of each NFT. It can be a JSON, CSV or XLSX file. You can save it in the data/ folder.

  • Run the bot:

    • Open a command prompt

    • Type one of these commands to run the bot:

      • python
      • python3

Data files structure

If you do not want to add details to the values not required, leave:

  • a blank cell for XLSX files (Excel):

    File Path NFT Name Description
    C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.png NFT #1
  • a white space with two semicolons for CSV files:

    file_path;; nft_name;; description;;
    C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.png;; NFT #1;; ;;
  • an empty string for JSON files:

    "file_path": "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.png",
    "nft_name": "NFT #1",
    "description": "",

Required values *
(Mandatory value in certain specified cases)

  • Upload and sale

    Details Data Types Literal examples JSON examples CSV examples XLSX examples
    File Path * (The preview is only for files that are not images) String or List "file_path": "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.png",
    "file_path": ["C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.mp4", "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001-preview.png"],
    ["C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.mp4", "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001-preview.png"];;
    ["C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.mp4", "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001-preview.png"];;
    NFT Name * String "nft_name": "NFT #1", NFT #1;; NFT #1
    External Link String "external_link": "",
    "external_link": "",;;
    Description String "description": "This is my first NFT.",
    "description": "",
    This is my first NFT.;; This is my first NFT.
    Collection String "collection": "My NFTs",
    "collection": "",
    My NFTs;; My NFTs.
    Properties List[[String, String], ...]
    List[String, String]
    ["type", "name"]
    [["type", "name"], ["type", "name"]]
    "properties": [{ "type": "Dog", "name": "Male" }, { "type": "Cat", "name": "Female" }],
    "properties": [{ "type": "Dog", "name": "Male" }],
    "properties": "",
    [["Dog", "Male"], ["Cat", "Female"]];;
    [["Dog", "Male"]];;
    ["Dog", "Male"];;
    [["Dog", "Male"], ["Cat", "Female"]]
    [["Dog", "Male"]]
    ["Dog", "Male"]
    Levels List[[String, Integer, Integer], ...]
    List[String, Integer, Integer]
    ["name", value_from, value_to]
    [["name", value_from, value_to], ["name", value_from, value_to]]
    "levels": [{ "name": "Speed", "from": 2, "to": 5 }, { "name": "Width", "from": 1, "to": 10 }],
    "levels": [{ "name": "Speed", "from": 2, "to": 5 }],
    "levels": "",
    [["Speed", 2, 5], ["Width", 1, 10]];;
    [["Speed", 2, 5]];;
    ["Speed", 2, 5];;
    [["Speed", 2, 5], ["Width", 1, 10]]
    [["Speed", 2, 5]]
    ["Speed", 2, 5]
    Stats List[[String, Integer, Integer], ...]
    List[String, Integer, Integer]
    ["name", value_from, value_to]
    [["name", value_from, value_to], ["name", value_from, value_to]]
    "stats": [{ "name": "Strenght", "from": 10, "to": 100 }, { "name": "Age", "from": 1, "to": 99 }],
    "stats": [{ "name": "Strenght", "from": 10, "to": 100 }],
    "stats": "",
    [["Strenght", 10, 100], ["Age", 1, 99]];;
    [["Strenght", 10, 100]];;
    ["Strenght", 10, 100];;
    [["Strenght", 10, 100], ["Age", 1, 99]]
    [["Strenght", 10, 100]]
    ["Strenght", 10, 100]
    Unlockable Content List[Boolean, String]
    [True, "unlockable_content"]
    "unlockable_content": [true, "Thank you for purchasing my NFT!"],
    "unlockable_content": [false],
    "unlockable_content": false,
    "unlockable_content": "",
    [True, "Thank you for purchasing my NFT!"];;
    [True, "Thank you for purchasing my NFT!"]
    Explicit And Sensitive Content Boolean "explicit_and_sensitive_content": true,
    "explicit_and_sensitive_content": false,
    "explicit_and_sensitive_content": "",
    Supply Integer "supply": 1,
    "supply" : "",
    1;; 1
    Blockchain String "blockchain": "Polygon",
    "blockchain" : "",
    Polygon;; Polygon
    Sale Type (only for Ethereum Blockchain and 1 supply) String "sale_type": "Timed Auction",
    "sale_type": "",
    Timed Auction;; Timed Auction
    Price * Float or Integer "price": 5,
    "price": 0.25,
    Method (only for "Timed Auction") List[String, Float] ["method", price]
    ["method, ""]
    "method": ["Sell with declining price", 0.002],
    "method": ["Sell to highest bidder", 0.05],
    "method": ["Sell to highest bidder", ""],
    "method": "",
    ["Sell with declining price", 0.002];;
    ["Sell to highest bidder", 0.05];;
    ["Sell to highest bidder", ""];;
    ["Sell with declining price", 0.002]
    ["Sell to highest bidder", 0.05]
    ["Sell to highest bidder", ""]
    Duration ("DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM") List[String, String]
    ["from_date", "to_date"]
    "duration": ["01-01-2022 14:00", "01-04-2022 15:00"],
    "duration": ["1 week"],
    "duration": "1 week",
    "duration": "",
    ["01-01-2022 14:00", "01-04-2022 15:00"];;
    ["1 week"];;
    1 week;;
    ["01-01-2022 14:00", "01-04-2022 15:00"]
    ["1 week"]
    1 week
    Specific Buyer List[Boolean, String]
    [True, "wallet"]
    "specific_buyer": [true, "0xDD135d5be0a23f6daAAE7D2d0580828c9e09402E"],
    "specific_buyer": [false],
    "specific_buyer": false,
    "specific_buyer": "",
    [True, "0xDD135d5be0a23f6daAAE7D2d0580828c9e09402E"];;
    [True, "0xDD135d5be0a23f6daAAE7D2d0580828c9e09402E"]
    Quantity * (only for 1+ supplies) Integer "quantity": 4
    "quantity": ""
    4 4
  • Upload only

    Details Data Types Literal examples JSON examples CSV examples XLSX examples
    File Path * (The preview is only for files that are not images) String or List "file_path": "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.png",
    "file_path": ["C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.mp4", "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001-preview.png"],
    ["C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.mp4", "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001-preview.png"];;
    ["C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001.mp4", "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/NFT/nft_0001-preview.png"];;
    NFT Name * String "nft_name": "NFT #1", NFT #1;; NFT #1
    External Link String "external_link": "",
    "external_link": "",;;
    Description String "description": "This is my first NFT.",
    "description": "",
    This is my first NFT.;; This is my first NFT.
    Collection String "collection": "My NFTs",
    "collection": "",
    My NFTs;; My NFTs.
    Properties List[[String, String], ...]
    List[String, String]
    ["type", "name"]
    [["type", "name"], ["type", "name"]]
    "properties": [{ "type": "Dog", "name": "Male" }, { "type": "Cat", "name": "Female" }],
    "properties": [{ "type": "Dog", "name": "Male" }],
    "properties": "",
    [["Dog", "Male"], ["Cat", "Female"]];;
    [["Dog", "Male"]];;
    ["Dog", "Male"];;
    [["Dog", "Male"], ["Cat", "Female"]]
    [["Dog", "Male"]]
    ["Dog", "Male"]
    Levels List[[String, Integer, Integer], ...]
    List[String, Integer, Integer]
    ["name", value_from, value_to]
    [["name", value_from, value_to], ["name", value_from, value_to]]
    "levels": [{ "name": "Speed", "from": 2, "to": 5 }, { "name": "Width", "from": 1, "to": 10 }],
    "levels": [{ "name": "Speed", "from": 2, "to": 5 }],
    "levels": "",
    [["Speed", 2, 5], ["Width", 1, 10]];;
    [["Speed", 2, 5]];;
    ["Speed", 2, 5];;
    [["Speed", 2, 5], ["Width", 1, 10]]
    [["Speed", 2, 5]]
    ["Speed", 2, 5]
    Stats List[[String, Integer, Integer], ...]
    List[String, Integer, Integer]
    ["name", value_from, value_to]
    [["name", value_from, value_to], ["name", value_from, value_to]]
    "stats": [{ "name": "Strenght", "from": 10, "to": 100 }, { "name": "Age", "from": 1, "to": 99 }],
    "stats": [{ "name": "Strenght", "from": 10, "to": 100 }],
    "stats": "",
    [["Strenght", 10, 100], ["Age", 1, 99]];;
    [["Strenght", 10, 100]];;
    ["Strenght", 10, 100];;
    [["Strenght", 10, 100], ["Age", 1, 99]]
    [["Strenght", 10, 100]]
    ["Strenght", 10, 100]
    Unlockable Content List[Boolean, String]
    [True, "unlockable_content"]
    "unlockable_content": [true, "Thank you for purchasing my NFT!"],
    "unlockable_content": [false],
    "unlockable_content": false,
    "unlockable_content": "",
    [True, "Thank you for purchasing my NFT!"];;
    [True, "Thank you for purchasing my NFT!"]
    Explicit And Sensitive Content Boolean "explicit_and_sensitive_content": true,
    "explicit_and_sensitive_content": false,
    "explicit_and_sensitive_content": "",
    Supply * Integer "supply": 1, 1;; 1
    Blockchain * String "blockchain": "Polygon" Polygon Polygon
  • Sale only

    If you have already uploaded your NFTs with this bot, a file has been generatcontaining the URL, the Blockchain and the supply number of each NFT. You have to complete it with sale values.

    Details Data Types Literal examples JSON examples CSV examples XLSX examples
    NFT URL * String "nft_url": "",;;
    Supply * Integer "supply": 1, 1;; 1
    Blockchain * String "blockchain": "Polygon", Polygon;; Polygon
    Sale Type (only for Ethereum Blockchain and 1 supply) String "sale_type": "Timed Auction",
    "sale_type": "",
    Timed Auction;; Timed Auction
    Price * Float or Integer "price": 5,
    "price: 0.25,
    Method (only for "Timed Auction") List[String, Float] ["method", price]
    ["method, ""]
    "method": ["Sell with declining price", 0.002],
    "method": ["Sell to highest bidder", 0.05],
    "method": ["Sell to highest bidder", ""],
    "method": "",
    ["Sell with declining price", 0.002];;
    ["Sell to highest bidder", 0.05];;
    ["Sell to highest bidder", ""];;
    ["Sell with declining price", 0.002]
    ["Sell to highest bidder", 0.05]
    ["Sell to highest bidder", ""]
    Duration ("DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM") List[String, String]
    ["from_date", "to_date"]
    "duration": ["01-01-2022 14:00", "01-04-2022 15:00"],
    "duration": ["1 week"],
    "duration": "1 week",
    "duration": "",
    ["01-01-2022 14:00", "01-04-2022 15:00"];;
    ["1 week"];;
    1 week;;
    ["01-01-2022 14:00", "01-04-2022 15:00"]
    ["1 week"]
    1 week
    Specific Buyer List[Boolean, String]
    [True, "wallet"]
    "specific_buyer": [true, "0xDD135d5be0a23f6daAAE7D2d0580828c9e09402E"]
    "specific_buyer": [false]
    "specific_buyer": false,
    specific_buyer": "",
    [True, "0xDD135d5be0a23f6daAAE7D2d0580828c9e09402E"];;
    [True, "0xDD135d5be0a23f6daAAE7D2d0580828c9e09402E"]
    Quantity * (only for 1+ supplies) Integer "quantity": 4
    "quantity": ""
    4 4

Configuration of the sale part of the NFTs

When you want to sell your NFTs, Opensea requires various details according to their Blockchain or supply number.
Note: The maximum duration of sale should be at most 6 months. It must be entered in the form of start date - end date.

Ethereum Polygon
Supply number equal to 1 Supply number higher than 1 Supply number equal to 1 Supply number higher than 1
Fixed Price Timed Auction
Sell to highest bidder Sell with declining price
Price (ETH) Duration (from a date to an other date or 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month) Reserve for a specific buyer Price (ETH) Duration (from a date to an other date or 1 day, 3 days, 1 week) (Optional) Reserved Price (WETH) greater than 1 WETH and greater than the Starting Price. Reserve for a specific buyer Starting Price (ETH) Duration (from a date to an other date or 1 day, 3 days, 1 week) Ending Price (ETH) less than the Starting Price. Reserve for a specific buyer Quantity Price (ETH) Duration (from a date to an other date or 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month) Reserve for a specific buyer Price (ETH) Duration (from a date to an other date or 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month) Reserve for a specific buyer Quantity Price (ETH) Duration (from a date to an other date or 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 1 month) Reserve for a specific buyer

Known issues and important things to know

  • Make sure to deposit Ethereum (ETH/WETH) or Polygon (MATIC) on your wallet before proceeding to the sale. Otherwise the bot will cancel the sale. Opensea needs an Ethereum wallet with more than 0.05 ETH or a Polygon wallet with a deposit of any amount. For Ethereum, you have to make a first listing manually before using this bot.

  • The file path should not contain a unique "\". It can be a "/" or a "\\", as you can see for the JSON file (it applies to all file formats):

    // You can use this format for your path:
    "file_path": "C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/MyNFTs/nft_0001.png",
    // or this one:
    "file_path": "C:\\Users\\Admin\\Desktop\\MyNFTs\\nft_0001.png",
    // but not this one (you can see that "\" is highlighted in red):
    "file_path": "C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\MyNFTs\nft_0001.png",
  • The bot may crash at the beginning when loading the MetaMask extension (a Selenium module issue), An error like the one below should appear:

    Message: unknown error: failed to wait for extension background page to load:
    chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefpgknn/background.html from timeout:
    Timed out receiving message from renderer: 10.000
  • When lauching the webdriver, Selenium can raise an exception:

    driver = webdriver.Chrome(service=Service( # DeprecationWarning using
    TypeError: WebDriver.init() got an unexpected keyword argument 'service'

    You must update your Selenium version to 4.1.0 or higher by typing in the command prompt:

    pip install selenium --upgrade

    You can now verify that a more recent version of Selenium is installed by typing:

    pip show selenium
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ClearML - Auto-Magical Suite of tools to streamline your ML workflow Experiment Manager, MLOps and Data-Management ClearML Formerly known as Allegro T

ClearML 3.9k Jan 01, 2023
This library is for simplified work with the API

SMSMAN Public API Python This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to Sms-Man public API Installation pip install smsman Documentation h

13 Nov 19, 2022
The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) is specifically designed to perform advanced attacks against the human element.

The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) is specifically designed to perform advanced attacks against the human element. SE

Professor 6 Nov 28, 2022
Twitter Analysis of MIUUL CEO

Twitter Analysis of MIUUL CEO Business Problem I got last @mvahitkeskin 184 twee

Çağrı Karadeniz 6 Mar 12, 2022