Framework for creating efficient data processing pipelines

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Framework for creating efficient data processing pipelines.


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Key Features

  • Increase RPS (Requests Per Second) for your service
  • All optimisations in one library
  • Uses shared memory for transfer big data between processes

Get started

Simple example how to start with aqueduct using aiohttp. For better examples see examples

web.Application: app = web.Application() app['flow'] = Flow( FlowStep(SumHandler()), ) app.router.add_post('/sum', SumView) app['flow'].start() return app if __name__ == '__main__': web.run_app(prepare_app()) ">
from aiohttp import web
from aqueduct import Flow, FlowStep, BaseTaskHandler, BaseTask

class MyModel:
    """This is CPU bound model example."""
    def process(self, number):
        return sum(i * i for i in range(number))

class Task(BaseTask):
    """Container to send arguments to model."""
    def __init__(self, number):
        self.number = number
        self.sum = None  # result will be here
class SumHandler(BaseTaskHandler):
    """With aqueduct we need to wrap you're model."""
    def __init__(self):
        self._model = None

    def on_start(self):
        """Runs in child process, so memory no memory consumption in parent process."""
        self._model = MyModel()

    def handle(self, *tasks: Task):
        """List of tasks because it can be batching."""
        for task in tasks:
            task.sum = self._model.process(task.number)

class SumView(web.View):
    """Simple aiohttp-view handler"""

    async def post(self):
        number = await
        task = Task(int(number))
        return web.json_response(data={'result': task.sum})

def prepare_app() -> web.Application:
    app = web.Application()

    app['flow'] = Flow(
    app.router.add_post('/sum', SumView)

    return app

if __name__ == '__main__':


Aqueduct supports the ability to process tasks with batches. Default batch size is one.

np.array: """Always says that there is a cat in the image. The image is represented by a one-dimensional array. The model spends less time for processing batch of images due to GPU optimizations. It's emulated with BATCH_REDUCTION_FACTOR coefficient. """ batch_size = images.shape[0] if batch_size == 1: time.sleep(self.IMAGE_PROCESS_TIME) else: time.sleep(self.IMAGE_PROCESS_TIME * batch_size * self.BATCH_REDUCTION_FACTOR) return np.ones(batch_size, dtype=bool) class CatDetectorHandler(BaseTaskHandler): def handle(self, *tasks: ArrayFieldTask): images = np.array([task.array for task in tasks]) predicts = CatDetector().predict(images) for task, predict in zip(tasks, predicts): task.result = predict def get_tasks_batch(batch_size: int = TASKS_BATCH_SIZE) -> List[BaseTask]: return [ArrayFieldTask(np.array([1, 2, 3])) for _ in range(batch_size)] async def process_tasks(flow: Flow, tasks: List[ArrayFieldTask]): await asyncio.gather(*(flow.process(task) for task in tasks)) tasks_batch = get_tasks_batch() flow_with_batch_handler = Flow(FlowStep(CatDetectorHandler(), batch_size=TASKS_BATCH_SIZE)) flow_with_batch_handler.start() # checks if no one result assert not any(task.result for task in tasks_batch) # task handling takes 0.16 secs that is less than sequential task processing with 0.22 secs await asyncio.wait_for( process_tasks(flow_with_batch_handler, tasks_batch), timeout=CatDetector.BATCH_PROCESS_TIME, ) # checks if all results were set assert all(task.result for task in tasks_batch) await flow_with_batch_handler.stop() # if we have batch size more than tasks number, we can limit batch accumulation time # with timeout parameter for processing time optimization tasks_batch = get_tasks_batch() flow_with_batch_handler = Flow( FlowStep(CatDetectorHandler(), batch_size=2*TASKS_BATCH_SIZE, batch_timeout=0.01) ) flow_with_batch_handler.start() await asyncio.wait_for( process_tasks(flow_with_batch_handler, tasks_batch), timeout=CatDetector.BATCH_PROCESS_TIME + 0.01, ) await flow_with_batch_handler.stop() ">
import asyncio
import time
from typing import List

import numpy as np

from aqueduct.flow import Flow, FlowStep
from aqueduct.handler import BaseTaskHandler
from aqueduct.task import BaseTask

# this constant needs just for example

class ArrayFieldTask(BaseTask):
    def __init__(self, array: np.array, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.array = array
        self.result = None

class CatDetector:
    """GPU model emulator that predicts the presence of the cat in the image."""
    OVERHEAD_TIME = 0.02

    def predict(self, images: np.array) -> np.array:
        """Always says that there is a cat in the image.

        The image is represented by a one-dimensional array.
        The model spends less time for processing batch of images due to GPU optimizations. It's emulated
        with BATCH_REDUCTION_FACTOR coefficient.
        batch_size = images.shape[0]
        if batch_size == 1:
            time.sleep(self.IMAGE_PROCESS_TIME * batch_size * self.BATCH_REDUCTION_FACTOR)
        return np.ones(batch_size, dtype=bool)

class CatDetectorHandler(BaseTaskHandler):
    def handle(self, *tasks: ArrayFieldTask):
        images = np.array([task.array for task in tasks])
        predicts = CatDetector().predict(images)
        for task, predict in zip(tasks, predicts):
            task.result = predict

def get_tasks_batch(batch_size: int = TASKS_BATCH_SIZE) -> List[BaseTask]:
    return [ArrayFieldTask(np.array([1, 2, 3])) for _ in range(batch_size)]

async def process_tasks(flow: Flow, tasks: List[ArrayFieldTask]):
    await asyncio.gather(*(flow.process(task) for task in tasks))

tasks_batch = get_tasks_batch()
flow_with_batch_handler = Flow(FlowStep(CatDetectorHandler(), batch_size=TASKS_BATCH_SIZE))

# checks if no one result
assert not any(task.result for task in tasks_batch)
# task handling takes 0.16 secs that is less than sequential task processing with 0.22 secs
await asyncio.wait_for(
    process_tasks(flow_with_batch_handler, tasks_batch), 
# checks if all results were set
assert all(task.result for task in tasks_batch)

await flow_with_batch_handler.stop()

# if we have batch size more than tasks number, we can limit batch accumulation time 
# with timeout parameter for processing time optimization
tasks_batch = get_tasks_batch()
flow_with_batch_handler = Flow(
    FlowStep(CatDetectorHandler(), batch_size=2*TASKS_BATCH_SIZE, batch_timeout=0.01)

await asyncio.wait_for(
    process_tasks(flow_with_batch_handler, tasks_batch), 
    timeout=CatDetector.BATCH_PROCESS_TIME + 0.01,

await flow_with_batch_handler.stop()


The implementation allows you to receive logger events from the workers and the main process. To integrate with Sentry, you need to write something like this:

import logging
import os

from raven import Client
from raven.handlers.logging import SentryHandler
from raven.transport.http import HTTPTransport

from aqueduct.logger import log

if os.getenv('SENTRY_ENABLED') is True:
    dsn = os.getenv('SENTRY_DSN')
    sentry_handler = SentryHandler(client=Client(dsn=dsn, transport=HTTPTransport), level=logging.ERROR)
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