ecowater-softner is a Python library for collecting information from Ecowater water softeners.


Ecowater Softner

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ecowater-softner is a Python library for collecting information from Ecowater water softeners.


Use the package manager pip to install ecowater.

pip install ecowater-softener


from ecowater_softener import Ecowater

ecowaterDevice = Ecowater('username', 'password', 'serialnumber')

# returns 'days until the device is out of salt' as an integer

# returns 'date when device will run out of salt' as datetime object

# returns 'the salt level' as an integer

# returns 'the salt level in percent' as an integer

# returns 'the amount of water used today' as an integer

# returns 'the average amount of water used daily' as an integer

# returns 'the amount of water available' as an integer

# returns 'the amount of water flow' as an integer

# returns 'the units for the water measurements' as a string

# returns 'true or false depending on whether recharge is enabled'

# returns 'true or false depending on whether there is a recharge scheduled'

# returns 'true or false depending on whether the device is online'


Thanks to Kyle Johnson for his work on using python to interface with Ecowater water softeners. Most of this libraries code is built upon code which he wrote. You can read his article regarding scraping data from Ecowater water softeners at


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.



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  • Reuse Established Connection

    Reuse Established Connection

    Currently each function to query status (e.g. saltLevel, saltLevelPercent, waterUnits) makes a call to _get() and subsequently establishes a new server connection/login. This not only makes querying multiple server status values time consuming, the vendor may identify this resource strain and take decisive action.

    Is it possible to re-use an already established server connection to query every X number of seconds for updated status values, or is the connection forcibly closed after every server query?

    Alternatively, a more conservative server resources approach might be to create class variables for each status value of interest, updating ALL of the class variables via a single call to _get() once they are determined stale. The server call to "/Dashboard/UpdateFrequentData" already returns all possible status values. Use this single call to update the class variables.

    Perhaps 'staleness' could be given by a user defined value? Function calls for each status value of interest (e.g. saltLevel, saltLevelPercent) would simply return the current value of the class variable (if not stale, else obtain new values from server).

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