Vaulty - Encrypt/Decrypt with ChaCha20-Poly1305


PyPI Size License


Encrypt/Decrypt with ChaCha20-Poly1305

Vaulty is an extremely lightweight encryption/decryption tool which uses ChaCha20-Poly1305 to provide 256-bit authenticated encryption (AEAD) using Scrypt as the password based key derivation function. It can be used to encrypt/decrypt files, or stdin if you don't specify any files - it is written in Python and requires Python 3.

If encrypting stdin then the output will be Base64 encoded whereas if encrypting a file then it won't and it will have a .vlt extension added to indicate it has been encrypted.

It relies on the cryptography Python module to provide the routines for ChaCha20-Poly1305 and Scrypt.


python3 -m pip install --upgrade --user pyvaulty

Vaulty Usage

vaulty encrypt|decrypt [file1[ file2[ ...]]]

Example Usage

echo "Hello World" | vaulty encrypt

echo "$VAULTY;..." | vaulty decrypt
Hello World
import getpass, vaulty

v = vaulty.Vaulty()

password = getpass.getpass('Vaulty Password: ').encode('utf-8')
ciphertext = v.encrypt('Hello World'.encode('utf-8'), password)

plaintext = v.decrypt(ciphertext, password).decode('utf-8')
if plaintext is None:
  print('error: invalid password or data not encrypted', file=sys.stderr)
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