CRC Reverse Engineering Tool in Python


CRC Beagle

CRC Beagle is a tool for reverse engineering CRCs. It is designed for commnication protocols where you often have several messages of the same length. This allows CRC Beagle to use the CRC Differential Technique described by Gregory Ewing described in Reverse-Engineering a CRC Algorithm

The advantage of this technique is it allows recovery of an "effective equivalent" CRC even in cases where the algorithm uses non-standard parameters for XOR-in or XOR-out (a common obfuscation technique).

The CRC RevEng tool by Greg Cook is a more mature tool, I haven't implemented as much. I started CRC Beagle to (a) use Python which I find much easier to modify, and (b) when CRC RevEng failed to recover a CRC for a device I was looking at, and it was difficult to understand why.

CRC Beagle has some other handy features, such as giving you the code you need to create valid CRCs with a copy-paste. It also checks inputs when running on 8-bit CRCs to see if it's just a simple checksum and not a real CRC.

Hopefully you find CRC Beagle useful, but this is hardly a novel creation, so the credit goes to those who built up the foundation.

Using CRC Beagle

The basic usage is shown in the file

from crcbeagle import crcbeagle

crcb = crcbeagle.CRCBeagle()[[165,  16,  2,  7,  85,  163,  209,  114,  21,  131,  143,  144,  52,  187,  183,  142,  180,  39,  169,  76],
        [165,  16,  2,  7,  140,  39,  242,  202,  181,  209,  220,  248,  156,  112,  66,  128,  236,  187,  35,  176],
        [165,  16,  2,  7,  113,  105,  30,  118,  164,  96,  43,  198,  84,  170,  123,  76,  107,  225,  133,  194]],
       [[253,  14],
        [90,  38],
        [248,  236]]

This generates an output like this:

Input parameters:
    16-bit CRC size
    3 total messages, with:
       3 messages with 20 byte payload
NOTE: Output parameters will be specific to this message size only. Pass different length messages if possible.

Working on messages of 20 length:
  Found single likely solution for differences of len=20, yah!
  Found single XOR-out value for len = 20: 0xCACA
********** example usage *************
import struct
from crccheck.crc import Crc16Base
crc = Crc16Base
def my_crc(message):
  crc._poly = 0x1021
  crc._reflect_input = False
  crc._reflect_output = False
  crc._initvalue = 0x0
  crc._xor_output = 0xCACA
  output_int = crc.calc(message)
  output_bytes = struct.pack("<H", output_int)
  output_list = list(output_bytes)
  return (output_int, output_bytes, output_list)

m = [165, 16, 2, 7, 85, 163, 209, 114, 21, 131, 143, 144, 52, 187, 183, 142, 180, 39, 169, 76]
output = my_crc(m)
If you have multiple message lengths this solution may be valid for this only.

Important Limitations

The CRC differential technique packs all of the "constant bytes" into the XOR-out parameters.

Constants that occur at the start of the CRC are transformed by the CRC operation. This transformation depends on the number of cyclic shifts - that means the constant changes for different lengths of messages, since the number of cyclic shifts changes every time you 'add' a byte to the CRC.

If you can find the 'actual' XOR-in settings, or how many bytes the operation takes, you will have a more generic function.

However in practice I find that many communication protocols only transmit certain length messages. Thus having different XOR-out values for each message length isn't a major problem for the purpose of interoperating with the original system.

This tool doesn't try to be too clever and just spits out settings for each message length you gave it.

How it Works

While you can just brute-force CRC parameters with a given message, this has some complexities in practice. You may not know what exactly is covered by the CRC - for example most protocols have some 'start of frame' characters. They may also add padding to the message before being passed to the CRC algorhtm.

As described by Gregory Ewing described in Reverse-Engineering a CRC Algorithm, you can take advantage of the fact CRC can be broken down into several components. A typical CRC operation of message m1 could be considered as:

CRC(m1) = CRC(fixedin) ^ CRC(m1') ^ fixedout

Where m1' is a variable portion of m1. Some of the fixedin comes from the CRC algorithm, some of it could come from the CRC of fixed parameters.

This means if you take the XOR of the CRC portion of two messages:

CRC(m1) ^ CRC(m2) = [CRC(fixedin) ^ CRC(m1') ^ fixedout] ^ [CRC(fixedin) ^ CRC(m2') ^ fixedout]

You cancel the common terms, and are left with:

CRC(m1) ^ CRC(m2) = CRC(m1') ^ CRC(m2')

The advantage of this is that we have removed the fixed portion. This is much easier to brute-force since we now only have to worry about what the polynomial of CRC() was (and a few other issues such as bit/byte ordering).

We can take two messages which we have a known CRC for, xor the messages together, and then we can try to simply find the CRC polynomial (ignoring the input & output settings). Any constant terms we can ignore, whether they come from the CRC parameter or the CRC usage (such as including a constant header byte).

With the polynomial known, all the fixed input data CRC(fixedin) becomes a constant we can roll into a single variable. Note that this constant changes with different message lengths, but you can still achieve interoperability in most cases.

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