A wordlist generator tool, that allows you to supply a set of words, giving you the possibility to craft multiple variations from the given words, creating a unique and ideal wordlist to use regarding a specific target.



 __          _______  _____ _______ ______ _____  
 \ \        / /_   _|/ ____|__   __|  ____|  __ \ 
  \ \  /\  / /  | | | (___    | |  | |__  | |__) |
   \ \/  \/ /   | |  \___ \   | |  |  __| |  _  / 
    \  /\  /   _| |_ ____) |  | |  | |____| | \ \ 
     \/  \/   |_____|_____/   |_|  |______|_|  \_\



A unique wordlist generator with several types of combinations to choose from, or to mix them all. Capable of receiving words from various sources and outputing them to different encoding types.


usage: wister.py [-h] [-c [1-5] [[1-5] ...]] [-d [2-5]] [-e FORMAT] [-i FILE] [-l] [-m [0-49]] [-M [1,50]] [-o FILE] [-N] [-v] [-V] [-w WORDS [WORDS ...]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c [1-5] [[1-5] ...], --combination [1-5] [[1-5] ...]
                        Select which types of combinations to use.
  -d [2-5], --depth [2-5]
                        Select the depth of word mixing when using combination mode 1. Default: 3
  -e FORMAT, --encode FORMAT
                        Encode/Hash the generated wordlist with a given algorithm
  -i FILE, --input FILE
                        Select the input file containing the words.
  -l, --list            List the types of combination.
  -m [0-49], --min [0-49]
                        Select minimum characters for output. Default: 0
  -M [1,50], --max [1,50]
                        Select maximum characters for output. Default: 20
  -o FILE, --output FILE
                        Specify the output file. Default: output.lst
  -N, --noprogress      Disables progress bar (increses performance)
  -v, --version         Returns the version of the program.
  -V, --verbose         Verbose the output.
  -w WORDS [WORDS ...], --words WORDS [WORDS ...]
                        Words to generate the output with.


The process to install Wister is as simple as cloning the repository to your local machine:

$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip git
$ git clone -q https://github.com/cycurity/wister.git
$ cd wister


    To run the program, you need to pass at least a set of words, using an input file (-i or --input), or passing the words manually using the -w or --words tag. If no more options are passed, the program will just write the specified words to the default output file output.lst.

    There are 5 types of combinations that can be used (with -c or --combination) simultaneously : 1. Word Mix; 2. Case Alternate; 3. Homograph; 4. Reverser; 5. Saltify. To get more information about each type of combination, you should use the list argument (-l or --list). When using the first combination (Word Mix), you can also select the depth (-d / --depth) which will define the number of words being mixed together. By default, this value is set to 3.

    Addicionally, you can define the maximum generated word length (-M or --max) or the minimum number of characters required (-m or --min). By default, the minimum value is set to 0 and the max to 20.

    To specify the desired output file, you must use -o or --output, followed by the filename.

    The verbose option (-V / --verbose) will allow you to follow the generation of the wordlist, by printing the several steps of the program. When this option is enabled, the progress bar is disabled.

    Optionally, the generated wordlist can be encoded or hashed, using -e or --encode, with specific types of algorithms: MD5; Base64; Hexadecimal; URL Encode; SHA1; SHA2-256; SHA2-512; SHA3-256; SHA3-512.

    By default, the progress bar is enabled when verbose mode is not. You can also choose to disable it by using the -N or --noprogress flag. Disabling this feature will increase performance and decrease the overall execution time of the program.

    To print the current program version, use -v or --version.

    To get the usage and help page, use the -h flag or --help.


Development team:


Copyright (C) 2022, Cycurity

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

The software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Check out the GNU General Public License: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/

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