A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extremely easy.



Documentation Secondary Documentation

A modern python module including many useful features that make discord bot programming extremely easy.
The documentation is not done. if you have any questions, feel free to ask them in our discord server.


  • Very easy to use and user-friendly.
  • Object Oriented.
  • Modern Leveling Manager.
  • Modern Music/Audio playing manager. [Lavalink and FFmpeg support]
  • Modern Async Database Manager (SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB).
  • Modern Paginator.
  • Modern Reaction Manager.
  • Modern Economy Manager.
  • Modern Image Manager (PIL).
  • Modern Invite Tracker.
  • Modern Command Hinter.
  • Modern FiveM Server Parser.
  • Modern Birthday Manager.
  • Modern Prefix Manager.
  • Includes easy to use convertors.
  • Modern spotify client that is optimized for player fetching.
  • Modern Punishment Manager (Kick, Ban, Infractions, Mutes)
  • Modern Template Manager.
  • Modern CogManager that supports usage of managers in discord cogs.
  • Modern MessageFilter and AntiSpam.
  • Customizable ModMail Manager
  • Modern Youtube client that is optimized for player fetching.
  • And many more! (MORE COMING SOON!)


Installing discordSuperUtils is very easy.

python -m pip install discordSuperUtils


Leveling Example (With Role Manager)

import discord
from discord.ext import commands

import discordSuperUtils

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="-", intents=discord.Intents.all())
LevelingManager = discordSuperUtils.LevelingManager(bot, award_role=True)
ImageManager = (
)  # LevelingManager uses ImageManager to create the rank command.

async def on_ready():
    database = discordSuperUtils.DatabaseManager.connect(...)
    await LevelingManager.connect_to_database(database, ["xp", "roles", "role_list"])

    print("Leveling manager is ready.", bot.user)

async def on_level_up(message, member_data, roles):
    await message.reply(
        f"You are now level {await member_data.level()}"
        + (f", you have received the {roles[0]}" f" role." if roles else "")

async def rank(ctx):
    member_data = await LevelingManager.get_account(ctx.author)

    if not member_data:
        await ctx.send(f"I am still creating your account! please wait a few seconds.")

    guild_leaderboard = await LevelingManager.get_leaderboard(ctx.guild)
    member = [x for x in guild_leaderboard if x.member == ctx.author.id]

    image = await ImageManager.create_leveling_profile(
        (127, 255, 0),
        guild_leaderboard.index(member[0]) + 1 if member else -1,
    await ctx.send(file=image)

async def set_roles(ctx, interval: int, *roles: discord.Role):
    await LevelingManager.set_interval(ctx.guild, interval)
    await LevelingManager.set_roles(ctx.guild, roles)

    await ctx.send(
        f"Successfully set the interval to {interval} and role list to {', '.join(role.name for role in roles)}"

async def leaderboard(ctx):
    guild_leaderboard = await LevelingManager.get_leaderboard(ctx.guild)
    formatted_leaderboard = [
        f"Member: {x.member}, XP: {await x.xp()}" for x in guild_leaderboard

    await discordSuperUtils.PageManager(
            title="Leveling Leaderboard",
            description=f"Leaderboard of {ctx.guild}",


Leveling Manager Example

Playing Example

from math import floor

from discord.ext import commands

import discordSuperUtils
from discordSuperUtils import MusicManager
import discord

client_id = ""
client_secret = ""

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="-", intents=discord.Intents.all())
# MusicManager = MusicManager(bot, spotify_support=False)

MusicManager = MusicManager(
    bot, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, spotify_support=True

# if using spotify support use this instead ^^^

async def on_music_error(ctx, error):
    raise error  # add your error handling here! Errors are listed in the documentation.

async def on_queue_end(ctx):
    print(f"The queue has ended in {ctx}")
    # You could wait and check activity, etc...

async def on_inactivity_disconnect(ctx):
    print(f"I have left {ctx} due to inactivity..")

async def on_play(ctx, player):
    await ctx.send(f"Playing {player}")

async def on_ready():
    # database = discordSuperUtils.DatabaseManager.connect(...)
    # await MusicManager.connect_to_database(database, ["playlists"])

    print("Music manager is ready.", bot.user)

async def leave(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.leave(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Left Voice Channel")

async def np(ctx):
    if player := await MusicManager.now_playing(ctx):
        duration_played = await MusicManager.get_player_played_duration(ctx, player)
        # You can format it, of course.

        await ctx.send(
            f"Currently playing: {player}, \n"
            f"Duration: {duration_played}/{player.duration}"

async def join(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.join(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Joined Voice Channel")

async def playlists(ctx, user: discord.User):
    user_playlists = await MusicManager.get_user_playlists(user)

    formatted_playlists = [
        f"ID: '{user_playlist.id}'\nTitle: '{user_playlist.playlist.title}'\nTotal Songs: {len(user_playlist.playlist.songs)}"
        for user_playlist in user_playlists

    embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
        f"Playlists of {user}",
        f"Shows {user.mention}'s playlists.",

    page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(ctx, embeds, public=True)
    await page_manager.run()

async def add(ctx, url: str):
    added_playlist = await MusicManager.add_playlist(ctx.author, url)

    if not added_playlist:
        await ctx.send("Playlist URL not found!")

    await ctx.send(f"Playlist added with ID {added_playlist.id}")

async def play(ctx, playlist_id: str):
    # This command is just an example, and not something you should do.
    # The saved playlist system is supposed to provide fast, easy and simple playing, and the user should not look for
    # the right playlist id before playing, as that defeats the whole point.
    # Instead of playing using a playlist id, I recommend playing using indexes.
    # Please, if you are playing using indexes, find the playlist id you need by getting all the user's playlists
    # and then finding the id from there.
    # Find the user's playlists using MusicManager.get_user_playlists(ctx.author, partial=True).
    # Make sure partial is True to speed up the fetching progress (incase you want to access the playlist data,
    # you can set it to False, of course).
    # Using these playlists, find the id the user wants, and play it (or whatever else you want to do with it).
    # Be creative!

    user_playlist = await MusicManager.get_playlist(ctx.author, playlist_id)

    if not user_playlist:
        await ctx.send("That playlist does not exist!")

    if not ctx.voice_client or not ctx.voice_client.is_connected():
        await MusicManager.join(ctx)

    async with ctx.typing():
        players = await MusicManager.create_playlist_players(
            user_playlist.playlist, ctx.author

    if players:
        if await MusicManager.queue_add(
            players=players, ctx=ctx
        ) and not await MusicManager.play(ctx):
            await ctx.send(f"Added playlist {user_playlist.playlist.title}")

        await ctx.send("Query not found.")

async def remove(ctx, playlist_id: str):
    user_playlist = await MusicManager.get_playlist(ctx.author, playlist_id)

    if not user_playlist:
        await ctx.send(f"Playlist with id {playlist_id} is not found.")

    await user_playlist.delete()
    await ctx.send(f"Playlist {user_playlist.playlist.title} has been deleted")

async def play(ctx, *, query: str):
    if not ctx.voice_client or not ctx.voice_client.is_connected():
        await MusicManager.join(ctx)

    async with ctx.typing():
        players = await MusicManager.create_player(query, ctx.author)

    if players:
        if await MusicManager.queue_add(
            players=players, ctx=ctx
        ) and not await MusicManager.play(ctx):
            await ctx.send("Added to queue")

        await ctx.send("Query not found.")

async def lyrics(ctx, query: str = None):
    if response := await MusicManager.lyrics(ctx, query):
        title, author, query_lyrics = response

        splitted = query_lyrics.split("\n")
        res = []
        current = ""
        for i, split in enumerate(splitted):
            if len(splitted) <= i + 1 or len(current) + len(splitted[i + 1]) > 1024:
                current = ""
            current += split + "\n"

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(
                    title=f"Lyrics for '{title}' by '{author}', (Page {i + 1}/{len(res)})",
                for i, x in enumerate(res)
        await page_manager.run()
        await ctx.send("No lyrics found.")

async def pause(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.pause(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Player paused.")

async def resume(ctx):
    if await MusicManager.resume(ctx):
        await ctx.send("Player resumed.")

async def volume(ctx, volume: int):
    await MusicManager.volume(ctx, volume)

async def loop(ctx):
    is_loop = await MusicManager.loop(ctx)

    if is_loop is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Looping toggled to {is_loop}")

async def shuffle(ctx):
    is_shuffle = await MusicManager.shuffle(ctx)

    if is_shuffle is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Shuffle toggled to {is_shuffle}")

async def autoplay(ctx):
    is_autoplay = await MusicManager.autoplay(ctx)

    if is_autoplay is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Autoplay toggled to {is_autoplay}")

async def queueloop(ctx):
    is_loop = await MusicManager.queueloop(ctx)

    if is_loop is not None:
        await ctx.send(f"Queue looping toggled to {is_loop}")

async def complete_queue(ctx):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        formatted_queue = [
            f"Title: '{x.title}'\nRequester: {x.requester and x.requester.mention}\n"
            f"Position: {i - ctx_queue.pos}"
            for i, x in enumerate(ctx_queue.queue)

        num_of_fields = 25

        embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
            "Complete Song Queue",
            "Shows the complete song queue.",

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(
            ctx, embeds, public=True, index=floor(ctx_queue.pos / 25)
        await page_manager.run()

async def goto(ctx, position: int):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        new_pos = ctx_queue.pos + position
        if not 0 <= new_pos < len(ctx_queue.queue):
            await ctx.send("Position is out of bounds.")

        await MusicManager.goto(ctx, new_pos)
        await ctx.send(f"Moved to position {position}")

async def history(ctx):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        formatted_history = [
            f"Title: '{x.title}'\nRequester: {x.requester and x.requester.mention}"
            for x in ctx_queue.history

        embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
            "Song History",
            "Shows all played songs",

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(ctx, embeds, public=True)
        await page_manager.run()

async def skip(ctx, index: int = None):
    await MusicManager.skip(ctx, index)

async def queue(ctx):
    if ctx_queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        formatted_queue = [
            f"Title: '{x.title}\nRequester: {x.requester and x.requester.mention}"
            for x in ctx_queue.queue[ctx_queue.pos + 1 :]

        embeds = discordSuperUtils.generate_embeds(
            f"Now Playing: {await MusicManager.now_playing(ctx)}",

        page_manager = discordSuperUtils.PageManager(ctx, embeds, public=True)
        await page_manager.run()

async def rewind(ctx, index: int = None):
    await MusicManager.previous(ctx, index, no_autoplay=True)

async def ls(ctx):
    if queue := await MusicManager.get_queue(ctx):
        loop = queue.loop
        loop_status = None

        if loop == discordSuperUtils.Loops.LOOP:
            loop_status = "Looping enabled."

        elif loop == discordSuperUtils.Loops.QUEUE_LOOP:
            loop_status = "Queue looping enabled."

        elif loop == discordSuperUtils.Loops.NO_LOOP:
            loop_status = "No loop enabled."

        if loop_status:
            await ctx.send(loop_status)

async def move(ctx, player_index: int, index: int):
    await MusicManager.move(ctx, player_index, index)


MusicManager Example

More examples are listed in the examples folder.

Known Issues

  • Removing an animated emoji wont be recognized as a reaction role, as it shows up as not animated for some reason, breaking the reaction matcher. (Discord API Related)
  • Leveling might call the on_level_up event multiple times, resulting in duplicate messages, caused by duplicate records in the leveling table. (Fixed)


  • A full fledged ready to use advance_music_cog.py

    A full fledged ready to use advance_music_cog.py

    This is meant to be a copy and paste cog code for lazy users

    I made the changes based on your suggestions:

    • Added error handlers
    • Changed the parse duration to the DSU bot's
    • Lyrics are handled by the page manager
    • Added a before envoke check to join and play command
    • Added a check if the queue exists for history and queue command.
    • Also added a check if queue/history is an empty list (while playing the first song)
    opened by MG-LSJ 8
  • Level Leaderboard

    Level Leaderboard

    Hello. Im new here :) I just got working leveling bot from this repo but i would like to add a leaderboard of top 10 members, could you tell me how to do it?

    opened by Volverine 6
  • on_play is never dispatched

    on_play is never dispatched

    title is the issue, no matter what I do on_play is never dispatched, now I do have a subclassed version of commands.Cog but that shouldn't matter...right? not sure.

    opened by xFGhoul 2
  • Fixed the manually disconnect issue.

    Fixed the manually disconnect issue.

    If the music is playing and any of the mod/admin disconnect the bot from the voice channel from right click then if you try to play the song again it won't work. But now it will work properly i have tested this

    opened by Ariz-z 2
  • Made the rank card in create_leveling_profile more customizable.

    Made the rank card in create_leveling_profile more customizable.

    • added options to change the color of each element
    • slightly adjusted the size of the outer rectangle in the rank bar
    • adjusted the examples to it image (Though my color theme looks crap)
    opened by MG-LSJ 2
  • [Suggestion] setup.py discord.py changes

    [Suggestion] setup.py discord.py changes

    First of all, thanks for making an amazing library but the one caviat I have is this requires discord.py to be installed and now I'm suggesting either:

    remove discord.py completely from setup.py

    seperate into popular forks so it's like python -m pip install discordSuperUtils[default] (Installs with discord.py) python -m pip install discordSuperUtils[pycord] (installs pycord)

    opened by xFGhoul 1
  • Added Autoplay, Shuffle and previous

    Added Autoplay, Shuffle and previous

    • Added Autoplay, Shuffle and previous
    • Adjusted the requester in now_playing, on_play, queue, and history for autoplayed song
    • Skip vote logic updated for autoplay and autoplayed songs
    opened by MG-LSJ 1
  • fix get_upcoming method

    fix get_upcoming method

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\harinbot\venv\lib\site-packages\discord\ext\commands\core.py", line 85, in wrapped
        ret = await coro(*args, **kwargs)
      File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\harinbot\cogs\birthday.py", line 96, in upcoming
        guild_upcoming = await self.BirthdayManager.get_upcoming(ctx.guild)
      File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\harinbot\venv\lib\site-packages\discordSuperUtils\birthday.py", line 282, in get_upcoming
        birthdays[birthday] = await birthday.next_birthday()
      File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\harinbot\venv\lib\site-packages\discordSuperUtils\birthday.py", line 84, in next_birthday
        new_date = (await self.birthday_date()).replace(year=current_datetime.year)
      File "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\harinbot\venv\lib\site-packages\discordSuperUtils\birthday.py", line 70, in birthday_date
        return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(birthday_data["utc_birthday"])
    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

    Before I fix it got this error. so, fix and I make this pull request

    opened by popop098 0
  • keyerror on yt mix playlist fix

    keyerror on yt mix playlist fix

    yt mixes/radio like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nxrllqnP2Q&list=RDCLAK5uy_ksEjgm3H_7zOJ_RHzRjN1wY-_FFcs7aAU&start_radio=1&rv=YZAFd9o3RYQ

    idk why the hek 3 commits, tell me if you need it cleaner, will fork again

    opened by zennnez 1
  • v0.3.0(Nov 14, 2021)

  • v0.2.9(Oct 27, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Fix invitetracker '__initialize_cache' by @popop098 in https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/pull/27
    • edit typo by @popop098 in https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/pull/28

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/compare/v0.2.8...v0.2.9

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.8(Oct 14, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • parse_duration by @MG-LSJ in https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/pull/23
    • Updated the Music Example in Readme.md with the one in example/Music.py by @MG-LSJ in https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/pull/24
    • Advance music cog updated. by @MG-LSJ in https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/pull/25
    • fix get_upcoming method by @popop098 in https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/pull/26

    New Contributors

    • @popop098 made their first contribution in https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/pull/26

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/discordsuperutils/discord-super-utils/compare/v0.2.6...v0.2.8

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.3(Oct 4, 2021)

    Whats Changed?

    Added Lavalink support and playlist saving to MusicManager. The MusicManager Queue (Queuemanager) was also rewritten to support rewinding. ModMail was added and other small bugs were sorted out.

    Spotify song detail image card was also added to Imaging

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • tests1(Oct 3, 2021)

  • v0.2.2(Sep 28, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.2.2


    discordSuperUtils 0.2.2 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Added previous method.
    • Bug fixes.
    • More customization in imaging.
    • Added vote_skips attribute to queues.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.1(Sep 24, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.2.1


    discordSuperUtils 0.2.1 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Fixed bugs.
    • Memory improvements.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Sep 18, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.2.0


    discordSuperUtils 0.2.0 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Moved to new youtube client.
    • Made ffmpegs on demand.
    • Formatted all files in project.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.9(Sep 15, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.1.9


    discordSuperUtils 0.1.9 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Fixed major bug in music.
    • Code changes in birthday, command hinter that shouldn't affect users.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.8(Sep 15, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.1.8


    discordSuperUtils 0.1.8 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Fixed bugs in music
    • Removed unused methods from music
    • Made leveling account take leveling manager
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.7(Sep 13, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.1.7


    discordSuperUtils 0.1.7 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Added MessageFilter and SpamManager
    • Fixed looping in music
    • Added many events to music.
    • Added ButtonsPageManager
    • Merged RoleManager with LevelingManager
    • Added duration to music.
    • Added beta slash commands.
    • And many code changes.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.6(Sep 3, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.1.6


    discordSuperUtils 0.1.6 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Very easy to use and user-friendly.
    • Object Oriented.
    • Modern Leveling Manager.
    • Modern Music/Audio playing manager.
    • Modern Async Database Manager (SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB).
    • Modern Paginator.
    • Modern Reaction Manager.
    • Modern Economy Manager.
    • Modern Image Manager (PIL).
    • Modern Invite Tracker.
    • Modern Command Hinter.
    • Modern FiveM Server Parser.
    • Modern Birthday Manager.
    • Modern Prefix Manager.
    • Includes easy to use convertors.
    • Modern spotify client that is optimized for player fetching.
    • Modern Punishment Manager (Kick, Ban, Infractions, Mutes)
    • Modern Template Manager.
    • Modern CogManager that supports usage of managers in discord cogs.


    • Added spotify client.
    • Added punishment managers.
    • Added template manager.
    • Bug fixes.
    • Added cog manager.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.4(Aug 15, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.1.4


    discordSuperUtils 0.1.4 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Modern Leveling Manager.
    • Modern Music/Audio playing manager.
    • Modern Async Database manager (SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL).
    • Modern Paginator.
    • Modern Reaction Manager.
    • Modern Economy Manager.
    • Modern Image Manager (PIL).
    • Modern Invite Tracker.


    • Databases are now async.
    • All managers now support new async mode.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.3(Aug 13, 2021)

    discord-super-utils 0.1.3


    discordSuperUtils 0.1.3 has been released. Incase you have any questions, ask them in our discord server or check out our documentation!


    • Modern Leveling Manager.
    • Modern Music/Audio playing manager.
    • Modern Database manager (SQLite, MongoDB, PostgreSQL).
    • Modern Paginator.
    • Modern Reaction Manager.
    • Modern Economy Manager.
    • Modern Image Manager (PIL).
    • Modern Invite Tracker.


    • Added Image Manager
    • Added Invite Manager
    • Added Support to MongoDB and PostgreSQL
    • Added Spotify Playing to Music
    • Fixed self.net bug when accessing leaderboard
    • And much more!
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1.1(Jul 26, 2021)

  • 3, 2021)

  • 0.0.8(Jul 2, 2021)

  • v0.0.7(Jun 30, 2021)

    0.0.7, First Release

    discordSuperUtils is now public!!

    Install using pip install discordSuperUtils

    Current Features:

    • Database Manager
    • Leveling Manager
    • Music Manager
    • Paginator
    • Reaction Manager
    • Documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.5(Jun 30, 2021)

    0.0.5, First Release

    discordSuperUtils is now public!!

    Install using pip install discordSuperUtils

    Current Features:

    • Database Manager
    • Leveling Manager
    • Music Manager
    • Paginator
    • Reaction Manager
    • Documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.2(Jun 30, 2021)

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We are building an open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images.

🛑 Note: please do not claim diagnostic performance of a model without a clinical study! This is not a kaggle competition dataset. Please read this pa

Joseph Paul Cohen 2.9k Dec 30, 2022
Get a link to the web version of a git-tracked file or directory

githyperlink Get a link to the web version of a git-tracked file or directory. Applies to GitHub and GitLab remotes (and maybe others but those are no

Tomas Fiers 2 Nov 08, 2022
tidevice can be used to communicate with iPhone device

h 该工具能够用于与iOS设备进行通信, 提供以下功能 截图 获取手机信息 ipa包的安装和卸载 根据bundleID 启动和停止应用 列出安装应用信息 模拟Xcode运行XCTest,常用的如启动WebDriverAgent测试

Alibaba 1.8k Dec 30, 2022
Learn Python tips, tools, and techniques in around 5 minutes each.

Python shorts Learn Python tips, tools, and techniques in around 5 minutes each. Watch on YouTube Subscribe on YouTube to keep up with all the videos.

Michael Kennedy 28 Jan 01, 2023

Convert-Decimal-to-Binary-Octal-and-Hexadecimal We have a number in a decimal number, and we have to convert it into a binary, octal, and hexadecimal

Maanyu M 2 Oct 08, 2021
This Python script can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether they can be accessed or not.

Robots.txt tester With this script, you can enumerate all URLs present in robots.txt files, and test whether you can access them or not. Setup Clone t

Podalirius 32 Oct 10, 2022
Roman numeral conversion with python

Roman numeral conversion Discipline: Programming Languages Student: Paulo Henrique Diniz de Lima Alencar. Language: Python Description Responsible for

Paulo Alencar 1 Jul 11, 2022
Problem statements on System Design and Software Architecture as part of Arpit's System Design Masterclass

Problem statements on System Design and Software Architecture as part of Arpit's System Design Masterclass

Relog 1.1k Jan 04, 2023
Run CodeServer on Google Colab using Inlets in less than 60 secs using your own domain.

Inlets Colab Run CodeServer on Colab using Inlets in less than 60 secs using your own domain. Features Optimized for Inlets/InletsPro Use your own Cus

2 Dec 30, 2021
A collection of repositories used to realise various end-to-end high-level synthesis (HLS) flows centering around the CIRCT project.

circt-hls What is this?: A collection of repositories used to realise various end-to-end high-level synthesis (HLS) flows centering around the CIRCT p

29 Dec 14, 2022
carrier.py is a Python package/module that's used to save time when programming

carrier.py is a Python package/module that's used to save time when programming, it helps with functions such as 24 and 12 hour time, Discord webhooks, etc

Zacky2613 2 Mar 20, 2022