A simple key-based text encryption process that encrypts a string based in a list of characteres pairs.


Simple Cipher Encrypter

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ℹ️ About

A simple key-based text encryption process that encrypts a string based in a list of characteres pairs.

The system supports a list of set of character pairs, for example: ['a4', 'e3', 'i1', 'o0', 'uv']

When processing the text, character by character, if the character of the text is present in the braces, it is replaced by the other character of the pair.

🖥️ Exemple

Here's a exemple by running the code on the terminal

🤔 How To Use

To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Python v3 or higher installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/farreltobias/simple-cipher-converter cipher

# Go into the repository
$ cd cipher

# Run the code
$ python3 cipher.py

📝 License

This project is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more information.

Made with 💛 by Adriano Pereira Júnior, Giovanna Duarte Evaristo, Guilherme Farrel Matheus Dolci and Mikael Pedro Sonoda Gomes Get in touch!

Guilherme Farrel
Web designer and developer. Learning something new every day! High school student and a @hackclub leader at IFPR - Campus Londrina.
Guilherme Farrel
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