Redis client for Python asyncio (PEP 3156)


Redis client for Python asyncio.

Build Status

Redis client for the PEP 3156 Python event loop.

This Redis library is a completely asynchronous, non-blocking client for a Redis server. It depends on asyncio (PEP 3156) and requires Python 3.6 or greater. If you're new to asyncio, it can be helpful to check out the asyncio documentation first.

Maintainers needed!

Right now, this library is working fine, but not actively maintained, due to lack of time and shift of priorities on my side (Jonathan). Most of my time doing open source goes to prompt_toolkt community.

I still merge pull request when they are fine, especially for bug/security fixes. But for a while now, we don't have new features. If you are already using it, then there's not really a need to worry, asyncio-redis will keep working fine, and we fix bugs, but it's not really evolving.

If anyone is interested to seriously take over development, please let me know. Also keep in mind that there is a competing library called aioredis, which does have a lot of activity.

See issue to discuss.


  • Works for the asyncio (PEP3156) event loop
  • No dependencies except asyncio
  • Connection pooling
  • Automatic conversion from unicode (Python) to bytes (inside Redis.)
  • Bytes and str protocols.
  • Completely tested
  • Blocking calls and transactions supported
  • Streaming of some multi bulk replies
  • Pubsub support

Trollius support: There is a fork by Ben Jolitz that has the necessary changes for using this asyncio-redis library with Trollius.


pip install asyncio_redis


View documentation at read-the-docs

The connection class

A asyncio_redis.Connection instance will take care of the connection and will automatically reconnect, using a new transport when the connection drops. This connection class also acts as a proxy to a asyncio_redis.RedisProtocol instance; any Redis command of the protocol can be called directly at the connection.

import asyncio
import asyncio_redis

async def example():
    # Create Redis connection
    connection = await asyncio_redis.Connection.create(host='localhost', port=6379)

    # Set a key
    await connection.set('my_key', 'my_value')

    # When finished, close the connection.

if __name__ == '__main__':
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Connection pooling

Requests will automatically be distributed among all connections in a pool. If a connection is blocking because of --for instance-- a blocking rpop, another connection will be used for new commands.

import asyncio
import asyncio_redis

async def example():
    # Create Redis connection
    connection = await asyncio_redis.Pool.create(host='localhost', port=6379, poolsize=10)

    # Set a key
    await connection.set('my_key', 'my_value')

    # When finished, close the connection pool.

Transactions example

import asyncio
import asyncio_redis

async def example(loop):
    # Create Redis connection
    connection = await asyncio_redis.Pool.create(host='localhost', port=6379, poolsize=10)

    # Create transaction
    transaction = await connection.multi()

    # Run commands in transaction (they return future objects)
    f1 = await transaction.set('key', 'value')
    f2 = await transaction.set('another_key', 'another_value')

    # Commit transaction
    await transaction.exec()

    # Retrieve results
    result1 = await f1
    result2 = await f2

    # When finished, close the connection pool.

It's recommended to use a large enough poolsize. A connection will be occupied as long as there's a transaction running in there.

Pubsub example

import asyncio
import asyncio_redis

async def example():
    # Create connection
    connection = await asyncio_redis.Connection.create(host='localhost', port=6379)

    # Create subscriber.
    subscriber = await connection.start_subscribe()

    # Subscribe to channel.
    await subscriber.subscribe([ 'our-channel' ])

    # Inside a while loop, wait for incoming events.
    while True:
        reply = await subscriber.next_published()
        print('Received: ', repr(reply.value), 'on channel',

    # When finished, close the connection.

LUA Scripting example

import asyncio
import asyncio_redis

code = \
local value ='GET', KEYS[1])
value = tonumber(value)
return value * ARGV[1]

async def example():
    connection = await asyncio_redis.Connection.create(host='localhost', port=6379)

    # Set a key
    await connection.set('my_key', '2')

    # Register script
    multiply = await connection.register_script(code)

    # Run script
    script_reply = await['my_key'], args=['5'])
    result = await script_reply.return_value()
    print(result) # prints 2 * 5

    # When finished, close the connection.

Example using the Protocol class

import asyncio
import asyncio_redis

async def example():
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

    # Create Redis connection
    transport, protocol = await loop.create_connection(
                asyncio_redis.RedisProtocol, 'localhost', 6379)

    # Set a key
    await protocol.set('my_key', 'my_value')

    # Get a key
    result = await protocol.get('my_key')

    # Close transport when finished.

if __name__ == '__main__':
Jonathan Slenders
Author of prompt_toolkit.
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