A Python package which supports global logfmt formatted logging.


Python Logfmter

pre-commit test

A Python package which supports global logfmt formatted logging.


$ pip install logfmter


Before integrating this library, you should be familiar with Python's logging functionality. I recommend reading the Basic Logging Tutorial.

This package exposes a single Logfmter class that can be integrated into the standard library logging system similar to any logging.Formatter.

The provided formatter will logfmt encode all logs. Key value pairs are provided via the extra keyword argument or by passing a dictionary as the log message.


import logging
from logfmter import Logfmter

handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)

logger = logging.getLogger()

logger.error("hello", extra={"alpha": 1}) # at=ERROR msg=hello alpha=1
logger.error({"token": "Hello, World!"}) # at=ERROR token="Hello, World!"


You can subclass the formatter to change its behavior.

import logging
from logfmter import Logfmter

class CustomLogfmter(Logfmter):
    Provide a custom logfmt formatter which formats
    booleans as "yes" or "no" strings.

    def format_value(cls, value):
        if isinstance(value, bool):
            return "yes" if value else "no"

	return super().format_value(value)

handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr)

logger = logging.getLogger()

logger.error({"example": True}) # at=ERROR example=yes


Required Software

Refer to the links provided below to install these development dependencies:

Getting Started


$ <runtimes.txt xargs -n 1 pyenv install -s
$ direnv allow
$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
$ pre-commit install
$ pip install -e .


Run the test suite against the active python environment.

$ pytest

Run the test suite against the active python environment and watch the codebase for any changes.

$ ptw

Run the test suite against all supported python versions.

$ tox



$ python -m build


$ twine upload dist/*
  • Question: How to include default / reserved attributes in the log message?

    Question: How to include default / reserved attributes in the log message?

    Thank you for making this library available. I have been looking at the tests and docs but could not find out how I can include some of the keys you defined as "RESERVED" in my message, such as asctime. I would like to say::

    >>> logger.info("hello")
    "asctime=2022-04-20 msg='hello'"

    without having to pass asctime in as an extra. I have tried the below in my dictconfig but did not work::

            'logfmt': {
                'format': 'on=%(asctime)s level=%(levelname)s module=%(name)s msg=%(message)s',
                'class': 'logfmter.Logfmter',

    Is this possible?

    opened by meitham 3
  • Include Native Log Record Attributes

    Include Native Log Record Attributes

    We should be able to configure the logger to always include some default keys. For example, a user may want to always include a time or logger key.

    This functionality is seen in the python-json-logger.

    opened by jteppinette 1
  • Add Python 11 Official Support / Testing

    Add Python 11 Official Support / Testing

    I assume this will work on Python 11 just fine, but let's add the Python 11 image to the test scripts and see if there are any improvements that can be made.

    opened by jteppinette 0
  • Update Structure

    Update Structure

    We should move the logfmter directory inside src as suggested by:

    • https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/explanation/goodpractices.html#choosing-a-test-layout-import-rules
    • https://blog.ionelmc.ro/2014/05/25/python-packaging/#the-structure%3E

    This is highly recommend and will also support the usage of importlib import mode as recommended here.

    opened by jteppinette 0
  • Exclude Keys

    Exclude Keys

    Some third party libraries may make log calls with keys which we don't want to log. We should be able to exclude these keys from the final log line.

    For example, when overriding uvicorn logging. The color_message key is currently printed (it is used by their custom color formatter). If we could exclude this key, then we could prevent the following output:

    at=INFO msg="Started server process [97819]" color_message="Started server process [%d]"
    at=INFO msg="Waiting for application startup."
    at=INFO msg="Application startup complete."
    at=INFO msg="Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)" color_message="Uvicorn running on %s://%s:%d (Press CTRL+C to quit)"
    opened by jteppinette 0
  • v0.0.6(Apr 22, 2022)

  • v0.0.5(Apr 20, 2022)

    • Add support for include native log record attributes in the final log output.
    • Add support for overriding the date format used when formatting the asctime attribute.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.4(Mar 30, 2022)

    • Fix the usage documentation
    • Escape newline characters in all logged values. Previously, you could generate multi-line log statements. This should never be the case.
    • Add support for auto-generating exc_info parameters. If the log record is generated with exc_info, as in when using logging.exception(...), the log message will contain properly formatted exception and traceback information.
    • Add support for logging with an empty message dictionary.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.0.3(Feb 12, 2022)

  • v0.0.1(Feb 6, 2022)

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