




  • order_value() 进行买入操作,参数为买入的币和买入的金额
    {'单号': '272229546125038', '成交数量': 0.000177, '成交金额': '10.000000', '扣手续费': 3.56240360358, '平均价格': 56497.18}
  • order_target() 进行卖出操作,参数为卖出的币和卖出的金额
    {'单号': '272229722396768', '成交数量': 0.000177, '成交金额': 9.93279219, '扣手续费': 0.01986558438, '平均价格': 56229.7}
  • get_amount() 获取币的账户余额

最简单的例子,开箱即用 (trade_app.py)

# btc的买入和卖出,以及查询账户余额
from huobi_trade_api import HuobiData
from tools import *

#自己的火币账户的access_key, secret_key (火币每个主账号能创建200个子账号,尽量使用子账号操作,防范风险)
huobi_trade = hb_trade(access_key, secret_key)              #初始化交易类

usdt_balance = huobi_trade.trade.get_balance('usdt')        #查询稳定币usdt的余额

coin_code = 'btc.usdt'                                      #定义交易对 
init_money = 10.00                                          #买入金额(单位:usdt)
buy_json = huobi_trade.order_value(coin_code, init_money)   #用1000USDT 买入btc
#  buy_json 返回字典类型,买入成交回报:
# {'单号':'2722295','成交数量':0.000177,'成交金额':'10.0000','扣手续费':3.562403,'平均价格':56497.18}

amount = huobi_trade.trade.get_amount(coin_code)            #查询btc.usdt交易对的数量,有精度控制
print('当前账户%s数量:' % (coin_code) + str(amount))

sell_json = huobi_trade.order_target(coin_code, amount)     #卖出当前持仓所有btc
# sell_json 返回字典类型,卖出成交回报:
# {'单号':'2722297','成交数量': 0.000177,'成交金额': 9.9327,'扣手续费':0.019865,'平均价格': 56229.7}

最底层的高阶例子 (api_test.py)

from huobi_trade_api import HuobiData
from tools import *

hb = HuobiData(huobi_access_key=access_key, huobi_secret_key=secret_key)
user_info = hb.get_api_user_info()            #账号查询 get_api_user_info
 #    返回的账户信息
 #   [ {'id': 754585, 'type': 'spot', 'subtype': '', 'state': 'working'}, 
 #     {'id': 20605202, 'type': 'otc', 'subtype': '', 'state': 'working'}  ]
user_balance = hb.get_api_user_balance()  # 获取账号余额

# 返回的账号余额信息
#    { "id": 754585,  "type": "spot",    "state": "working",
#    "list": [    {   "currency": "fil",    "type": "trade",   "balance": "0.608150192"     },
#                 {   "currency": "theta",  "type": "trade",  "balance": "0.308798576"     } ]}
amount = hb.get_amount_valuation(currency='CNY')  #获取账户估值 可选BTC,CNY,USD
balance = hb.get_balance('usdt')               #查询币种余额 如btc,usdt,doge
symbols = hb.get_symbols()    #获取交易对精度信息,只获取TradePair内的值
quote-currency price-precision amount-precision value-precision min-order-value sell-market-min-order-amt
hcbtc btc 8 4 8 0.0001
rvnbtc btc 10 2 8 0.0001
insurusdt usdt 4 4 8 5.0000
actbtc btc 10 2 8 0.0001
thetausdt usdt 4 4 8 5.0000
buy_billno = hb.buy_order(code='doge.usdt', amount=10.00)           #用usdt市价买入币doge
coin_amount = hb.get_balance('doge')                                #查询出doge的余额  
sell_billno = hb.sell_order(code='doge.usdt', amount=coin_amount)   #市价卖出doge币
find_order = hb.find_order('272249503181077')                         #入参是成交单号
    "id": 272249503181077,"symbol": "btcusdt","account-id": 754585,
    "client-order-id": "20210508-150246-731828","amount": "10.000000000000000000",
    "price": "0.0","created-at": 1620457349520,"type": "buy-market",
    "field-amount": "0.000173342760868287","field-cash-amount": "9.999999999999956351",
    "field-fees": "0.000000346685521737","finished-at": 1620457349539,
    "source": "spot-api","state": "filled","canceled-at": 0
order_details = hb.get_order_details('272249503181077')               #入参是成交单号
    "fee-currency": "btc", "symbol": "btcusdt", "trade-id": 102415396093,
    "match-id": 127130574857, "source": "spot-api", "role": "taker",
    "order-id": 272249503181077, "price": "57689.17", "created-at": 1620457349541,
    "filled-amount": "0.000173342760868287", "fee-deduct-currency": "", 
    "fee-deduct-state": "done","filled-fees": "0.000000346685521737", 
    "filled-points": "0.0", "id": 267299340030943, "type": "buy-market"
order_detail = hb.set_algo_order(code='ada.usdt', orderValue='10', stopPrice='1.5') 
#策略委托市价下单返回值 {'clientOrderId': '20210510-154908-999949'}
cancel_detail = hb.cancel_algo_order(['20210510-154908-999949'])  
#策略委托撤单返回值 撤销成功的单号在accepted列表里,撤销失败的单号在rejected列表里
#{'accepted': ['20210510-154908-999949'], 'rejected': []}


  • requests
  • pandas


  • 数字货币 股市量化工具 行情系统软件开发

  • BTC虚拟货币量化交易策略开发 自动化交易策略运行


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