Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab.



Just playing with getting CLIP Guided Diffusion running locally, rather than having to use colab.

Original colab notebooks by Katherine Crowson (https://github.com/crowsonkb, https://twitter.com/RiversHaveWings):

  • Original 256x256 notebook: Open In Colab

It uses OpenAI's 256x256 unconditional ImageNet diffusion model (https://github.com/openai/guided-diffusion)

  • Original 512x512 notebook: Open In Colab

It uses a 512x512 unconditional ImageNet diffusion model fine-tuned from OpenAI's 512x512 class-conditional ImageNet diffusion model (https://github.com/openai/guided-diffusion)

Together with CLIP (https://github.com/openai/CLIP), they connect text prompts with images.

Either the 256 or 512 model can be used here (by setting --output_size to either 256 or 512)

Some example images:

"A woman standing in a park":

"An alien landscape":

"A painting of a man":

*images enhanced with Real-ESRGAN

You may also be interested in VQGAN-CLIP


  • Ubuntu 20.04 (Windows untested but should work)
  • Anaconda
  • Nvidia RTX 3090

Typical VRAM requirments:

  • 256 defaults: 10 GB
  • 512 defaults: 18 GB

Set up

This example uses Anaconda to manage virtual Python environments.

Create a new virtual Python environment for CLIP-Guided-Diffusion:

conda create --name cgd python=3.9
conda activate cgd

Download and change directory:

git clone https://github.com/nerdyrodent/CLIP-Guided-Diffusion.git
cd CLIP-Guided-Diffusion

Run the setup file:


Or if you want to run the commands manually:

# Install dependencies

pip3 install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
git clone https://github.com/openai/CLIP
git clone https://github.com/crowsonkb/guided-diffusion
pip install -e ./CLIP
pip install -e ./guided-diffusion
pip install lpips matplotlib

# Download the diffusion models

curl -OL --http1.1 'https://the-eye.eu/public/AI/models/512x512_diffusion_unconditional_ImageNet/512x512_diffusion_uncond_finetune_008100.pt'
curl -OL 'https://openaipublic.blob.core.windows.net/diffusion/jul-2021/256x256_diffusion_uncond.pt'


The simplest way to run is just to pass in your text prompt. For example:

python generate_diffuse.py -p "A painting of an apple"

Multiple prompts

Text and image prompts can be split using the pipe symbol in order to allow multiple prompts. You can also use a colon followed by a number to set a weight for that prompt. For example:

python generate_diffuse.py -p "A painting of an apple:1.5|a surreal painting of a weird apple:0.5"

Other options

There are a variety of other options to play with. Use help to display them:

python generate_diffuse.py -h
usage: generate_diffuse.py [-h] [-p PROMPTS] [-ip IMAGE_PROMPTS] [-ii INIT_IMAGE]
[-tvs TV_SCALE] [-rgs RANGE_SCALE] [-os IMAGE_SIZE] [-s SEED] [-o OUTPUT] [-nfp] [-pl]


  • 'skip_timesteps' needs to be between approx. 200 and 500 when using an init image.
  • 'init_scale' enhances the effect of the init image, a good value is 1000.


The number of timesteps, or one of ddim25, ddim50, ddim150, ddim250, ddim500, ddim1000. Must go into diffusion_steps.

image guidance

  • 'clip_guidance_scale' Controls how much the image should look like the prompt.
  • 'tv_scale' Controls the smoothness of the final output.
  • 'range_scale' Controls how far out of range RGB values are allowed to be.

Examples using a number of options:

python generate_diffuse.py -p "An amazing fractal" -os=256 -cgs=1000 -tvs=50 -rgs=50 -cuts=16 -cutb=4 -t=200 -se=200 -m=ViT-B/32 -o=my_fractal.png

python generate_diffuse.py -p "An impressionist painting of a cat:1.75|trending on artstation:0.25" -cgs=500 -tvs=55 -rgs=50 -cuts=16 -cutb=2 -t=100 -ds=2000 -m=ViT-B/32 -pl -o=cat_100.png

(Funny looking cat, but hey!)

Other repos

You may also be interested in https://github.com/afiaka87/clip-guided-diffusion

For upscaling images, try https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN


    title  = {CLIP: Connecting Text and Images},
    author = {Alec Radford, Ilya Sutskever, Jong Wook Kim, Gretchen Krueger, Sandhini Agarwal},
    year   = {2021}
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