aws-lambda-scheduler lets you call any existing AWS Lambda Function you have in a future time.



aws-lambda-scheduler lets you call any existing AWS Lambda Function you have in the future.

This functionality is achieved by dynamically managing the EventBridge Rules.

aws-lambda-scheduler also has optimizations you can configure and extend yourself. AWS allows maximum of 300 EventBridge rules in a region. If you are expecting to create more than 300 rules, check out Optimizations section below.

Example Usage

When you set up the aws-lambda-scheduler in your AWS environment, you can simply call it with a json data like this:

    "datetime_utc": "2030-12-30 20:20:20",
    "lambda_function": "arn:aws:lambda:...........",
    "data": {
        "any": "json",
        "is": "allowed"

aws-lambda-scheduler will create a EventBridge rule, and AWS will run the specified lambda_function at the datetime_utc with the given data.

It's that simple. Just remember to convert your datetime to UTC+0 timezone. That's the timezone supported by EventBridge Rules.


  1. Create a IAM Role with AWS managed AmazonEventBridgeFullAccess and AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole Roles.
  2. Create a Lambda Function with Python runtime and attach the role you've created to it.
  3. Upload the file to your Lambda Function.

How it works

EventBridge Rules are basically cron jobs of AWS. EventBridge Rules must have a schedule, data, and minimum of one target -- in this case the target is a lambda function.

Rules schedule can be fixed rate of minutes, or a cron job schedule expression. aws-lambda-scheduler takes advantage of cronjob schedule expression and creates a Rule that will run only one time.

what happens on runtime

  1. aws-lambda-scheduler will create a EventBridge Rule with the date of datetime_utc, target of lambda_function and targets Constant Json Data being data.
  2. aws-lambda-scheduler will delete the expired EventBridge Rules it previously created.

Basic Configuration

Environment Variable Default Value Description
RULE_PREFIX AUTO_ EventBridge Rule names will be prefixed with this value. Please be careful to have this value constant from the start or expired rule deletion will not function properly as it depends on the prefixes.


aws-lambda-scheduler optimizations can be enabled if the specified lambda invocation times do not have to be punctual.

These optimizations lets you work around the maximum of 300 EventBridge Rules limitation. You can always request a quota increase for EventBridge Rules if these optimizations are not enough for your needs or if you need to be definitely punctual with your lambda calls.

Lets examine the EventBridge Rule limitations before diving into the optimization options.

About EventBridge Rules

EventBridge Rules has to have:

  1. schedule expression (cronjob schedule expression)
  2. target (lambda function)
  3. json data to call the lambda with
  • EventBridge lets you create maximum of 300 Rules per region.
  • EventBridge lets you define maximum of 5 targets per Rule, and targets will be invoked concurrently.

Optimization Configuration Overview

Environment Variable Default Value Optimized Values
ALLOWED_T_MINUS_MINUTES None You specify. Setting this value to any integer will enable optimizations.
INPUT_CONCATENATOR_MODULE_NAME input_concatenators You specify.
INPUT_CONCATENATOR_CLASS_NAME None You have to extend a new class.


Environment variable ALLOWED_T_MINUS_MINUTES defaults to nothing. If you set it as an environment variable, optimizations are enabled for aws-lambda-scheduler.

Let's say you have called the aws-lambda-scheduler and created a rule.

Rule Name Target Data Detail
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 test-lambda {"data":"first-rule"} Note: Rule names are consisted of RULE_PREFIX and datetime its going to run.

If you were to create another rule that would run 5 minutes after the previously created rule, without the optimizations enabled, aws-lambda-scheduler would create a new Rule for it.

Rule Name Target Data Detail
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 test-lambda {"data":"first-rule"}
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-25 test-lambda {"data":"second-rule"}

When ALLOWED_T_MINUS_MINUTES is set to an integer, aws-lambda-scheduler will look for a Rule with its date just before ALLOWED_T_MINUS_MINUTES in minutes. If there is a rule close-by, it will just add a new target to the existing rule.

Lets say ALLOWED_T_MINUS_MINUTES is set to 6 and we are adding rules that are 5 minutes apart.

Rule Name Target Data Detail
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 test-lambda {"data":"first-rule"} first rule is created
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 test-lambda {"data":"second-rule"} second rule is appended to first rule with a new target. It would've been AUTO_2030-12-30--20-25 if the optimizations weren't enabled.
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-30 test-lambda {"data":"third-rule"} There's 10 minutes of difference, so it's created as a new rule.

Great, we've reduced our number of Rules. But this solution creates another problem: what happens if there is more than 5 targets per rule?

Simply, aws-lambda-scheduler will raise an exception.

If you think you will have more than 5 targets per Rule, please continue with the other optimizations below.

Possible solution: We can combine the inputs of the same Lambda targets. This solution would require to implement two things:

  1. a way to combine target lambdas json data (combining all the inputs of all targets)
  2. Target lambda should be able to process combined data

Other optimizations can help us with these newly emerged problems. Lets continue.


We know that we can't add more than 5 targets to a Rule.

Environment variable RULE_TARGET_ADDING_STRATEGY defaults to CONCURRENT_LAMBDA_TARGETS. With this configuration aws-lambda-scheduler will create more targets when we are appending an existing Rule.


Setting up the INPUT_CONCATENATOR configuration basically lets you combine two different input json data together for the same lambda targets. And you can implement your logic of input concatenation by extending the input_concatenators.EventBridgeInputConcatenator abstract class.

You only have to implement the following function and set the environment variables accordingly.

def concatenate_inputs(self, existing_data, new_data):

There's also a ready-to-use implementation of the EventBridgeInputConcatenator called EventBridgeSingleArrayInput.

EventBridgeSingleArrayInput is developed to extend array inputs with the same keys of the json input. You can read more about how it works in the class comments.

Setting INPUT_CONCATENATOR value requires two other variables present in the environment variables: INPUT_CONCATENATOR_MODULE_NAME and INPUT_CONCATENATOR_CLASS_NAME.

Config Detail Values for below example
INPUT_CONCATENATOR_MODULE_NAME filename of your implementation of the abstract class. input_concatenators
INPUT_CONCATENATOR_CLASS_NAME name of your implementation of abstact class EventBridgeSingleArrayInput

Lets say we've added to rules for two different lambda targets for the same date.

Rule Name Target Data Detail
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 test-lambda {"data":"first-rule"} first target is for test-lambda is created
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 other-test-lambda {"data":"different-rule"} first target for other-test-lambda is created

Lets add a new target for test-lambda with the same datetime_utc. The third target looks like this before creation:

Rule Name Target Data Detail
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 test-lambda {"data":"third-rule"} we have our INPUT_CONCATENATOR optimization enabled, and we are about to add a new target to the same rule.

When we run aws-lambda-scheduler the rules get updated as this:

Rule Name Target Data Detail
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 test-lambda {"data":["first-rule", "third-rule"]} EventBridgeSingleArrayInput made a list of the same keys available in the json input of the same target.
AUTO_2030-12-30--20-20 other-test-lambda {"data":"different-rule"} remains the same.

In summary, we wanted to add 3 targets for the same rule:

  • different lambda targets registered as new target for the same rule
  • same lambda targets got its data updated, and no new target or rule is created. Input combination logic is defined by the EventBridgeSingleArrayInput. You can implement your own class to count for different kinds of input concatenations for your needs.
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