is a Python equivalent of PowerView's Invoke-ShareFinder.ps1 allowing to quickly find uncommon shares in vast Windows Domains.



The script is a Python equivalent of PowerView's Invoke-ShareFinder.ps1 allowing to quickly find uncommon shares in vast Windows Domains.


  • Automatically gets the list of all computers from the domain controller's LDAP.
  • Multithreaded search.
  • JSON export of the found shares, with IP, name, comment, flags and UNC path.


$ ./ -h                                                                  
Impacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210906.175840.50c76958 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

usage: [-h] [-ts] [--use-ldaps] [-q] [-debug] [-t THREADS] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] --dc-ip ip address [-d DOMAIN] [-u USER]
                             [--no-pass | -p PASSWORD | -H [LMHASH:]NTHASH | --aes-key hex key] [-k]

Find uncommon SMB shares on remote machines.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -ts                   Adds timestamp to every logging output
  --use-ldaps           Use LDAPS instead of LDAP
  -q, --quiet           show no information at all
  -debug                Debug mode
  -t THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads (default: 5)
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output file to store the results in. (default: shares.json)

authentication & connection:
  --dc-ip ip address    IP Address of the domain controller or KDC (Key Distribution Center) for Kerberos. If omitted it will use the domain part (FQDN)
                        specified in the identity parameter
  -d DOMAIN, --domain DOMAIN
                        (FQDN) domain to authenticate to
  -u USER, --user USER  user to authenticate with

  --no-pass             don't ask for password (useful for -k)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        password to authenticate with
                        NT/LM hashes, format is LMhash:NThash
  --aes-key hex key     AES key to use for Kerberos Authentication (128 or 256 bits)
  -k, --kerberos        Use Kerberos authentication. Grabs credentials from .ccache file (KRB5CCNAME) based on target parameters. If valid credentials
                        cannot be found, it will use the ones specified in the command line                       

Examples :

[]$ ./ -u 'Administrator' -d 'LAB.local' -p 'Admin123!' --dc-ip
Impacket v0.9.24.dev1+20210906.175840.50c76958 - Copyright 2021 SecureAuth Corporation

[>] Extracting all computers ...
[+] Found 2 computers.
[>] Enumerating shares ...
[>] Found uncommon share 'Users' on 'DC01.LAB.local'
[>] Found uncommon share 'WeirdShare' on 'DC01.LAB.local' (comment: 'Test comment')
[>] Found uncommon share 'AnotherShare' on 'PC01.LAB.local'
[>] Found uncommon share 'Users' on 'PC01.LAB.local

Results are exported in JSON entries:

{"sharename": "Users", "uncpath": "\\\\\\Users\\", "computer": "DC01.LAB.local", "comment": "", "type": {"stype_value": 0, "stype_flags": ["STYPE_DISKTREE", "STYPE_SPECIAL", "STYPE_TEMPORARY"]}}
{"sharename": "WeirdShare", "uncpath": "\\\\\\WeirdShare\\", "computer": "DC01.LAB.local", "comment": "Test comment", "type": {"stype_value": 0, "stype_flags": ["STYPE_DISKTREE", "STYPE_SPECIAL", "STYPE_TEMPORARY"]}}
{"sharename": "AnotherShare", "uncpath": "\\\\\\AnotherShare\\", "computer": "PC01.LAB.local", "comment": "", "type": {"stype_value": 0, "stype_flags": ["STYPE_DISKTREE", "STYPE_SPECIAL", "STYPE_TEMPORARY"]}}
{"sharename": "Users", "uncpath": "\\\\\\Users\\", "computer": "PC01.LAB.local", "comment": "", "type": {"stype_value": 0, "stype_flags": ["STYPE_DISKTREE", "STYPE_SPECIAL", "STYPE_TEMPORARY"]}}

Each JSON entry looks like this:

  "sharename": "AnotherShare",
  "uncpath": "\\\\\\AnotherShare\\",
  "computer": "PC01.LAB.local",
  "comment": "",
  "type": {
    "stype_value": 0,
    "stype_flags": [

Colored output

You can print results with colors using the -colors option:


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