Pixie - A full-featured 2D graphics library for Python


Pixie - A full-featured 2D graphics library for Python

Pixie is a 2D graphics library similar to Cairo and Skia.

Github Actions

pip install pixie-python


  • Typesetting and rasterizing text, including styled rich text via spans.
  • Drawing paths, shapes and curves with even-odd and non-zero windings.
  • Pixel-perfect AA quality.
  • Supported file formats are PNG, BMP, JPG, SVG + more in development.
  • Strokes with joins and caps.
  • Shadows, glows and blurs.
  • Complex masking: Subtract, Intersect, Exclude.
  • Complex blends: Darken, Multiply, Color Dodge, Hue, Luminosity... etc.
  • Many operations are SIMD accelerated.

Image file formats

Format Read Write

Font file formats

Format Read

Joins and caps

Supported Caps:

  • Butt
  • Round
  • Square

Supported Joins:

  • Miter (with miter angle limit)
  • Bevel
  • Round

Blending & masking

Supported Blend Modes:

  • Normal
  • Darken
  • Multiply
  • ColorBurn
  • Lighten
  • Screen
  • Color Dodge
  • Overlay
  • Soft Light
  • Hard Light
  • Difference
  • Exclusion
  • Hue
  • Saturation
  • Color
  • Luminosity

Supported Mask Modes:

  • Mask
  • Overwrite
  • Subtract Mask
  • Intersect Mask
  • Exclude Mask

SVG style paths:

Format Supported Description
M m move to
L l line to
h h horizontal line to
V v vertical line to
C c S s cublic to
Q q T t quadratic to
A a arc to
z close path




git clone https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python to run examples.


python examples/text.py

font = pixie.read_font("examples/data/Roboto-Regular_1.ttf")
font.size = 20

text = "Typesetting is the arrangement and composition of text in graphic design and publishing in both digital and traditional medias."

    bounds = pixie.Vector2(180, 180),
    transform = pixie.translate(10, 10)

example output

Text spans

python examples/text_spans.py

typeface = pixie.read_typeface("examples/data/Ubuntu-Regular_1.ttf")

def make_font(typeface, size, color):
    font = typeface.new_font()
    font.size = size
    font.paints[0].color = color
    return font

spans = pixie.SeqSpan()
    "verb [with object] ",
    make_font(typeface, 12, pixie.Color(0.78125, 0.78125, 0.78125, 1))
    make_font(typeface, 36, pixie.Color(0, 0, 0, 1))
    make_font(typeface, 13, pixie.Color(0, 0.5, 0.953125, 1))
    "\n1. free (something) from restrictive restrictions \"the regulations are intended to strallow changes in public policy\" ",
    make_font(typeface, 14, pixie.Color(0.3125, 0.3125, 0.3125, 1))

    spans.typeset(bounds = pixie.Vector2(180, 180)),
    transform = pixie.translate(10, 10)

example output


python examples/square.py

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
paint.color = pixie.Color(1, 0, 0, 1)

ctx = image.new_context()
ctx.fill_style = paint

ctx.fill_rect(50, 50, 100, 100)

example output


python examples/line.py

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
paint.color = pixie.parse_color("#FF5C00")

ctx = image.new_context()
ctx.stroke_style = paint
ctx.line_width = 10

ctx.stroke_segment(25, 25, 175, 175)

example output

Rounded rectangle

python examples/rounded_rectangle.py

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
paint.color = pixie.Color(0, 1, 0, 1)

ctx = image.new_context()
ctx.fill_style = paint
ctx.rounded_rect(50, 50, 100, 100, 25, 25, 25, 25)

example output


python examples/heart.py

path = pixie.parse_path(
    M 20 60
    A 40 40 90 0 1 100 60
    A 40 40 90 0 1 180 60
    Q 180 120 100 180
    Q 20 120 20 60

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
paint.color = pixie.parse_color("#FC427B")

image.fill_path(path, paint)

example output


python examples/masking.py

lines = pixie.Image(200, 200)

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
paint.color = pixie.parse_color("#F8D1DD")

ctx = lines.new_context()
ctx.stroke_style = paint
ctx.line_width = 30

ctx.stroke_segment(25, 25, 175, 175)
ctx.stroke_segment(25, 175, 175, 25)

path = pixie.parse_path(
    M 20 60
    A 40 40 90 0 1 100 60
    A 40 40 90 0 1 180 60
    Q 180 120 100 180
    Q 20 120 20 60

mask = pixie.Mask(200, 200)


example output


python examples/gradient.py

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_GRADIENT_RADIAL)

paint.gradient_handle_positions.append(pixie.Vector2(100, 100))
paint.gradient_handle_positions.append(pixie.Vector2(200, 100))
paint.gradient_handle_positions.append(pixie.Vector2(100, 200))

paint.gradient_stops.append(pixie.ColorStop(pixie.Color(1, 0, 0, 1), 0))
paint.gradient_stops.append(pixie.ColorStop(pixie.Color(1, 0, 0, 0.15625), 1))

path = pixie.parse_path(
    M 20 60
    A 40 40 90 0 1 100 60
    A 40 40 90 0 1 180 60
    Q 180 120 100 180
    Q 20 120 20 60

image.fill_path(path, paint)

example output

Image tiled

python examples/image_tiled.py

path = pixie.Path()
path.polygon(100, 100, 70, 8)

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_IMAGE_TILED)
paint.image = pixie.read_image("examples/data/baboon.png")
paint.image_mat = pixie.scale(0.08, 0.08)

image.fill_path(path, paint)

example output


python examples/shadow.py

path = pixie.Path()
path.polygon(100, 100, 70, sides = 8)

paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
paint.color = pixie.Color(1, 1, 1, 1)

polygon_image = pixie.Image(200, 200)
polygon_image.fill_path(path, paint)

shadow = polygon_image.shadow(
    offset = pixie.Vector2(2, 2),
    spread = 2,
    blur = 10,
    color = pixie.Color(0, 0, 0, 0.78125)


example output


python examples/blur.py

trees = pixie.read_image("examples/data/trees.png")

path = pixie.Path()
path.polygon(100, 100, 70, 6)

mask = pixie.Mask(200, 200)

blur = trees.copy()


example output


python examples/tiger.py

tiger = pixie.read_image("examples/data/tiger.svg")

    pixie.translate(100, 100) *
    pixie.scale(0.2, 0.2) *
    pixie.translate(-450, -450)

example output

  • Having some trouble with vertical alignment

    Having some trouble with vertical alignment

    I'm trying to have some text with two lines, aligned to the bottom of some bounds, and with a small line-height so that the two lines are closer together. However the text is not going where I would expect. It looks like it's going too downwards. When aligned to bottom it even goes outside the bounds. If I leave the line-height to default it also doesn't look right. Am I missing something?

    Here's an example and it's output:

    import pixie
    image = pixie.Image(800, 800)
    image.fill(pixie.Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
    paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
    paint.color = pixie.Color(1, 0, 0, 1)
    ctx = image.new_context()
    ctx.line_width = 1
    ctx.stroke_style = paint
    ctx.stroke_rect(0, 266, 800, 318)
    text = "AbCd\naBcD"
    font = pixie.read_font("./Inter-Bold.otf")
    font.size = 182
    font.line_height = 140
    font.paint.color = pixie.Color(1, 0, 0, 1)
        bounds = pixie.Vector2(800, 318),
        h_align = pixie.HA_CENTER,
        v_align = pixie.VA_TOP,
        transform = pixie.translate(0, 266)
    font.paint.color = pixie.Color(0, 1, 0, 1)
        bounds = pixie.Vector2(800, 318),
        h_align = pixie.HA_CENTER,
        v_align = pixie.VA_MIDDLE,
        transform = pixie.translate(0, 266)
    font.paint.color = pixie.Color(0, 0, 1, 1)
        bounds = pixie.Vector2(800, 318),
        h_align = pixie.HA_CENTER,
        v_align = pixie.VA_BOTTOM,
        transform = pixie.translate(0, 266)


    opened by EnricoMonese 4
  • Unable to load jpg on Linux

    Unable to load jpg on Linux

    Installed pixie-python via pip, however when I try to load a JPG I get the following exception.

    Exception has occurred: PixieError
    Decoding JPG requires -d:pixieUseStb

    I guess pixie is using std image library under the hood and the package did not get compiled with the correct options to support this?

    opened by EdMUK 3
  • genny supporting dart ffi

    genny supporting dart ffi

    Hi treeform, very nice lib (looking at the python output), I have recently discovered Flutter over dart language, they create a nice vibrant UI experience. BUT:

    its ffi lib is just so ugly, shudders! it's ffi interop is very verbose and looks annoying to get done, at the same time, devs seem to flock to this (relatively) new platform but not many want to get hands dirty in C code, so Nim to the rescue right?

    Can genny also support the dart programming language? it's just generating a lot of ugly boilerplate code.

    I think it's a chance to get more people to use Nim, and thereby building more libs and contributing to it, which was one of your purposes with genny.

    Aside from that, I personally want to leverage Nim libraries that i and others have written, and use dart and flutter mainly for the GUI story (though in terms of features, dart looks to be a decent language. unfortunately for dart, in terms of syntax - verbose like java and I think no templates, but this is just first impressions.)

    opened by kobi2187 2
  • support encodeImage method

    support encodeImage method

    I see there is an encodeImage proc in the nim library, would it be possible to support that as well as the already existing write_file() in the python layer?


    opened by RobBrazier 2
  • OSError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found on Google Colab

    OSError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found on Google Colab

    import pixie gives error:

    OSError                                   Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-14-4833f4429f21> in <module>()
    ----> 1 import pixie
    3 frames
    /usr/lib/python3.7/ctypes/__init__.py in __init__(self, name, mode, handle, use_errno, use_last_error)
        363         if handle is None:
    --> 364             self._handle = _dlopen(self._name, mode)
        365         else:
        366             self._handle = handle
    OSError: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/pixie/libpixie.so)


    opened by arye321 2
  • module 'pixie' has no attribute 'PK_SOLID'

    module 'pixie' has no attribute 'PK_SOLID'

    This is the source code:

    import pixie
    image = pixie.Image(200, 200)
    image.fill(pixie.Color(1, 1, 1, 1))
    paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID)
    paint.color = pixie.Color(1, 0, 0, 1)
    ctx = image.new_context()
    ctx.fill_style = paint
    ctx.fill_rect(50, 50, 100, 100)

    I got the following results: Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\Python\Python Project\Test\test.py", line 6, in paint = pixie.Paint(pixie.PK_SOLID) AttributeError: module 'pixie' has no attribute 'PK_SOLID'

    opened by ZaneHuangPro 1
  • Request: Text h_align = pixie.JUSTIFY_ALIGN

    Request: Text h_align = pixie.JUSTIFY_ALIGN

    Would be nice if add this alignment style, also give access to Arrangement attributes(selectionRects, lines, positions).

    I've made this little library for making this feature for me, it behaves like the Microsoft Word Office.

        LF = Rune(10)
        NR = Rune(0)
    proc justifyArrangement*(arrangement: Arrangement, maxWidth: float32) {.raises: [].} =
        proc right(rect: Rect): float32 =
            rect.x + rect.w
            runes: ptr = arrangement.runes.addr
            positions: ptr = arrangement.positions.addr
            rects: ptr = arrangement.selectionRects.addr
            last_lineId: int = arrangement.lines.len-1
            rune, last_rune: Rune
            last_wordRuneId: int
            spaces_idx: seq[int]
            inc_width, space_width, line_width, x_offset: float32
        for lineId, (start, stop) in arrangement.lines:
            last_rune = runes[stop]
            # This line must not be justified, if it is the last or if the last rune is a breakline char.
            if lineId == last_lineId or last_rune.uint32 == LF.uint32:
            echo runes[start..stop]
            # Get the spaces indexes of this line to increase their width, and get the line width.
            spaces_idx = @[]
            last_rune = NR
            for r_id in start..stop:
                rune = runes[r_id]
                if not rune.isWhiteSpace():
                    if last_rune.isWhiteSpace():
                    last_wordRuneId = r_id
                last_rune = runes[r_id]
            line_width = rects[last_wordRuneId].right
            echo "Line spaces: ", spaces_idx.len
            if spaces_idx.len > 0:
                # Get the amount of pixels/units to increase each space width in the middle of the line.
                inc_width = (maxWidth - line_width) / spaces_idx.len.float32
                if inc_width > 0:
                    space_width = rects[spaces_idx[0]].w + inc_width
                    # Adjust the runes X position
                    x_offset = 0
                    for r_id in spaces_idx[0]..stop:
                        positions[r_id].x += x_offset
                        if r_id in spaces_idx:
                            rects[r_id].x += x_offset
                            rects[r_id].w = space_width
                            x_offset += inc_width
                            rects[r_id].x += x_offset
    proc justifyArrangement(arrangement_ref: int, maxWidth: float32) {.exportpy: "justifyArrangement".} =
        justifyArrangement(cast[Arrangement](arrangement_ref), maxWidth)
    opened by IagoBeuller 0
  • Request: image.to_bytes() function

    Request: image.to_bytes() function

    I need the bytes of the images, for example, use them in pillow or pygame.

    I've made this little library for making this feature for me, it gets the image data bytes as well the png file bytes.

    proc getImageBytes*(image: Image, format: string = "png"): string {.raises: [PixieError].} =
      # Gets the bytes from image.
      let encodeFormat = case format:
        of "png": PngFormat
        of "bmp": BmpFormat
        of "jpg", "jpeg": JpegFormat
        of "qoi": QoiFormat
        of "ppm": PpmFormat
          raise newException(PixieError, "Unsupported image format")
      result = image.encodeImage(encodeFormat)
    proc getImageData*(image: Image): string {.raises: [].} =
      # Gets the image data as bytes.
      result = newString(image.width * image.height * 4)
        i = 0
        rgba: ColorRGBA
      for color in image.data:
        rgba = color.rgba()
        result[i] = rgba.r.char
        result[i+1] = rgba.g.char
        result[i+2] = rgba.b.char
        result[i+3] = rgba.a.char
        i += 4
    proc getImageBytes(image_ref: int, format: string = "png"): string {.exportpy: "getImageBytes".} =
        result = getImageBytes(cast[Image](image_ref), format)
    proc getImageData(image_ref: int): string {.exportpy: "getImageData".} =
        result = getImageData(cast[Image](image_ref))
    opened by IagoBeuller 0
  • Can I do Image Mosaic Using this library?

    Can I do Image Mosaic Using this library?


    If I have known the related offset of translation and angle in pixels between centers of 2 images, can I use this library to generate a mosaic without explicitly considering allocating a big matrix matching to final image size, compensating for non-integer offset values, and converting the offset between image centers to left-up image origin?

    Now, I'm doing these trivial things. It's fragile and troublesome.

    opened by HikariS97 0
  • 4.3.0(May 24, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • 4.3.0 by @guzba in https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/pull/21

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/compare/4.0.1...4.3.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.1(Feb 23, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • 4.0.1 by @guzba in https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/pull/18

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/compare/3.1.4...4.0.1

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.4(Feb 6, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • pixie 3.1.4 by @guzba in https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/pull/16

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/compare/3.0.2...3.1.4

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.2(Oct 28, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • font.paint by @guzba in https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/pull/14

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/treeform/pixie-python/compare/0.1.4...3.0.2

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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