A Python library to wrap age and minisign to provide key management, encryption/decryption and signing/verification functionality.


What is it?

age and minisign are modern command-line programs which respectively provide support for encryption/decryption and signing/verification of data. It is possible to provide programmatic access to their functionality by spawning separate processes to run them and then communicating with those processes from your program.

This project, pagesign, implements a Python library which takes care of the internal details and allows its users to generate and manage keys, encrypt and decrypt data, and sign and verify messages using age and minisign.

This library does not install age or minisign for you: you will need to install them yourself. It expects functionality found in age v1.0.0 or later, and minisign v0.8 or later. Three programs are expected to be found on the PATH: age-keygen, age and minisign. If any of them aren't found, this library won't work as expected.


Installing from PyPI

You can install this package from the Python Package Index (pyPI) by running:

pip install pagesign

Installing from a source distribution archive

To install this package from a source distribution archive, do the following:

  1. Extract all the files in the distribution archive to some directory on your system.
  2. In that directory, run python setup.py install.
  3. Optionally, run python test_pagesign.py to ensure that the package is working as expected.


  • The developers of age and minisign.

Change log


Released: 2021-12-05

  • Initial release.
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