




是之前hscan 的重构版本;


  • 自动下载项目所需要的tools
  • 使用oneforall遍历子域名
  • 使用masscan遍历主机所有开放端口
  • 使用nmap扫描开放端口;得出所有http服务端口
  • 使用crawlergo进行扫描
  • 动态添加crawlergo扫描到的域名至任务清单
  • 使用dirsearch进行目录文件扫描
  • 扫描到的目录、文件传递到xray
  • 使用xray进行被动扫描
  • 扫描结束后生成两份报告,xray和 所有tools集成的一份报告
  • ...



链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1FAP02yYK7CF9mxMD0yj08g 密码: a6p4


部分截图可以看之前的hscan; 这儿展示下单独的tools的报告 image image image

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    1、oneforall跑完后,未看到xray在工作;/root/Autoscanner/tools/xray_linux_amd64目录下xray的证书信息、配置文件也不存在 2、Nuclei只跑完www.xxx.com的主域名,进程就结束了 3、日志信息

    21:31:35,356 [INFOR] oneforall:253 - Finished OneForAll
    Request Progress: 131it [00:42,  3.05it/s]
    2022-03-18 21:31:35.478 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - www.lenovo.com - Oneforall - over
    2022-03-18 21:31:35.538 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - www.lenovo.com - Bugscanner - start scanning
    2022-03-18 21:31:36.613 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - www.lenovo.com - Bugscanner - over
    2022-03-18 21:31:36.614 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - www.lenovo.com - Nslookup - start scanning
    2022-03-18 21:31:42.482 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - www.lenovo.com - Nslookup - over
    2022-03-18 21:31:42.488 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - - Masscan - start scanning
    Error in received packet: No such file or directory
    src/rawsock-getif.c:299: read_netlink: 2
    FAIL: could not determine default interface
    FAIL:... try "--interface ethX"
    2022-03-18 21:31:42.592 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - - Masscan - over
    2022-03-18 21:31:42.593 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - /tmp/tmpttz7zu0m - Nmap - start scanning
    2022-03-18 21:31:59.095 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - /tmp/tmpttz7zu0m - Nmap - over
    /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/target.rb:188: warning: URI.escape is obsolete
    /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/target.rb:188: warning: URI.escape is obsolete
    /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/target.rb:188: warning: URI.escape is obsolete
    2022-03-18 21:32:09.536 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - - IpLocation - start scanning
    2022-03-18 21:32:09.615 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - - IpLocation - over
    2022-03-18 21:32:09.616 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 -  - Whatweb - start scanning
    /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/target.rb:188: warning: URI.escape is obsolete
    /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/target.rb:188: warning: URI.escape is obsolete
    /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/target.rb:188: warning: URI.escape is obsolete
    2022-03-18 21:32:18.629 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 -  - Whatweb - over
    2022-03-18 21:32:18.629 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Snapshot - start scanning
    2022-03-18 21:32:25.103 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Snapshot - over
    2022-03-18 21:32:25.103 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Nuclei - start scanning
                         __     _
       ____  __  _______/ /__  (_)
      / __ \/ / / / ___/ / _ \/ /
     / / / / /_/ / /__/ /  __/ /
    /_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/\___/_/   2.6.3
    [WRN] Use with caution. You are responsible for your actions.
    [WRN] Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage.
    [INF] nuclei-templates are not installed, installing...
    [INF] Successfully downloaded nuclei-templates (v8.9.0) to /root/nuclei-templates. GoodLuck!
    [INF] Using Nuclei Engine 2.6.3 (latest)
    [INF] Using Nuclei Templates 8.9.0 (latest)
    [INF] Templates added in last update: 2
    [INF] Templates loaded for scan: 3013
    [INF] Templates clustered: 502 (Reduced 461 HTTP Requests)
    [INF] Using Interactsh Server: oast.me
    2022-03-18 21:33:56.049 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Nuclei - over
    2022-03-18 21:33:56.050 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Crawlergo - start scanning
    2022-03-18 21:34:16.972 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Crawlergo - over
    2022-03-18 21:34:32.018 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:49 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Dirsearch - start scanning
    2022-03-18 21:35:19.327 | INFO     | lib.Tools:__init__:56 - http://www.lenovo.com:80 - Dirsearch - over
    [email protected]:~/Autoscanner# 
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