Official PyTorch code of DeepPanoContext: Panoramic 3D Scene Understanding with Holistic Scene Context Graph and Relation-based Optimization (ICCV 2021 Oral).


DeepPanoContext (DPC) [Project Page (with interactive results)][Paper]

DeepPanoContext: Panoramic 3D Scene Understanding with Holistic Scene Context Graph and Relation-based Optimization

Cheng Zhang, Zhaopeng Cui, Cai Chen, Shuaicheng Liu, Bing Zeng, Hujun Bao, Yinda Zhang

teaser pipeline


This repo contains data generation, data preprocessing, training, testing, evaluation, visualization code of our ICCV 2021 paper.


Install necessary tools and create conda environment (needs to install anaconda if not available):

sudo apt install xvfb ninja-build freeglut3-dev libglew-dev meshlab
conda env create -f environment.yaml
conda activate Pano3D
python -m pip install detectron2 -f
python build
  • When running python build, the script will run external/ which requires password for sudo privilege for apt-get install. Please make sure you are running with a user with sudo privilege. If not, please reach your administrator for installation of these libraries and comment out the corresponding lines then run python build.
  • If you encounter /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL problem when building GAPS, please follow this issue.

Since the dataloader loads large number of variables, before training, please follow this to raise the open file descriptor limits of your system. For example, to permanently change the setting, edit /etc/security/limits.conf with a text editor and add the following lines:

*         hard    nofile      500000
*         soft    nofile      500000
root      hard    nofile      500000
root      soft    nofile      500000


Download the pretrained checkpoints of detector, layout estimation network, and other modules. Then unzip the folder out into the root directory of current project. Since the given checkpoints are trained with current version of our code, which is a refactored version, the results are slightly better than those reported in our paper.

Please run the following command to predict on the given example in demo/input with our full model:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 WANDB_MODE=dryrun python configs/pano3d_igibson.yaml --model.scene_gcn.relation_adjust True --mode test

Or run without relation optimization:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 WANDB_MODE=dryrun python configs/pano3d_igibson.yaml --mode test

The results will be saved to out/pano3d/<demo_id>. If nothing goes wrong, you should get the following results:

rgb.png visual.png
det3d.jpg render.png

Data preparation

Our data is rendered with iGibson. Here, we follow their Installation guide to download iGibson dataset, then render and preprocess the data with our code.

  1. Download iGibson dataset with:

    python -m gibson2.utils.assets_utils --download_ig_dataset
  2. Render panorama with:

    python -m utils.render_igibson_scenes --renders 10 --random_yaw --random_obj --horizon_lo --world_lo

    The rendered dataset should be in data/igibson/.

  3. Make models watertight and render/crop single object image:

    python -m utils.preprocess_igibson_obj --skip_mgn

    The processed results should be in data/igibson_obj/.

  4. (Optional) Before proceeding to the training steps, you could visualize dataset ground-truth of data/igibson/ with:

    python -m utils.visualize_igibson

    Results ('visual.png' and 'render.png') should be saved to folder of each camera like data/igibson/Pomaria_0_int/00007.

Training and Testing


  1. We use the pretrained weights of Implicit3DUnderstanding for fine-tuning Bdb3d Estimation Network (BEN) and LIEN+LDIF. Please download the pretrained checkpoint and unzip it into out/total3d/20110611514267/.

  2. We use wandb for logging and visualizing experiments. You can follow their quickstart guide to sign up for a free account and login on your machine with wandb login. The training and testing results will be uploaded to your project "deeppanocontext".

  3. Hint: The <XXX_id> in the commands bellow needs to be replaced with the XXX_id trained in the previous steps.

  4. Hint: In the steps bellow, when training or testing with, you can override yaml configurations with command line parameter:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/layout_estimation_igibson.yaml --train.epochs 100

    This might be helpful when debugging or tuning hyper-parameters.

First Stage

2D Detector

  1. Train 2D detector (Mask RCNN) with:


    The trained weights will be saved to out/detector/detector_mask_rcnn

  2. (Optional) When training 2D detector, you could visualize the training process with:

    tensorboard --logdir out/detector/detector_mask_rcnn --bind_all --port 6006
  3. (Optional) Evaluate with:


    The results will be saved to out/detector/detector_mask_rcnn/evaluation_{train/test}. Alternatively, you can visualize the prediction results on test set with:

     CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --visualize --split test

    The visualization will be saved to the folder where the model weights file is.

  4. (Optional) Visualize BFoV detection results:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/detector_2d_igibson.yaml --mode qtest --log.vis_step 1

    The visualization will be saved to out/detector/<detector_test_id>

Layout Estimation

Train layout estimation network (HorizonNet) with:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/layout_estimation_igibson.yaml

The checkpoint and visualization results will be saved to out/layout_estimation/<layout_estimation_id>/model_best.pth

Save First Stage Outputs

  1. Save predictions of 2D detector and LEN as dateset for stage 2 training:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 WANDB_MODE=dryrun python configs/first_stage_igibson.yaml --mode qtest --weight out/layout_estimation/<layout_estimation_id>/model_best.pth

    The first stage outputs should be saved to data/igibson_stage1

  2. (Optional) Visualize stage 1 dataset with:

    python -m utils.visualize_igibson --dataset data/igibson_stage1 --skip_render

Second Stage

Object Reconstruction

Train object reconstruction network (LIEN+LDIF) with:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/ldif_igibson.yaml

The checkpoint and visualization results will be saved to out/ldif/<ldif_id>.

Bdb3D Estimation

Train bdb3d estimation network (BEN) with:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/bdb3d_estimation_igibson.yaml

The checkpoint and visualization results will be saved to out/bdb3d_estimation/<bdb3d_estimation_id>.

Relation SGCN

  1. Train Relation SGCN without relation branch:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/relation_scene_gcn_igibson.yaml --model.scene_gcn.output_relation False --model.scene_gcn.loss BaseLoss --weight out/bdb3d_estimation/<bdb3d_estimation_id>/model_best.pth out/ldif/<ldif_id>/model_best.pth

    The checkpoint and visualization results will be saved to out/relation_scene_gcn/<relation_sgcn_wo_rel_id>.

  2. Train Relation SGCN with relation branch:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/relation_scene_gcn_igibson.yaml --weight out/relation_scene_gcn/<relation_sgcn_wo_rel_id>/model_best.pth --train.epochs 20 

    The checkpoint and visualization results will be saved to out/relation_scene_gcn/<relation_sgcn_id>.

  3. Fine-tune Relation SGCN end-to-end with relation optimization:

    CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/relation_scene_gcn_igibson.yaml --weight out/relation_scene_gcn/<relation_sgcn_id>/model_best.pth --model.scene_gcn.relation_adjust True --train.batch_size 1 --val.batch_size 1 --device.num_workers 2 --train.freeze shape_encoder shape_decoder --model.scene_gcn.loss_weights.bdb3d_proj 1.0 --model.scene_gcn.optimize_steps 20 --train.epochs 10

    The checkpoint and visualization results will be saved to out/relation_scene_gcn/<relation_sgcn_ro_id>.

Test Full Model


CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python configs/relation_scene_gcn_igibson.yaml --weight out/relation_scene_gcn/<relation_sgcn_ro_id>/model_best.pth --log.path out/relation_scene_gcn --resume False --finetune True --model.scene_gcn.relation_adjust True --mode qtest --model.scene_gcn.optimize_steps 100

The visualization results will be saved to out/relation_scene_gcn/<relation_sgcn_ro_test_id>.


If you find our work and code helpful, please consider cite:

      title={DeepPanoContext: Panoramic 3D Scene Understanding with Holistic Scene Context Graph and Relation-based Optimization}, 
      author={Cheng Zhang and Zhaopeng Cui and Cai Chen and Shuaicheng Liu and Bing Zeng and Hujun Bao and Yinda Zhang},

    author    = {Zhang, Cheng and Cui, Zhaopeng and Zhang, Yinda and Zeng, Bing and Pollefeys, Marc and Liu, Shuaicheng},
    title     = {Holistic 3D Scene Understanding From a Single Image With Implicit Representation},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {8833-8842}

We thank the following great works:

  • Total3DUnderstanding for their well-structured code. We construct our network based on their well-structured code.
  • Coop for their dataset. We used their processed dataset with 2D detector prediction.
  • LDIF for their novel representation method. We ported their LDIF decoder from Tensorflow to PyTorch.
  • Graph R-CNN for their scene graph design. We adopted their GCN implemention to construct our SGCN.
  • Occupancy Networks for their modified version of mesh-fusion pipeline.

If you find them helpful, please cite:

author = {Nie, Yinyu and Han, Xiaoguang and Guo, Shihui and Zheng, Yujian and Chang, Jian and Zhang, Jian Jun},
title = {Total3DUnderstanding: Joint Layout, Object Pose and Mesh Reconstruction for Indoor Scenes From a Single Image},
booktitle = {IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
month = {June},
year = {2020}
  title={Cooperative Holistic Scene Understanding: Unifying 3D Object, Layout, and Camera Pose Estimation},
  author={Huang, Siyuan and Qi, Siyuan and Xiao, Yinxue and Zhu, Yixin and Wu, Ying Nian and Zhu, Song-Chun},
  booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},
    title={Local Deep Implicit Functions for 3D Shape},
    author={Genova, Kyle and Cole, Forrester and Sud, Avneesh and Sarna, Aaron and Funkhouser, Thomas},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
    title={Graph r-cnn for scene graph generation},
    author={Yang, Jianwei and Lu, Jiasen and Lee, Stefan and Batra, Dhruv and Parikh, Devi},
    booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
  title={Occupancy networks: Learning 3d reconstruction in function space},
  author={Mescheder, Lars and Oechsle, Michael and Niemeyer, Michael and Nowozin, Sebastian and Geiger, Andreas},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
Cheng Zhang
Cheng Zhang of UESTC 电子科技大学 通信学院 章程
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