Matching python environment code for Lux AI 2021 Kaggle competition, and a gym interface for RL models.


Lux AI 2021 python game engine and gym

This is a replica of the Lux AI 2021 game ported directly over to python. It also sets up a classic Reinforcement Learning gym environment to be used to train RL agents for creating agents.

Features LuxAi2021
Lux game engine porting to python ✔️
All actions supported ✔️
PPO example training agent ✔️
Example agent converges to a good policy ✔️
Kaggle submission format agents ✔️
Lux replay viewer support ✔️
Game engine consistency validation to base game ✔️


This should work cross-platform, but I've only tested Windows 10 and Ubuntu.

Important: Use Python 3.7.* for training your models. This is required since when you create a Kaggle submission, the Kaggle competition will run the code using Python 3.7.*, and you will get a model deserialization error if you train the model with Python 3.8>=.

Install luxai2021 environment package by running the installer:

python install

You will need Node.js version 12 or above: here

Python game interface

To directly use the ported game engine without the RL gym wrapper, here a couple example usages:

from import Game
from import *
from import LuxMatchConfigs_Default

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create a game
    configs = LuxMatchConfigs_Default
    game = Game(configs)
    game_over = False
    while not game_over:
        print("Turn %i" % game.state["turn"])

        # Array of actions for both teams. Eg: MoveAction(team, unit_id, direction)
        actions = [] 

        game_over = game.run_turn_with_actions(actions)
    print("Game done, final map:")

Python gym environment interface for RL

A gym interface and match controller was created that supports creating custom agents, and a framework to submit them in kaggle submissions. Keep in mind that this framework is built around one action per unit + city_tile that can act each turn. Creating a basic gym interface looks like the following, however you should look at the more complete example in the examples subfolder:

import random
from stable_baselines3 import PPO  # pip install stable-baselines3
from luxai2021.env.lux_env import LuxEnvironment, SaveReplayAndModelCallback
from luxai2021.env.agent import Agent, AgentWithModel
from import Game
from import *
from import LuxMatchConfigs_Default
from functools import partial  # pip install functools
import numpy as np
from gym import spaces
import time
import sys

class MyCustomAgent(AgentWithModel):
    def __init__(self, mode="train", model=None) -> None:
        Implements an agent opponent
        super().__init__(mode, model)
        # Define action and observation space
        # They must be gym.spaces objects
        # Example when using discrete actions:
        self.actions_units = [
            partial(MoveAction, direction=Constants.DIRECTIONS.CENTER),  # This is the do-nothing action
            partial(MoveAction, direction=Constants.DIRECTIONS.NORTH),
            partial(MoveAction, direction=Constants.DIRECTIONS.WEST),
            partial(MoveAction, direction=Constants.DIRECTIONS.SOUTH),
            partial(MoveAction, direction=Constants.DIRECTIONS.EAST),
        self.actions_cities = [
        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(max(len(self.actions_units), len(self.actions_cities)))
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=1, shape=(10,1), dtype=np.float16)

    def game_start(self, game):
        This function is called at the start of each game. Use this to
        reset and initialize per game. Note that may have
        been changed since last game. The game map has been created
        and starting units placed.

            game ([type]): Game.

    def turn_heurstics(self, game, is_first_turn):
        This is called pre-observation actions to allow for hardcoded heuristics
        to control a subset of units. Any unit or city that gets an action from this
        callback, will not create an observation+action.

            game ([type]): Game in progress
            is_first_turn (bool): True if it's the first turn of a game.
    def get_observation(self, game, unit, city_tile, team, is_new_turn):
        Implements getting a observation from the current game for this unit or city
        return np.zeros((10,1))
    def action_code_to_action(self, action_code, game, unit=None, city_tile=None, team=None):
        Takes an action in the environment according to actionCode:
            action_code: Index of action to take into the action array.
        Returns: An action.
        # Map action_code index into to a constructed Action object
            x = None
            y = None
            if city_tile is not None:
                x = city_tile.pos.x
                y = city_tile.pos.y
            elif unit is not None:
                x = unit.pos.x
                y = unit.pos.y
            if city_tile != None:
                action =  self.actions_cities[action_code%len(self.actions_cities)](
           if unit else None,
                    city_id=city_tile.city_id if city_tile else None,
                action =  self.actions_units[action_code%len(self.actions_units)](
           if unit else None,
                    city_id=city_tile.city_id if city_tile else None,
            return action
        except Exception as e:
            # Not a valid action
            return None
    def take_action(self, action_code, game, unit=None, city_tile=None, team=None):
        Takes an action in the environment according to actionCode:
            actionCode: Index of action to take into the action array.
        action = self.action_code_to_action(action_code, game, unit, city_tile, team)
    def game_start(self, game):
        This function is called at the start of each game. Use this to
        reset and initialize per game. Note that may have
        been changed since last game. The game map has been created
        and starting units placed.

            game ([type]): Game.
    def get_reward(self, game, is_game_finished, is_new_turn, is_game_error):
        Returns the reward function for this step of the game. Reward should be a
        delta increment to the reward, not the total current reward.
        if is_game_finished:
            if game.get_winning_team() ==
                return 1 # Win!
                return -1 # Loss

        return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Create the two agents that will play eachother
    # Create a default opponent agent that does nothing
    opponent = Agent()
    # Create a RL agent in training mode
    player = MyCustomAgent(mode="train")
    # Create a game environment
    configs = LuxMatchConfigs_Default
    env = LuxEnvironment(configs=configs,
    # Play 5 games
    obs = env.reset()
    game_count = 0
    while game_count < 5:
        # Take a random action
        action_code = random.sample(range(player.action_space.n), 1)[0]
        (obs, reward, is_game_over, state) = env.step( action_code )
        if is_game_over:
            print(f"Game done turn {['turn']}, final map:")
            obs = env.reset()
            game_count += 1
    # Attach a ML model from stable_baselines3 and train a RL model
    model = PPO("MlpPolicy",
    print("Training model for 100K steps...")

    # Inference the agent for 5 games
    game_count = 0
    obs = env.reset()
    while game_count < 5:
        action_code, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=False)
        (obs, reward, is_game_over, state) = env.step( action_code )
        if is_game_over:
            print(f"Game done turn {['turn']}, final map:")
            obs = env.reset()
            game_count += 1

Example python ML training

Create your own agent logic, observations, actions, and rewards by modifying this example:

Then train your model by:

python ./examples/

You can then run tensorboard to monitor the training:

tensorboard --logdir lux_tensorboard

Example kaggle notebook

Here is a complete training, inference, and kaggle submission example in Notebook format:

Preparing a kaggle submission

You have trained a model, and now you'd like to submit it as a kaggle submission. Here are the steps to prepare your submission.

Either view the above kaggle example or prepare a submission yourself:

  1. Place your trained model file as and your agent file in the ./kaggle_submissions/ folder.
  2. Run python in ./kaggle_submissions/ to copy two required python package dependencies into this folder (luxai2021 and stable_baselines3).
  3. Tarball the folder into a submission tar -czf submission.tar.gz -C kaggle_submissions .

Important: The needs to have been trained on Python 3.7.* or you get a deserialization error, since this is the python version that Kaggle Environment uses to inference the model in submission.

Creating and viewing a replay

If you are using the example to train your model, replays will be generated and saved along with a copy of the model every 100K steps. By default 5 replay matches will be saved with each model checkpoint into .\\models\\model(runid)_(step_count)_(rand).json to monitor your bot's behaviour. You can view the replay here:

Alternatively to manually generate a replay from a model, you can place your trained model file as and your agent file in the ./kaggle_submissions/ folder. Then run a command like the following from that directory:

lux-ai-2021 ./kaggle_submissions/ ./kaggle_submissions/ --maxtime 100000

This will battle your agent against itself and produce a replay match. This requires the official lux-ai-2021 to be installed, see instructions here:

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