


machine learning site map


convolution 연산 정리
파이토치 논문 재구현
resnet 구현
cnn 설명 자료
파이토치 레퍼런스
activation function 신경망의 출력을 결정하는 식
loss function
visualize activation function
뉴런 , 네트퉈크 조절 해볼 수 있음
미분 계산기
손실 함수
RNN , LSTM 정리 자료
좋은 batch_size


파이토치 튜토리얼 한글/영어 기본 , 예제 잘 들어있지만 개념 적인 부분 부족
모두를 위한 딥러닝 한글 //정리 잘 안되어 있음
김성훈 박사 영어 240분 분량 유튭, 유튭 영어를 한글로 정리 한 자료
파이토치로 시작하는 딥러닝 입문 위키 형식 참고 자료로 쓰면 좋을듯
coursera /중급 이상으로 보임,
논문으로 짚어보는 딥러닝의 맥 추후에 보면 도움이 될것
딥러닝의 교과서 스탠포드대 수업 영어 //중급 강의 유튭 한글강의 노트
코세라에서 가장 유명한 강의 기계학습 (스탠퍼드) 입문 , //영어 //한글 자막 코세라 창립, 구글 브레인팀 Andrew Ng 교수 앤듀르 응 강의 파이썬 작성 코드
신경망 강의 한글 자막 // 신경망에대한 강의
유다 시티 영어 , 짧은 500개 강의
인프런, 혼공 박해선 무료 /한글 //완전 초급 부족한 부분만 골라 들으면서 참고하기 좋을 것 같다
파이썬 3 강의*TrzAA&ranSiteID=nbJH6.TrzAA-TVGpUDsLQh5FLSPSwhTqsw&siteID=nbJH6.TrzAA-TVGpUDsLQh5FLSPSwhTqsw&utm_content=10&utm_medium=partners&utm_source=linkshare&utm_campaign=nbJH6*TrzAA

injae hwang
Robotics Engineer
injae hwang
Main repository for the Sphinx documentation builder

Sphinx Sphinx is a tool that makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation for Python projects (or other documents consisting of mul

5.1k Jan 02, 2023
Netbox Dns is a netbox plugin for managing zone, nameserver and record inventory.

Netbox DNS Netbox Dns is a netbox plugin for managing zone, nameserver and record inventory. Features Manage zones (domains) you have. Manage nameserv

Aurora Research Lab 155 Jan 06, 2023
🏆 A ranked list of awesome python developer tools and libraries. Updated weekly.

Best-of Python Developer Tools 🏆 A ranked list of awesome python developer tools and libraries. Updated weekly. This curated list contains 250 awesom

Machine Learning Tooling 646 Jan 07, 2023
Source Code for 'Practical Python Projects' (video) by Sunil Gupta

Apress Source Code This repository accompanies %Practical Python Projects by Sunil Gupta (Apress, 2021). Download the files as a zip using the green b

Apress 2 Jun 01, 2022
An open source utility for creating publication quality LaTex figures generated from OpenFOAM data files.

foamTEX An open source utility for creating publication quality LaTex figures generated from OpenFOAM data files. Explore the docs » Report Bug · Requ

1 Dec 19, 2021
Demonstration that AWS IAM policy evaluation docs are incorrect

The flowchart from the AWS IAM policy evaluation documentation page, as of 2021-09-12, and dating back to at least 2018-12-27, is the following: The f

Ben Kehoe 15 Oct 21, 2022
Watch a Sphinx directory and rebuild the documentation when a change is detected. Also includes a livereload enabled web server.

sphinx-autobuild Rebuild Sphinx documentation on changes, with live-reload in the browser. Installation sphinx-autobuild is available on PyPI. It can

Executable Books 440 Jan 06, 2023
Types that make coding in Python quick and safe.

Type[T] Types that make coding in Python quick and safe. Type[T] works best with Python 3.6 or later. Prior to 3.6, object types must use comment type

Contains 17 Aug 01, 2022
JMESPath is a query language for JSON.

JMESPath JMESPath (pronounced "james path") allows you to declaratively specify how to extract elements from a JSON document. For example, given this

1.7k Dec 31, 2022
graphical orbitational simulation of solar system planets with real values and physics implemented so you get a nice elliptical orbits. you can change timestamp value or scale from source code idc.

solarSystemOrbitalSimulation graphical orbitational simulation of solar system planets with real values and physics implemented so you get a nice elli

Mega 3 Mar 03, 2022
Near Zero-Overhead Python Code Coverage

Slipcover: Near Zero-Overhead Python Code Coverage by Juan Altmayer Pizzorno and Emery Berger at UMass Amherst's PLASMA lab. About Slipcover Slipcover

PLASMA @ UMass 325 Dec 28, 2022
Some of the best ways and practices of doing code in Python!

Pythonicness ❤ This repository contains some of the best ways and practices of doing code in Python! Features Properly formatted codes (PEP 8) for bet

Samyak Jain 2 Jan 15, 2022
An introduction to hikari, complete with different examples for different command handlers.

An intro to hikari This repo provides some simple examples to get you started with hikari. Contained in this repo are bots designed with both the hika

Ethan Henderson 18 Nov 29, 2022
Python document object mapper (load python object from JSON and vice-versa)

lupin is a Python JSON object mapper lupin is meant to help in serializing python objects to JSON and unserializing JSON data to python objects. Insta

Aurélien Amilin 24 Nov 09, 2022
30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days

30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace.

Asabeneh 17.7k Jan 07, 2023
API Documentation for Python Projects

API Documentation for Python Projects. Example pdoc -o ./html pdoc generates this website: Installation pip install pdoc pdoc is compat

mitmproxy 1.4k Jan 07, 2023
A collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills

A collection of simple python mini projects to enhance your python skills

PYTHON WORLD 12.1k Jan 05, 2023
A simple tutorial to get you started with Discord and it's Python API

Hello there Feel free to fork and star, open issues if there are typos or you have a doubt. I decided to make this post because as a newbie I never fo

Sachit 1 Nov 01, 2021
Collection of Summer 2022 tech internships!

Collection of Summer 2022 tech internships!

Pitt Computer Science Club (CSC) 15.6k Jan 03, 2023
A Collection of Cheatsheets, Books, Questions, and Portfolio For DS/ML Interview Prep

Here are the sections: Data Science Cheatsheets Data Science EBooks Data Science Question Bank Data Science Case Studies Data Science Portfolio Data J

James Le 2.5k Jan 02, 2023