Propagate Yourself: Exploring Pixel-Level Consistency for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning, CVPR 2021


Propagate Yourself: Exploring Pixel-Level Consistency for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning

By Zhenda Xie*, Yutong Lin*, Zheng Zhang, Yue Cao, Stephen Lin and Han Hu.

This repo is an official implementation of "Propagate Yourself: Exploring Pixel-Level Consistency for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning" on PyTorch.


PixPro (pixel-to-propagation) is an unsupervised visual feature learning approach by leveraging pixel-level pretext tasks. The learnt feature can be well transferred to downstream dense prediction tasks such as object detection and semantic segmentation. PixPro achieves the best transferring performance on Pascal VOC object detection (60.2 AP using C4) and COCO object detection (41.4 / 40.5 mAP using FPN / C4) with a ResNet-50 backbone.

An illustration of the proposed PixPro method.

Architecture of the PixContrast and PixPro methods.


  title={Propagate Yourself: Exploring Pixel-Level Consistency for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning},
  author={Xie, Zhenda and Lin, Yutong and Zhang, Zheng and Cao, Yue and Lin, Stephen and Hu, Han},
  conference={IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},

Main Results

PixPro pre-trained models

Epochs Arch Instance Branch Download
100 ResNet-50 script | model
400 ResNet-50 script | model
100 ResNet-50 ✔️ -
400 ResNet-50 ✔️ -

Pascal VOC object detection

Faster-RCNN with C4

Method Epochs Arch AP AP50 AP75 Download
Scratch - ResNet-50 33.8 60.2 33.1 -
Supervised 100 ResNet-50 53.5 81.3 58.8 -
MoCo 200 ResNet-50 55.9 81.5 62.6 -
SimCLR 1000 ResNet-50 56.3 81.9 62.5 -
MoCo v2 800 ResNet-50 57.6 82.7 64.4 -
InfoMin 200 ResNet-50 57.6 82.7 64.6 -
InfoMin 800 ResNet-50 57.5 82.5 64.0 -
PixPro (ours) 100 ResNet-50 58.8 83.0 66.5 config | model
PixPro (ours) 400 ResNet-50 60.2 83.8 67.7 config | model

COCO object detection

Mask-RCNN with FPN

Method Epochs Arch Schedule bbox AP mask AP Download
Scratch - ResNet-50 1x 32.8 29.9 -
Supervised 100 ResNet-50 1x 39.7 35.9 -
MoCo 200 ResNet-50 1x 39.4 35.6 -
SimCLR 1000 ResNet-50 1x 39.8 35.9 -
MoCo v2 800 ResNet-50 1x 40.4 36.4 -
InfoMin 200 ResNet-50 1x 40.6 36.7 -
InfoMin 800 ResNet-50 1x 40.4 36.6 -
PixPro (ours) 100 ResNet-50 1x 40.8 36.8 config | model
PixPro (ours) 100* ResNet-50 1x 41.3 37.1 -
PixPro (ours) 400* ResNet-50 1x 41.4 37.4 -

* Indicates methods with instance branch.

Mask-RCNN with C4

Method Epochs Arch Schedule bbox AP mask AP Download
Scratch - ResNet-50 1x 26.4 29.3 -
Supervised 100 ResNet-50 1x 38.2 33.3 -
MoCo 200 ResNet-50 1x 38.5 33.6 -
SimCLR 1000 ResNet-50 1x 38.4 33.6 -
MoCo v2 800 ResNet-50 1x 39.5 34.5 -
InfoMin 200 ResNet-50 1x 39.0 34.1 -
InfoMin 800 ResNet-50 1x 38.8 33.8 -
PixPro (ours) 100 ResNet-50 1x 40.0 34.8 config | model
PixPro (ours) 400 ResNet-50 1x 40.5 35.3 config | model

Getting started


At present, we have not checked the compatibility of the code with other versions of the packages, so we only recommend the following configuration.

  • Python 3.7
  • PyTorch == 1.4.0
  • Torchvision == 0.5.0
  • CUDA == 10.1
  • Other dependencies


We recommand using conda env to setup the experimental environments.

# Create environment
conda create -n PixPro python=3.7 -y
conda activate PixPro

# Install PyTorch & Torchvision
conda install pytorch=1.4.0 cudatoolkit=10.1 torchvision -c pytorch -y

# Install apex
git clone
cd apex
pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" ./
cd ..

# Clone repo
git clone ./PixPro
cd ./PixPro

# Create soft link for data
mkdir data
ln -s ${ImageNet-Path} ./data/imagenet

# Install other requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Pretrain with PixPro

# Train with PixPro base for 100 epochs.

Transfer to Pascal VOC or COCO object detection

# Convert a pre-trained PixPro model to detectron2's format
cd transfer/detection
python ${Input-Checkpoint(.pth)} ./output.pkl  

# Install Detectron2
python -m pip install detectron2==0.2.1 -f \

# Create soft link for data
mkdir datasets
ln -s ${Pascal-VOC-Path}/VOC2007 ./datasets/VOC2007
ln -s ${Pascal-VOC-Path}/VOC2012 ./datasets/VOC2012
ln -s ${COCO-Path} ./datasets/coco

# Train detector with pre-trained PixPro model
# 1. Train Faster-RCNN with Pascal-VOC
python --config-file configs/Pascal_VOC_R_50_C4_24k_PixPro.yaml --num-gpus 8 MODEL.WEIGHTS ./output.pkl
# 2. Train Mask-RCNN-FPN with COCO
python --config-file configs/COCO_R_50_FPN_1x_PixPro.yaml --num-gpus 8 MODEL.WEIGHTS ./output.pkl
# 3. Train Mask-RCNN-C4 with COCO
python --config-file configs/COCO_R_50_C4_1x_PixPro.yaml --num-gpus 8 MODEL.WEIGHTS ./output.pkl

# Test detector with provided fine-tuned model
python --config-file configs/Pascal_VOC_R_50_C4_24k_PixPro.yaml --num-gpus 8 --eval-only \
  MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pixpro_base_r50_100ep_voc_md5_ec2dfa63.pth

More models and logs will be released!


Our testbed builds upon several existing publicly available codes. Specifically, we have modified and integrated the following code into this project:

Contributing to the project

Any pull requests or issues are welcomed.

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