An Exact Solver for Semi-supervised Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering


PC-SOS-SDP: an Exact Solver for Semi-supervised Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering

PC-SOS-SDP is an exact algorithm based on the branch-and-bound technique for solving the semi-supervised Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering (MSSC) problem with pairwise constraints (i.e. must-link and cannot-link constraints) described in the paper "An Exact Algorithm for Semi-supervised Minimum Sum-of-Squares Clustering". This repository contains the C++ source code, the MATLAB scripts, and the datasets used for the experiments.


PC-SOS-SDP calls the semidefinite programming solver SDPNAL+ by using the MATLAB Engine API for C++. It requires the MATLAB engine library libMatlabEngine and the Matlab Data Array library libMatlabDataArray. PC-SOS-SDP calls the integer programming solver Gurobi. PC-SOS-SDP uses the Armadillo library to handle matrices and linear algebra operations efficiently. Before installing Armadillo, first install OpenBLAS and LAPACK along with the corresponding development files. PC-SOS-SDP implements a configurable thread pool of POSIX threads to speed up the branch-and-bound search.

Ubuntu and Debian instructions:

  1. Install MATLAB (>= 2016b)
  2. Install Gurobi (>= 9.0)
  3. Install CMake, OpenBLAS, LAPACK and Armadillo:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libarmadillo-dev
  1. Open the makefile clustering_c++/Makefile
    • Set the variable matlab_path with your MATLAB folder.
    • Set the variable gurobi_path with your Gurobi folder.
  2. Compile the code:
cd clustering_c++/
  1. Download SDPNAL+, move the folder clustering_matlab containing the MATLAB source code of PC-SOS-SDP in the SDPNAL+ main directory and set the parameter SDP_SOLVER_FOLDER of the configuration file accordingly. This folder and its subfolders will be automatically added to the MATLAB search path when PC-SOS-SDP starts.

The code has been tested on Ubuntu Server 20.04 with MATLAB R2020b, Gurobi 9.2 and Armadillo 10.2.


Various parameters used in PC-SOS-SDP can be modified in the configuration file clustering_c++/config.txt:

  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_TOL - optimality tolerance of the branch-and-bound
  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_PARALLEL - thread pool size: single thread (1), multi-thread (> 1)
  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_MAX_NODES - maximum number of nodes
  • BRANCH_AND_BOUND_VISITING_STRATEGY - best first (0), depth first (1), breadth first (2)
  • SDP_SOLVER_SESSION_THREADS_ROOT - number of threads for the MATLAB session at the root
  • SDP_SOLVER_SESSION_THREADS - number of threads for the MATLAB session for the ML and CL nodes
  • SDP_SOLVER_FOLDER - full path of the SDPNAL+ folder
  • SDP_SOLVER_TOL - accuracy of SDPNAL+
  • SDP_SOLVER_VERBOSE - do not display log (0), display log (1)
  • SDP_SOLVER_MAX_CP_ITER_ROOT - maximum number of cutting-plane iterations at the root
  • SDP_SOLVER_MAX_CP_ITER - maximum number of cutting-plane iterations for the ML and CL nodes
  • SDP_SOLVER_CP_TOL - cutting-plane tolerance between two consecutive cutting-plane iterations
  • SDP_SOLVER_MAX_INEQ - maximum number of valid inequalities to add
  • SDP_SOLVER_INHERIT_PERC - fraction of inequalities to inherit
  • SDP_SOLVER_EPS_INEQ - tolerance for checking the violation of the inequalities
  • SDP_SOLVER_EPS_ACTIVE - tolerance for detecting the active inequalities
  • SDP_SOLVER_MAX_PAIR_INEQ - maximum number of pair inequalities to separate
  • SDP_SOLVER_PAIR_PERC - fraction of the most violated pair inequalities to add
  • SDP_SOLVER_MAX_TRIANGLE_INEQ - maximum number of triangle inequalities to separate
  • SDP_SOLVER_TRIANGLE_PERC - fraction of the most violated triangle inequalities to add


cd clustering_c++/
  • DATASET - path of the dataset
  • K - number of clusters
  • CONSTRAINTS - path of the constraints
  • LOG - path of the log file
  • RESULT - path of the optimal cluster assignment matrix

File DATASET contains the data points x_ij and the must include an header line with the problem size n and the dimension d:

n d
x_11 x_12 ... x_1d
x_21 x_22 ... x_2d
x_n1 x_n2 ... x_nd

File CONSTRAINTS should include indices (i, j) of the data points involved in must-link (ML) and/or cannot-link (CL) constraints:

CL i1 j1
CL i2 j2
ML i3 j3
ML i4 j4

If it does not contain any constraint (empty file), PC-SOS-SDP becomes SOS-SDP (the exact solver for unsupervised MSSC).


The log file reports the progress of the algorithm:

  • N - size of the current node
  • NODE_PAR - id of the parent node
  • NODE - id of the current node
  • LB_PAR - lower bound of the parent node
  • LB - lower bound of the current node
  • FLAG - termination flag of SDPNAL+
    • 0 - SDP is solved to the required accuracy
    • 1 - SDP is not solved successfully
    • -1, -2, -3 - SDP is partially solved successfully
  • TIME (s) - running time in seconds of the current node
  • CP_ITER - number of cutting-plane iterations
  • CP_FLAG - termination flag of the cutting-plane procedure
    • -3 - current bound is worse than the previous one
    • -2 - SDP is not solved successfully
    • -1 - maximum number of iterations
    • 0 - no violated inequalities
    • 1 - maximum number of inequalities
    • 2 - node must be pruned
    • 3 - cutting-plane tolerance
  • CP_INEQ - number of inequalities added in the last cutting-plane iteration
  • PAIR TRIANGLE CLIQUE - average number of added cuts for each class of inequalities
  • UB - current upper bound
  • GUB - global upper bound
  • I J - current branching decision
  • NODE_GAP - gap at the current node
  • GAP - overall gap
  • OPEN - number of open nodes

Log file example:

DATA_PATH, n, d, k: /home/ubuntu/PC-SOS-SDP/instances/glass.txt 214 9 6
CONSTRAINTS_PATH: /home/ubuntu/PC-SOS-SDP/instances/constraints/glass/ml_50_cl_50_3.txt
LOG_PATH: /home/ubuntu/PC-SOS_SDP/logs/glass/log_ml_50_cl_50_3.txt



|    N| NODE_PAR|    NODE|      LB_PAR|          LB|  FLAG|  TIME (s)| CP_ITER| CP_FLAG|   CP_INEQ|     PAIR  TRIANGLE    CLIQUE|          UB|         GUB|     I      J|     NODE_GAP|          GAP|  OPEN|
|  164|       -1|       0|        -inf|     93.3876|     0|       110|       7|      -3|      6456|  242.571      4802   8.14286|     93.5225|    93.5225*|    -1     -1|   0.00144229|   0.00144229|     0|
|  163|        0|       1|     93.3876|     93.4388|     0|        35|       2|      -3|      5958|        1      3675         0|     93.4777|    93.4777*|    79    142|  0.000416211|  0.000416211|     0|
|  164|        0|       2|     93.3876|     93.4494|     0|        47|       2|      -3|      6888|        0      4635         0|     93.5225|     93.4777|    79    142|  0.000302427|  0.000302427|     0|
|  162|        1|       3|     93.4388|      93.506|     0|        27|       1|       2|      6258|        9      3759         0|         inf|     93.4777|   119    152| -0.000302724| -0.000302724|     0|
|  163|        1|       4|     93.4388|     93.4536|     0|        47|       4|      -3|      3336|        0      1789         0|     93.4777|     93.4777|   119    152|   0.00025747|   0.00025747|     0|
|  164|        2|       5|     93.4494|     93.4549|     0|        37|       1|      -3|      6888|        0      5000         0|     93.5225|     93.4777|    47     54|  0.000243844|  0.000243844|     0|
|  163|        2|       6|     93.4494|     93.4708|     0|        51|       2|       2|      7292|       11      4693         0|     93.5559|     93.4777|    47     54|  7.36443e-05|  7.36443e-05|     0|
|  164|        5|       7|     93.4549|      93.475|     0|        22|       0|       2|      6888|        0         0         0|     93.5225|     93.4777|   122    153|  2.82805e-05|  2.82805e-05|     0|
|  163|        4|       8|     93.4536|     93.4536|     0|        38|       2|      -3|      3257|        0     668.5         0|     93.4704|    93.4704*|    47     54|  0.000180057|  0.000180057|     0|
|  163|        5|       9|     93.4549|     93.5216|     0|        41|       1|       2|      6893|        8      5000         0|         inf|     93.4704|   122    153| -0.000547847| -0.000547847|     0|
|  163|        8|      10|     93.4536|     93.4536|     0|        27|       1|      -3|      3257|        0       879         0|     93.4704|     93.4704|    37     45|  0.000180057|  0.000180057|     0|
|  162|        8|      11|     93.4536|     93.4838|     0|        33|       1|       2|      6158|       24      4233         0|         inf|     93.4704|    37     45| -0.000143677| -0.000143677|     0|
|  162|        4|      12|     93.4536|     93.4658|     0|        75|       5|      -3|      2793|      4.6      2379         0|     93.5111|     93.4704|    47     54|  4.89954e-05|  4.89954e-05|     0|
|  162|       10|      13|     93.4536|     93.5053|     0|        19|       0|       2|      3122|        0         0         0|         inf|     93.4704|    37     99|  -0.00037365|  -0.00037365|     0|
|  163|       10|      14|     93.4536|     93.4701|     0|        31|       0|       2|      3257|        0         0         0|     93.4704|     93.4704|    37     99|  3.13989e-06|  3.13989e-06|     0|

WALL_TIME: 304 sec
AVG_INEQ: 2788.05
AVG_CP_ITER: 1.93333
ROOT_GAP: 0.00144229
GAP: 0
BEST: 93.4704
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