Code for Understanding Pooling in Graph Neural Networks

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Deep LearningSRC

Select, Reduce, Connect

This repository contains the code used for the experiments of:

"Understanding Pooling in Graph Neural Networks"


Install TensorFlow and other dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running experiments

Experiments are found in the following folders:

  • autoencoder/
  • spectral_similarity/
  • graph_classification/

Each folder has a bash script called that will reproduce the results reported in the paper.

To generate the plots and tables that we included in the paper, you can use the,, or found in the folders.

To run experiments for an individual pooling operator, you can use the run_[OPERATOR NAME].py scripts in each folder.

The pooling operators that we used for the experiments are found in layers/ (trainable) and modules/ (non-trainable). The GNN architectures used in the experiments are found in models/.

The SRCPool class

The core of this repository is the SRCPool class that implements a general interface to create SRC pooling layers with the Keras API.

Our implementation of MinCutPool, DiffPool, LaPool, Top-K, and SAGPool using the SRCPool class can be found in src/layers.

In general, SRC layers compute:

Where is a node equivariant selection function that computes the supernode assignments , is a permutation-invariant function to reduce the supernodes into the new node attributes, and is a permutation-invariant connection function that computes the links between the pooled nodes.

By extending this class, it is possible to create any pooling layer in the SRC framework.


  • X: Tensor of shape ([batch], N, F) representing node features;
  • A: Tensor or SparseTensor of shape ([batch], N, N) representing the adjacency matrix;
  • I: (optional) Tensor of integers with shape (N, ) representing the batch index;


  • X_pool: Tensor of shape ([batch], K, F), representing the node features of the output. K is the number of output nodes and depends on the specific pooling strategy;
  • A_pool: Tensor or SparseTensor of shape ([batch], K, K) representing the adjacency matrix of the output;
  • I_pool: (only if I was given as input) Tensor of integers with shape (K, ) representing the batch index of the output;
  • S_pool: (if return_sel=True) Tensor or SparseTensor representing the supernode assignments;


  • pool(X, A, I, **kwargs): pools the graph and returns the reduced node features and adjacency matrix. If the batch index I is not None, a reduced version of I will be returned as well. Any given kwargs will be passed as keyword arguments to select(), reduce() and connect() if any matching key is found. The mandatory arguments of pool() (X, A, and I) must be computed in call() by calling self.get_inputs(inputs).
  • select(X, A, I, **kwargs): computes supernode assignments mapping the nodes of the input graph to the nodes of the output.
  • reduce(X, S, **kwargs): reduces the supernodes to form the nodes of the pooled graph.
  • connect(A, S, **kwargs): connects the reduced supernodes.
  • reduce_index(I, S, **kwargs): helper function to reduce the batch index (only called if I is given as input).

When overriding any function of the API, it is possible to access the true number of nodes of the input (N) as a Tensor in the instance variable self.N (this is populated by self.get_inputs() at the beginning of call()).


  • return_sel: if True, the Tensor used to represent supernode assignments will be returned with X_pool, A_pool, and I_pool;
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