NeuralCompression is a Python repository dedicated to research of neural networks that compress data



LICENSE Build and Test

What's New


NeuralCompression is a Python repository dedicated to research of neural networks that compress data. The repository includes tools such as JAX-based entropy coders, image compression models, video compression models, and metrics for image and video evaluation.

NeuralCompression is alpha software. The project is under active development. The API will change as we make releases, potentially breaking backwards compatibility.


NeuralCompression is a project currently under development. You can install the repository in development mode.

PyPI Installation

First, install PyTorch according to the directions from the PyTorch website. Then, you should be able to run

pip install neuralcompression

to get the latest version from PyPI.

Development Installation

First, clone the repository and navigate to the NeuralCompression root directory. To match your local environment to the test environment, run

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Then, you can install the package in development mode by running

pip install -e .

If you are not interested in matching the test environment, then you only need to apply the second step to install.

Repository Structure

We use a 2-tier repository structure. The neuralcompression package contains a core set of tools for doing neural compression research. Code committed to the core package requires stricter linting, high code quality, and rigorous review. The projects folder contains code for reproducing papers and training baselines. Code in this folder is not linted aggressively, we don't enforce type annotations, and it's okay to omit unit tests.

The 2-tier structure enables rapid iteration and reproduction via code in projects that is built on a backbone of high-quality code in neuralcompression.


  • neuralcompression - base package
    • data - PyTorch data loaders for various data sets
    • entropy_coders - lossless compression algorithms in JAX
      • craystack - an implementation of the rANS algorithm with the craystack API
    • functional - methods for image warping, information cost, etc.
    • layers - building blocks for compression models
    • metrics - torchmetrics classes for assessing model performance
    • models - complete compression models


Getting Started

For an example of package usage, see the Scale Hyperprior for an example of how to train an image compression model in PyTorch Lightning. See DVC for a video compression example.


Please read our CONTRIBUTING guide and our CODE_OF_CONDUCT prior to submitting a pull request.

We test all pull requests. We rely on this for reviews, so please make sure any new code is tested. Tests for neuralcompression go in the tests folder in the root of the repository. Tests for individual projects go in those projects' own tests folder.

We use black for formatting, isorst for import sorting, flake8 for linting, mypy for type checking. We enforce these on the neuralcompression package, but not in the projects folder.


NeuralCompression is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.


If you find NeuralCompression useful in your work, feel free to cite

    author={Matthew Muckley and Jordan Juravsky and Daniel Severo and Mannat Singh and Quentin Duval and Karen Ullrich},
  • Dependency and Build Fixes

    Dependency and Build Fixes

    This is a potpourri of fixes.

    Dependencies Currently, we require very specific package versions for any install. This is too restrictive for a research package where researchers may have a variety of reasons to carefully tailor their environment. This PR resolves the issue by allowing general installation to have flexible packages. To maintain CI stability and functionality, the fixed version requirements have been moved to dev.

    Build We build our CPP extension using load instead of This removes PyTorch as a dependency at install time and removes the need for us to distribute binaries. This required adding ninja as a dependency. Hopefully we can get rid of it eventually, but this temporarily should fix distribution.

    CI testing isort was misconfigured and missed a lot of import changes. I fixed the config and ran it on all files to update import sorting.

    Other While implementing this I also found a few other minor issues with respect to versioning, tests, and formatting that I resolved.

    This PR makes NeuralCompression require Python 3.8 due to its usage of importlib.

    Testing Testing done via CI.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by mmuckley 4
  • Documentation builds on ReadTheDocs are failing

    Documentation builds on ReadTheDocs are failing


    Documentation builds on ReadTheDocs are failing.


    See here:

    Expected behavior

    Docs should build without error.




    See here:

    opened by mmuckley 4
  • `ContinuousEntropy` layer

    `ContinuousEntropy` layer

    Abstract base class (ABC) for implementing continuous entropy layers.

    The abstract class pre-computes integer probability tables based on a prior distribution, which can be used across different platforms by a range encoder and decoder. The class also provides abstract methods for compression, decompression, quantization, and reconstruction.

    enhancement CLA Signed 
    opened by 0x00b1 4
  • `NonNegativeParameterization` layer

    `NonNegativeParameterization` layer

    closes #86

    Non-negative parameterization as required by generalized divisive normalization (GDN) activations. The parameter is subjected to an invertible transformation that slows down the learning rate for small values.

    A brief usage example:

    import torch
    from torch.nn import Module, Parameter
    import torch.nn.functional
    from torch import Tensor
    from ._non_negative_parameterization import NonNegativeParameterization
    class GeneralizedDivisiveNormalization(Module):
        def __init__(
            in_channels: int,
            inverse: bool = False,
            beta_min: float = 1e-6,
            gamma_init: float = 0.1,
            super(GeneralizedDivisiveNormalization, self).__init__()
            self._inverse = inverse
            self._reparameterized_beta = NonNegativeParameterization(
            self._beta = Parameter(
            self._reparameterized_gamma = NonNegativeParameterization(
                gamma_init * torch.eye(in_channels),
            self._gamma = Parameter(
        def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
            _, channels, _, _ = x.size()
            y = torch.nn.functional.conv2d(
                x ** 2,
                    (channels, channels, 1, 1)
            if self._inverse:
                return x * torch.sqrt(y)
            return x * torch.rsqrt(y)
    import torch
    import torch.testing
    from neuralcompression.layers import GeneralizedDivisiveNormalization
    class TestGeneralizedDivisiveNormalization:
        def test_backward(self):
            x = torch.rand((1, 32, 16, 16), requires_grad=True)
            generalized_divisive_normalization = GeneralizedDivisiveNormalization(32)
            y = generalized_divisive_normalization(x)
            assert y.shape == x.shape
            assert x.grad is not None
            assert x.grad.shape == x.shape
                x / torch.sqrt(1 + 0.1 * (x ** 2)),
            generalized_divisive_normalization = GeneralizedDivisiveNormalization(
            y = generalized_divisive_normalization(x)
            assert y.shape == x.shape
            assert x.grad is not None
            assert x.grad.shape == x.shape
                x * torch.sqrt(1 + 0.1 * (x ** 2)),
    enhancement CLA Signed 
    opened by 0x00b1 4
  • pad image at inference time, remove resize

    pad image at inference time, remove resize


    At inference time, pad the image instead of doing an interpolation-based resize, which gives poor results (e.g. on PSNR) when the input image heigh and/or width is not exactly divisible by the downsampling factor (=2^{number of downsampling layers}).

    CLA Signed 
    opened by desi-ivanova 3
  • Replace license docstrings with comments

    Replace license docstrings with comments

    The intention was three-fold:

    1. consolidate copyright formatting across .py sources
    2. simplify the implementation of #100
    3. remove copyright headers from module documentation


    • [x] replaces license docstrings with comments
    CLA Signed 
    opened by 0x00b1 3
  • survival_function op

    survival_function op

    closes #75

    Survival function of x. Generally defined as 1 - distribution.cdf(x).

    Unit test tests whether the returned result matches the returned result of scipy.stats.norm.sf.

    enhancement CLA Signed 
    opened by 0x00b1 3
  • Update triggers for CI

    Update triggers for CI

    This PR alters the triggers for continuous integration. Previously, we triggered all tests on both pushes and pull requests. This meant that within a PR we would have "duplicate" (but not really duplicate) checks. What we really want on a PR is just the PR check, so we'll keep that.

    The other thing that's nice to have is to trigger CI when pushing to a branch. That is what this PR will remove, but to replace it we add workflow_dispatch which allows a user to trigger CI with the GitHub UI. So we remove quite a bit of duplicated tests at the cost of making users click a button if they want to test their code before PR.

    Note that this PR only applies to people who push to branches of the repository.

    CLA Signed 
    opened by mmuckley 3
  • HiFiC modules

    HiFiC modules

    Implements the following modules from Mentzer, et al. (2020)

    • HiFiCDiscriminator
    • HiFiCEncoder
    • HiFiCGenerator
          title={High-Fidelity Generative Image Compression}, 
          author={Fabian Mentzer and George Toderici and Michael Tschannen and Eirikur Agustsson},

    Originally implemented in TensorFlow Compression (TFC) by the author (@relational).

    CLA Signed 
    opened by 0x00b1 3
  • remove metadata from

    remove metadata from


    The metadata special variables from neuralcompression.__init__ were removed.

    This metadata was not currently used and is now available from setup.cfg

    CLA Signed 
    opened by 0x00b1 2
  • Update PyTorch to 1.10.0

    Update PyTorch to 1.10.0

    Closes #127.


    • [x] Replaced torch.testing.assert_equal with torch.testing.assert_close
    • [x] Updates torch to 1.10.0
    • [x] Updates torchvision to 0.11.1
    enhancement CLA Signed 
    opened by 0x00b1 2
  • Implement PQ-MIM compression paper

    Implement PQ-MIM compression paper

    opened by mmuckley 0
  • Upstream Google autoencoder models to CompressAI

    Upstream Google autoencoder models to CompressAI

    At the moment we have several model implementations that are already implemented in CompressAI (e.g., Scale Hyperprior, Mean-Scale Hyperprior). At this point CompressAI has pretty good adoption, so we should be able to remove these from our repository and upstream the dependency.

    By default CompressAI doesn't handle reflective image padding for users, so if desired we could include wrappers like that in PR #185 to handle this for users unfamiliar with the functionality of these models.

    opened by mmuckley 1
  • v0.2.1(Jan 12, 2022)

    This release covers a few small fixes from PRs #171 and #172.


    • To retrieve versioning information, we now use importlib. This is included only with Python >= 3.8, so NeuralCompression will now only run on versions of Python at least as recent as 3.8. (#171).
    • Install requirements are flexible, whereas dev requirements are fixed (#171). This should improve CI stability while allowing researchers flexibility in tuning their research environment while using NeuralCompression.
    • torch has been removed as a build dependency (#172).
    • Other build dependencies have been modified to be flexible (#172).

    Build System

    • C++ code from _pmf_to_quantized_cdf introduced compilation requirements when running Since we didn't configure our build system to handle specific operating systems, this caused a failed release upload to PyPI. The build system has been altered to use torch.utils.cpp_extension.load, which defers compilation to the the user after package installation. We would like to improve this further at some point, but the modifications from #171 gets the package stable. Note: there is a reasonable chance this could fail on non-Linux OS's such as Windows. Those users will still be able to use other package features that don't rely on _pmf_to_quantized_cdf.


    • Fixed a linting issue where isort was not checking in CI if packages were properly sorted. (#171).
    • Fixed a random test issue (#171).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Dec 13, 2021)

    NeuralCompression is a PyTorch-based Python package intended to simplify neural network-based compression research. It is similar to (and shares some of the functionality) of fantastic libraries like TensorFlow Compression and Compress AI.

    The major theme of v0.2.0 release is autoencoders, particularly features useful for implementing existing models by Ballé and features useful to expand on these models in forthcoming research. In addition, 0.2.0 sees some code organization changes and published documentation. I recommend reading the new “Image Compression” example to see some of these changes.

    API Additions

    Data (

    Distributions (neuralcompression.distributions)

    • NoisyNormal: normal distribution with additive identically distributed (i.i.d.) uniform noise.
    • UniformNoise: adapts a continuous distribution via additive identically distributed (i.i.d.) uniform noise.

    Functional (neuralcompression.functional)

    • estimate_tails: estimates approximate tail quantiles.
    • log_cdf: logarithm of the distribution’s cumulative distribution function (CDF).
    • log_expm1: logarithm of e^{x} - 1.
    • log_ndtr: logarithm of the normal cumulative distribution function (CDF).
    • log_survival_function: logarithm of x for a distribution’s survival function.
    • lower_bound: torch.maximum with a gradient for x < bound.
    • lower_tail: approximates lower tail quantile for range coding.
    • ndtr: the normal cumulative distribution function (CDF).
    • pmf_to_quantized_cdf: transforms a probability mass function (PMF) into a quantized cumulative distribution function (CDF) for entropy coding.
    • quantization_offset: computes a distribution-dependent quantization offset.
    • soft_round_conditional_mean: conditional mean of x given noisy soft rounded values.
    • soft_round_inverse: inverse of soft_round.
    • soft_round: differentiable approximation of torch.round.
    • survival_function: survival function of x. Generally defined as 1 - distribution.cdf(x).
    • upper_tail: approximates upper tail quantile for range coding.

    Layers (neuralcompression.layers)

    • AnalysisTransformation2D: applies the 2D analysis transformation over an input signal.
    • ContinuousEntropy: base class for continuous entropy layers.
    • GeneralizedDivisiveNormalization: applies generalized divisive normalization for each channel across a batch of data.
    • HyperAnalysisTransformation2D: applies the 2D hyper analysis transformation over an input signal.
    • HyperSynthesisTransformation2D: applies the 2D hyper synthesis transformation over an input signal.
    • NonNegativeParameterization: the parameter is subjected to an invertible transformation that slows down the learning rate for small values.
    • RateMSEDistortionLoss: rate-distortion loss.
    • SynthesisTransformation2D: applies the 2D synthesis transformation over an input signal.

    Models (neuralcompression.models)

    End-to-end Optimized Image Compression

    End-to-end Optimized Image Compression
    Johannes Ballé, Valero Laparra, Eero P. Simoncelli
    • PriorAutoencoder: base class for implementing prior autoencoder architectures.
    • FactorizedPriorAutoencoder

    High-Fidelity Generative Image Compression

    High-Fidelity Generative Image Compression
    Fabian Mentzer, George Toderici, Michael Tschannen, Eirikur Agustsson
    • HiFiCEncoder
    • HiFiCDiscriminator
    • HiFiCGenerator

    Variational Image Compression with a Scale Hyperprior

    Variational Image Compression with a Scale Hyperprior
    Johannes Ballé, David Minnen, Saurabh Singh, Sung Jin Hwang, Nick Johnston
    • HyperpriorAutoencoder: base class for implementing hyperprior autoencoder architectures.
    • MeanScaleHyperpriorAutoencoder
    • ScaleHyperpriorAutoencoder

    API Changes

    • neuralcompression.functional.hsv2rgb is now neuralcompression.functional.hsv_to_rgb.
    • neuralcompression.functional.learned_perceptual_image_patch_similarity is now neuralcompression.functional.lpips.


    Thank you to the following people for their advice:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Jul 19, 2021)

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