🎨 Python3 binding for `@AntV/G2Plot` Plotting Library .



🎨 Python3 binding for @AntV/G2Plot which an interactive and responsive charting library. Based on the grammar of graphics, you can easily make superior statistical charts through a few lines of code. PyG2Plot is inspired by pyecharts.

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Document中文说明文档 · Drawing statistical plots · In Jupyter Notebook · Principles


$ pip install pyg2plot


render HTML

from pyg2plot import Plot

line = Plot("Line")

  "data": [
    { "year": "1991", "value": 3 },
    { "year": "1992", "value": 4 },
    { "year": "1993", "value": 3.5 },
    { "year": "1994", "value": 5 },
    { "year": "1995", "value": 4.9 },
    { "year": "1996", "value": 6 },
    { "year": "1997", "value": 7 },
    { "year": "1998", "value": 9 },
    { "year": "1999", "value": 13 },
  "xField": "year",
  "yField": "value",

# 1. render html file
# 2. render html string


render Jupyter

from pyg2plot import Plot

line = Plot("Line")

  "height": 400, # set a default height in jupyter preview
  "data": [
    { "year": "1991", "value": 3 },
    { "year": "1992", "value": 4 },
    { "year": "1993", "value": 3.5 },
    { "year": "1994", "value": 5 },
    { "year": "1995", "value": 4.9 },
    { "year": "1996", "value": 6 },
    { "year": "1997", "value": 7 },
    { "year": "1998", "value": 9 },
    { "year": "1999", "value": 13 },
  "xField": "year",
  "yField": "value",

# 1. render in notebook

# 2. render in jupyter lab


Now, only has one API of pyg2plot.

  • Plot
  1. Plot(plot_type: str): get an instance of Plot class.

  2. plot.set_options(options: object): set the options of G2Plot into instance.

  3. plot.render(path, env, **kwargs): render out html file by setting the path, jinja2 env and kwargs.

  4. plot.render_notebook(env, **kwargs): render plot on jupyter preview.

  5. plot.render_html(env, **kwargs): render out html string by setting jinja2 env and kwargs.

  6. plot.dump_js_options(env, **kwargs): dump js options by setting jinja2 env and kwargs, use it for HTTP request.

More apis is on the way.



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