Tracing and Observability with OpenFaaS


Tracing and Observability with OpenFaaS

Today we will walk through how to add OpenTracing or OpenTelemetry with Grafana's Tempo.

For this walk-through we will need several CLI toosl:

  • kind
  • helm
  • kubectl
  • faas-cli

The simplest way to get going is to use arkade to install each of these

arkade get kubectl
arkade get kind
arkade get helm
arkade get faas-cli

Create a cluster

We will use KinD to create our Kubernetes cluster, but, before we start our test cluster, we want to customize our cluster to make it a little easier to work with by exposing port 80 to our localhost. We will use 80 for the ingress to our functions, create the following file as cluster.yaml

kind: Cluster
  - role: control-plane
      - |
        kind: InitConfiguration
            node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
      - containerPort: 30080
        hostPort: 80
        protocol: TCP
      - containerPort: 443
        hostPort: 443
        protocol: TCP
      - containerPort: 31112 # this is the NodePort created by the helm chart
        hostPort: 8080 # this is your port on localhost
        protocol: TCP

Now start the cluster using

kind create cluster --name of-tracing --config=cluster.yaml

Install the required apps

Now we can install the usual components we need

Tempo and Grafana

First we start with Tempo and Grafana so that the tracing collector service is available for the other services we will install:

helm repo add grafana
helm repo update

Now create the following values file

# grafana-values.yaml

    domain: monitoring.openfaas.local
    root_url: "%(protocol)s://%(domain)s/grafana"
    serve_from_sub_path: true

    apiVersion: 1

      - name: Tempo
        type: tempo
        access: proxy
        orgId: 1
        url: http://tempo:3100
        isDefault: false
        version: 1
        editable: false
        uid: tempo
      - name: Loki
        type: loki
        access: proxy
        url: http://loki:3100
        isDefault: true
        version: 1
        editable: false
        uid: loki
            - datasourceUid: tempo
              matcherRegex: (?:traceID|trace_id|traceId|traceid=(\w+))
              url: "$${__value.raw}"
              name: TraceID

This will do several things for us:

  1. configure the Grafana UI to handle the sub-path prefix /grafana
  2. configure the Tempo data source, this is where our traces will be queried from
  3. configure the Loki data source, this is where our logs come from
  4. finally, as part of the Loki configuration, we setup the derived field TraceID, which allows Loki to parse the trace id from the logs turn it into a link to Tempo.

Now, we can install Tempo and then Grafana

helm upgrade --install tempo grafana/tempo
helm upgrade -f grafana-values.yaml --install grafana grafana/grafana

NOTE the Grafana Helm chart does expose Ingress options that we could use, but they currently do not generate a valid Ingress spec to use with the latest nginx-ingress, specifically, it is missing an incressClhelm upgrade -f grafana-values.yaml --install grafana grafana/grafana. We will handle this later, below.


First we want to enable Nginx to generate incoming tracing spans. We are going to enable this globally in our Nginx installation by using the config option

arkade install ingress-nginx \
    --set controller.config.enable-opentracing='true' \
    --set controller.config.jaeger-collector-host=tempo.default.svc.cluster.local \
    --set controller.hostPort.enabled='true' \
    --set controller.service.type=NodePort \
    --set controller.service.nodePorts.http=30080 \
    --set controller.publishService.enabled='false' \
    --set controller.extraArgs.publish-status-address=localhost \
    --set controller.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge=0 \
    --set controller.updateStrategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable=1 \
    --set controller.config.log-format-upstream='$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $request_length $request_time [$proxy_upstream_name] [$proxy_alternative_upstream_name] $upstream_addr $upstream_response_length $upstream_response_time $upstream_status $req_id traceId $opentracing_context_uber_trace_id'

Most of these options are specific the fact that we are installing in KinD. The settings that are important to our tracing are these three

--set controller.config.enable-opentracing='true' \
--set controller.config.jaeger-collector-host=tempo.default.svc.cluster.local \
--set controller.config.log-format-upstream='$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" $status $body_bytes_sent "$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" $request_length $request_time [$proxy_upstream_name] [$proxy_alternative_upstream_name] $upstream_addr $upstream_response_length $upstream_response_time $upstream_status $req_id traceId $opentracing_context_uber_trace_id'

The first two options enable tracing and send the traces to our Tempo collector. The last option configures the nginx logs to include the trace ID in the logs. In general, I would recommend putting the logs into logfmt structure, in short, usingkey=value. This is automatically parsed into fields by Loki and it is much easier to read in it's raw form. Unfortunately, at this time, arkade will not parse --set values with an equal sign. Using

--set controller.config.log-format-upstream='remote_addr=$remote_addr user=$remote_user ts=$time_local request="$request" status=$status body_bytes=$body_bytes_sent referer="$http_referer" user_agent="$http_user_agent" request_length=$request_length duration=$request_time upstream=$proxy_upstream_name upstream_addr=$upstream_addr upstream_resp_length=$upstream_response_length upstream_duration=$upstream_response_time upstream_status=$upstream_status traceId=$opentracing_context_uber_trace_id'

will produce the error Error: incorrect format for custom flag

Let's expose our Grafana installation! Create this file as grafana-ing.yaml

# grafana-ing.yaml
kind: Ingress
  name: grafana
  namespace: default
  ingressClassName: nginx
    - host: monitoring.openfaas.local
          - backend:
                name: grafana
                  number: 80
            path: /grafana
            pathType: Prefix

and apply it to the cluster

kubectl apply -f grafana-ing.yaml

Verifying the ingress and grafana

Now, let's verify that things are working,

  1. edit your /etc/hosts file to include gateway.openfaas.local monitoring.openfaas.local
  2. Now open http://monitoring.openfaas.local

  3. You can explore the logs from nginx, using the Loki query


    use this link to open the query in your Grafana.


Now that we are prepared to monitor our applications, let's install OpenFaaS and and some functions

arkade install openfaas -a=false --function-pull-policy=IfNotPresent --set ingress.enabled='true'
arkade install openfaas-loki

Because we exposed port 8080 when we setup the Cluster and disabled auth when we installed OpenFaaS, we can start using faas-cli right away

$ faas-cli store deploy nodeinfo

Deployed. 202 Accepted.

But, we can also use the OpenFaaS UI at http://gateway.openfaas.local

Let's generate some data by invoking the function

echo "" | faas-cli invoke nodeinfo

In the Grafana UI, you can see the logs using the query {faas_function="nodeinfo"}, use this link.

Creating traces from your function

Unfortunately, the OpenFaaS gateway does not produces traces like nginx, so right now we only get a very high level overview from our traces. Nginx will show us the timing as well as the request URL and response status code.

Fortunately, all of the request headers are correctly forwarded to our functions, most importantly this includes the tracing headers generated by Nginx. This means we provide more details

This example will use the Python 3 Flask template and OpenTelemetry.


  1. Pull the function template using

    faas-cli template store pull python3-flask
  2. Initialize the app is-it-down

    faas-cli new is-it-down --lang python3-flask
    mv is-it-down.yml stack.yml
  3. Now, set up our python dependencies, add this to the requirements.txt

  4. Now the implementation

Lucas Roesler
I am a senior engineer at Contiamo and an ex-mathematician. I have worked on web apps, image analysis, machine learning problems, and pure math research
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