Minecraft.nix - Command line Minecraft launcher managed by nix



Inspired by this thread, this flake contains derivations of both vanilla and fabric edition (if available) for all versions of minecraft.

(Old versions are not fully tested, feel free to file a issue if your encounter problems.)



$ nix run github:Ninlives/minecraft.nix#v1_18_1.vanilla.client

You will be asked to login before launch the game. Only MSA login is supported, since Microsoft has started to migrate all Mojang accounts to Microsoft accounts.


$ nix run github:Ninlives/minecraft.nix#v1_18_1.fabric.client

A utility function is also provided to define loaded mods in the nix way:

  description = "A simple modpack.";
  inputs.minecraft.url = "github:Ninlives/minecraft.nix";
  inputs.flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";

  outputs = { self, minecraft, flake-utils }:
    flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: {
      packages.minecraft-with-ae2 = (minecraft.legacyPackages.${system}.v1_18_1.fabric.client.withMods [
        (builtins.fetchurl {
          # file name must have a ".jar" suffix to be loaded by fabric
          name = "fabric-api.jar";
          url =
          sha256 =
        # the withMods function is also composable
      ]).withMods [
        (builtins.fetchurl {
          url =
          sha256 =


  • withResourcePacks
  • Configure Minecraft and mods in nix
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