Halcyon is a Matrix bot library created with the intention of being easy to install and use. Inspired by discord.py



Halcyon is a Matrix bot library with the goal of being easy to install and use. The library takes inspiration from discord.py and the Slack libraries. Encryption is on the roadmap, and with the goal of being transparent to the user. Check the roadmap in notes.md, and see information of the token format in tokenFormat.md

Ask questions in the matrix chat #halcyon:blackline.xyz or in GitHub issues.

Current features

  • A nice CLI tool to generate Halcyon tokens
  • Login with token or username/password
  • Fetch for new messages every x seconds using await
  • Event hooks for
    • on_ready()
    • on_message(message)
    • on_message_edit(message)
    • on_room_invite(room)
    • on_room_leave(roomID)
  • Action hooks
    • send_message(roomID, body, textFormat, replyTo, isNotice)
    • send_typing(roomID, seconds)
    • change_presence(presence, statusMessage)
    • join_room(roomID)
    • download_media(mxc)
    • upload_media(fileBuffer, fileName)
  • Room and message objects for incoming events events
  • Basic documentation (Check usage.md)

Getting started

  1. Create a matrix account for the bot
  2. Install Halcyon using python3 -m pip install halcyon or download it from the Releases tab in Github
  3. Generate a token using python3 -m halcyon -s homeserver.xyz -u @user:homeserver.xyz -p yourP@$$w0rd
  4. Start with the demo code below

Example bot code

See more example and message object info in usage.md

import halcyon
import requests, json

client = halcyon.Client()

async def on_room_invite(room):
    """On room invite, autojoin and say hello"""
    print("Someone invited us to join " + room.name)
    await client.join_room(room.id)
    await client.send_message(room.id, body="Hello humans")

async def on_message(message):
    """If we see a message with the phrase 'give me random', do a reply message with 32 random characters"""
    if "give me random" in message.content.body:
        await client.send_typing(message.room.id) # This typing notification will let the user know we've seen their message
        body = "This looks random: " + requests.get("https://random.wesring.com").json()["value"]
        await client.send_message(message.room.id, body=body, replyTo=message.event.id)

async def on_ready():
    await client.change_presence(statusMessage="indexing /dev/urandom")

if __name__ == '__main__':

CLI usage

halcyon can be called from the CLI to do some management of the account.
See the help message with python3 -m halcyon -h Right now it can be used to

  1. generate a new token
  2. decode an existing token
  3. revoke a single token
  4. revoke all tokens
usage: halcyon [-h] [-s SERVER] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--include-password] [--decode DECODE] [--pretty] [--revoke REVOKE] [--revoke-all-tokens REVOKE_ALL_TOKENS]

By this, you can generate a halcyonToken for your project, for example python3 -m halcyon -s matrix.org -u @kevin:matrix.org -p on&on&on1337

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SERVER, --server SERVER
                        Homeserver the user belongs to ex: matrix.org
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Your full username ex: @kevin:matrix.org
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Your full password for your matrix account
  --include-password    Save your username and password in the token for reauth (Not required right now since matrix tokens do not expire)
  --decode DECODE       Decode an existing token that you pass in
  --pretty              Pretty print the decoded token
  --revoke REVOKE       Revoke an existing token
  --revoke-all-tokens REVOKE_ALL_TOKENS
                        Revoke an all existing token for the account

Have fun creating
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  • `NameError: name 'idReturn' is not defined` when attempting to start a Halcyon-based bot after a small amount of use

    `NameError: name 'idReturn' is not defined` when attempting to start a Halcyon-based bot after a small amount of use

    I am running halcyon-stock-bot. I invited it to one room to tested it (it sent its welcome message and responded to a ticker symbol). I invited it to another and it joined and then crashed with a traceback similar to this one. It did not send its welcome message. I restarted the bot process and it's now always producing the following traceback:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/app/bot.py", line 63, in <module>
            client.run(halcyonToken=keys["halcyon"], longPollTimeout=1)#make sure you set it back to 30sec once your done debugging
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/halcyon/halcyon.py", line 482, in run
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/halcyon/halcyon.py", line 119, in _roomcacheinit
            self.roomCache["rooms"][roomID] = room(rawEvents=self.restrunner.getRoomState(roomID), roomID=roomID)
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/halcyon/room.py", line 81, in __init__
            self.predecessor = self.roomPredecessor(event["content"].get("predecessor"))
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/halcyon/room.py", line 155, in __init__
        File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/halcyon/room.py", line 164, in _parseRawContent
            self.event = idReturn(rawContent.get("event_id"))
    NameError: name 'idReturn' is not defined

    and failing to start.

    I am running inside a docker container I built myself in Kubernetes. That container is built from this base dockerfile and this stock bot specific dockerfile.

    Happy to provide whatever other detail you need to help troubleshoot.

    opened by jeffcasavant 2
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