Login qr line & qr image



login qr line & qr image

python3 & linux ubuntu

api source: https://github.com/hert0t/BEAPI-BETA

"IOSIPAD\t10.5.2\tiPhone 8\t11.2.5" def LoginQR(headers, cert=""): qr = lineGetQr(headers,cert) cl.sendMessage(to,"Link QR: "+qr["result"]["qrlink"]) GenerateQRIMG(to,qr["result"]["qrcode"]) cl.sendMessage(to,"IP: "+qr["result"]["ip"]) if crt == "": pincode = lineGetQrPincode(qr["result"]["session"]) cl.sendMessage(to,"Pincode: "+pincode["result"]["pincode"]) auth = lineGetQrAuth(qr["result"]["session"]) print("Cert: "+auth["result"]["certificate"]) return auth["result"]["accessToken"]">
import httpx
import qrcode
from PIL import Image

host = "https://beta.beapi.me"
http = httpx.Client(http2=True,timeout=120)

#don't forget to enter the logo you want to generate, rename it to fxglogo.jpg

def GenerateQRIMG(to,link):
    Logo_link = 'fxglogo.jpg'
    logo = Image.open(Logo_link)
    basewidth = 100
    wpercent = (basewidth/float(logo.size[0])) 
    hsize = int((float(logo.size[1])*float(wpercent))) 
    logo = logo.resize((basewidth, hsize), Image.ANTIALIAS) 
    QRcode = qrcode.QRCode( error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H)
    url = str(link)
    QRcolor = 'Black'
    QRimg = QRcode.make_image(fill_color=QRcolor, back_color="white").convert('RGB')
    pos = ((QRimg.size[0] - logo.size[0]) // 2, (QRimg.size[1] - logo.size[1]) // 2)
    QRimg.paste(logo, pos)
    alip.sendImage(to, 'scanme.png')
    os.system("rm -r scanme.png")

def lineGetQr(appName,cert=""):
    params = {"appname": appName}
    if cert != "":params["cert"] = cert
    resp = http.get(host+"/lineqr",params=params).json()
    if resp["status"] != 200: raise Exception (resp["reason"])
    return resp

def lineGetQrPincode(session):
    resp = http.get(host+"/lineqr/pincode/"+session).json()
    if resp["status"] != 200: raise Exception (resp["reason"])
    return resp

def lineGetQrAuth(self, session):
    resp = http.get(host+"/lineqr/auth/"+session).json()
    if resp["status"] != 200: raise Exception (resp["reason"])
    return resp

#LOGIN non cert

#headers > "IOSIPAD\t10.5.2\tiPhone 8\t11.2.5"

def LoginQR(headers, cert=""):
    qr = lineGetQr(headers,cert)
    cl.sendMessage(to,"Link QR: "+qr["result"]["qrlink"])
    cl.sendMessage(to,"IP: "+qr["result"]["ip"])
    if crt == "":
        pincode = lineGetQrPincode(qr["result"]["session"])
        cl.sendMessage(to,"Pincode: "+pincode["result"]["pincode"])
    auth = lineGetQrAuth(qr["result"]["session"])
    print("Cert: "+auth["result"]["certificate"])
    return auth["result"]["accessToken"]

for login using def LoginQR

if cmd.startswith("login "):
    sep = text.split(" ")
    fxgsetup = text.replace(sep[0] + " ", "")
    # login header desktopwin, dekstopmac, chromeos
    if fxgsetup == "desktopwin":
        x = LoginQR("DESKTOPWIN\t7.4.0\tPC-9bujIF\t10")
        #x is access toke, you can use os.system for deploy your bot.
    elif fxgsetup == "desktopmac":
        x = LoginQR("DESKTOPMAC\t7.4.0\tPC-9bujIF\t10")
        #x is access toke, you can use os.system for deploy your bot.
    elif fxgsetup == "chromeos":
        x = LoginQR("CHROMEOS\t2.4.9\tChrome OS\t1")
        #x is access toke, you can use os.system for deploy your bot.
        cl.sendMessage(to, "headers not in list login")

if you have cert and want login with cert.

if cmd.startswith("login "):
    cert = "012324434353453454565768786785774546" # << your cert code
    sep = text.split(" ")
    fxgsetup = text.replace(sep[0] + " ", "")
    # login header desktopwin, dekstopmac, chromeos
    if fxgsetup == "desktopwin":
        x = LoginQR("DESKTOPWIN\t7.4.0\tPC-9bujIF\t10",cert)
        #x is access token, you can use os.system for deploy your bot.
    elif fxgsetup == "desktopmac":
        x = LoginQR("DESKTOPMAC\t7.4.0\tPC-9bujIF\t10",cert)
        #x is access token, you can use os.system for deploy your bot.
    elif fxgsetup == "chromeos":
        x = LoginQR("CHROMEOS\t2.4.9\tChrome OS\t1",cert)
        #x is access token, you can use os.system for deploy your bot.
        cl.sendMessage(to, "headers not in list login")
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