A library from RCTI+ to handle RabbitMQ tasks (connect, send, receive, etc) in Python.



A library from RCTI+ to handle RabbitMQ tasks (connect, send, receive, etc) in Python.


  • Python >=3.7.3
  • Pika ==1.2.0
  • Aio-pika ==6.8.0
  • Requests >=2.25.1


pip install rctiplus-rabbitmq-python-sdk

Getting latest version

pip install rctiplus-rabbitmq-python-sdk --upgrade


To start using this SDK, you may follow given instructions bellow in order.

Payload handler

First, you need to create a payload class handler that implement MessagePayload. For example, we want to make a class to handle JSON payload:

None: self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname def __str__(self) -> str: """Convert JSON to string payload message Returns: str: String payload message """ return json.dumps({ 'firstname': self.firstname, 'lastname': self.lastname }) @classmethod def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload': """Generate data from JSON string payload message Returns: JSONPayload: Generated data """ payload = json.loads(message) return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname'])">
import json
from rctiplus_rabbitmq_python_sdk import MessagePayload

class JSONPayload(MessagePayload):
    """Example class to handle JSON payload

    def __init__(self, firstname: str, lastname: str) -> None:
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Convert JSON to string payload message

            str: String payload message
        return json.dumps({
            'firstname': self.firstname,
            'lastname': self.lastname
    def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload':
        """Generate data from JSON string payload message

            JSONPayload: Generated data
        payload = json.loads(message)
        return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname'])

MessagePayload class from the SDK's core has this functions that require to implemented:

'MessagePayload': """Generate data from specified string payload message format Raises: NotImplementedError: Raise an error if not implemented """ raise NotImplementedError() def __str__(self) -> str: """Convert specified data format to string payload message Raises: NotImplementedError: Raise an error if not implemented Returns: str: String payload message """ raise NotImplementedError()">
class MessagePayload:
    """Python RabbitMQ message payload
    def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'MessagePayload':
        """Generate data from specified string payload message format

            NotImplementedError: Raise an error if not implemented
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Convert specified data format to string payload message

            NotImplementedError: Raise an error if not implemented

            str: String payload message
        raise NotImplementedError()

Connect to RabbitMQ

Making connection to RabbitMQ server can be done by doing this simple way:

from rctiplus_rabbitmq_python_sdk import RabbitMQ

conn = RabbitMQ()
conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest')

Sending message

After you have payload class handler & connected to the RabbitMQ server, now you can try to send a messsage to queue channel. For example, we will send JSON payload message to test queue:

payload = JSONPayload('John', 'Doe')
print('payload:', payload)
conn.send('test', payload)

Receiving message

Great. Now, in our consumer app, we want to listen & receive that message, and then doing some stuff:

def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
    print("[x] Received %r" % body)
    data = JSONPayload.from_str(body)
    print(f'data: firstname={data.firstname}, lastname={data.lastname}')

conn.receive('test', callback)

For callback function, according to Pikas standart library, you need to pass 4 arguments ch, method, properties and body to catch all needed values from incomming message.

Putting it all together

Here is the complete example from the code above:

Complete example of sender or producer app:

None: self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname def __str__(self) -> str: """Convert JSON to string payload message Returns: str: String payload message """ return json.dumps({ 'firstname': self.firstname, 'lastname': self.lastname }) @classmethod def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload': """Generate data from JSON string payload message Returns: JSONPayload: Generated data """ payload = json.loads(message) return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname']) # Connect to RabbitMQ conn = RabbitMQ() conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest') # Send payload to queue payload = JSONPayload('John', 'Doe') print('payload:', payload) conn.send('test', payload)">
import json
from rctiplus_rabbitmq_python_sdk import RabbitMQ, MessagePayload

# Create payload class handler that implement `MessagePayload`
class JSONPayload(MessagePayload):
    """Example class to handle JSON payload

    def __init__(self, firstname: str, lastname: str) -> None:
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Convert JSON to string payload message

            str: String payload message
        return json.dumps({
            'firstname': self.firstname,
            'lastname': self.lastname
    def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload':
        """Generate data from JSON string payload message

            JSONPayload: Generated data
        payload = json.loads(message)
        return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname'])

# Connect to RabbitMQ
conn = RabbitMQ()
conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest')

# Send payload to queue
payload = JSONPayload('John', 'Doe')
print('payload:', payload)
conn.send('test', payload)

Complete example of consumer or receiver app:

None: self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname def __str__(self) -> str: """Convert JSON to string payload message Returns: str: String payload message """ return json.dumps({ 'firstname': self.firstname, 'lastname': self.lastname }) @classmethod def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload': """Generate data from JSON string payload message Returns: JSONPayload: Generated data """ payload = json.loads(message) return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname']) # Connect to RabbitMQ conn = RabbitMQ() conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest') # Create a callback to be executed immadiately after recieved a message def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print("[x] Received %r" % body) # Generate data from string payload message data = JSONPayload.from_str(body) print(f'data: firstname={data.firstname}, lastname={data.lastname}') # Receive & listen messages from queue channel conn.receive('test', callback)">
import json
from rctiplus_rabbitmq_python_sdk import RabbitMQ, MessagePayload

# Create payload class handler that implement `MessagePayload`
class JSONPayload(MessagePayload):
    """Example class to handle JSON payload

    def __init__(self, firstname: str, lastname: str) -> None:
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Convert JSON to string payload message

            str: String payload message
        return json.dumps({
            'firstname': self.firstname,
            'lastname': self.lastname

    def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload':
        """Generate data from JSON string payload message

            JSONPayload: Generated data
        payload = json.loads(message)
        return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname'])

# Connect to RabbitMQ
conn = RabbitMQ()
conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest')

# Create a callback to be executed immadiately after recieved a message
def callback(ch, method, properties, body):
    print("[x] Received %r" % body)
    # Generate data from string payload message
    data = JSONPayload.from_str(body)
    print(f'data: firstname={data.firstname}, lastname={data.lastname}')

# Receive & listen messages from queue channel
conn.receive('test', callback)


This SDK also support asynchronous process. To use this feature, use AIORabbitMQ instead of RabbitMQ. All methods provided in AIORabbitMQ are treated as async function. So, when you calling the methods, you need to await them.

Async connect to RabbitMQ

from rctiplus_rabbitmq_python_sdk import AIORabbitMQ

conn = AIORabbitMQ(loop)
await conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest')

loop is an asynchronous event loop, example: asyncio.get_event_loop()

Async sending message

payload = JSONPayload('John', 'Doe')
print('payload:', payload)
await conn.send('test', payload)

Async receiving message

async def callback(message):
    body = message.body
    print("[x] Received %r" % body)
    data = JSONPayload.from_str(body)
    print(f'data: firstname={data.firstname}, lastname={data.lastname}')

await conn.receive('test', callback)

In asynchronous process, you just need pass 1 argument on callback function. This argument is a representation of aio_pika.IncomingMessage to catch all needed values from incomming message.

Complete example of asynchronous process

Here is the complete example of asynchronous process above:

Complete example of asynchronous sender or producer app:

None: self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname def __str__(self) -> str: """Convert JSON to string payload message Returns: str: String payload message """ return json.dumps({ 'firstname': self.firstname, 'lastname': self.lastname }) @classmethod def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload': """Generate data from JSON string payload message Returns: JSONPayload: Generated data """ payload = json.loads(message) return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname']) # Main function async def main(loop): # Connect to RabbitMQ conn = AIORabbitMQ(loop) await conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest') async with conn.connection: # Send payload to queue payload = JSONPayload('John', 'Doe') print('payload:', payload) await conn.send('test', payload) # Event loop loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main(loop)) loop.close()">
import json
import asyncio
from rctiplus_rabbitmq_python_sdk import AIORabbitMQ, MessagePayload

# Create payload class handler that implement `MessagePayload`
class JSONPayload(MessagePayload):
    """Example class to handle JSON payload

    def __init__(self, firstname: str, lastname: str) -> None:
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Convert JSON to string payload message

            str: String payload message
        return json.dumps({
            'firstname': self.firstname,
            'lastname': self.lastname
    def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload':
        """Generate data from JSON string payload message

            JSONPayload: Generated data
        payload = json.loads(message)
        return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname'])

# Main function
async def main(loop):

    # Connect to RabbitMQ
    conn = AIORabbitMQ(loop)
    await conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest')
    async with conn.connection:
        # Send payload to queue
        payload = JSONPayload('John', 'Doe')
        print('payload:', payload)
        await conn.send('test', payload)

# Event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

Complete example of asynchronous consumer or receiver app:

None: self.firstname = firstname self.lastname = lastname def __str__(self) -> str: """Convert JSON to string payload message Returns: str: String payload message """ return json.dumps({ 'firstname': self.firstname, 'lastname': self.lastname }) @classmethod def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload': """Generate data from JSON string payload message Returns: JSONPayload: Generated data """ payload = json.loads(message) return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname']) # Main function async def main(loop): # Connect to RabbitMQ conn = AIORabbitMQ(loop) await conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest') # Create a callback to be executed immadiately after recieved a message async def callback(message): body = message.body print("[x] Received %r" % body) # Generate data from string payload message data = JSONPayload.from_str(body) print(f'data: firstname={data.firstname}, lastname={data.lastname}') # Receive & listen messages from queue channel await conn.receive('test', callback) return conn # Event loop loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() connection = loop.run_until_complete(main(loop)) try: loop.run_forever() finally: loop.run_until_complete(connection.disconnect())">
import json
import asyncio
from rctiplus_rabbitmq_python_sdk import AIORabbitMQ, MessagePayload

# Create payload class handler that implement `MessagePayload`
class JSONPayload(MessagePayload):
    """Example class to handle JSON payload

    def __init__(self, firstname: str, lastname: str) -> None:
        self.firstname = firstname
        self.lastname = lastname

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        """Convert JSON to string payload message

            str: String payload message
        return json.dumps({
            'firstname': self.firstname,
            'lastname': self.lastname
    def from_str(cls, message: str) -> 'JSONPayload':
        """Generate data from JSON string payload message

            JSONPayload: Generated data
        payload = json.loads(message)
        return cls(firstname=payload['firstname'], lastname=payload['lastname'])

# Main function
async def main(loop):

    # Connect to RabbitMQ
    conn = AIORabbitMQ(loop)
    await conn.connect(host='localhost', port=5672, username='guest', password='guest')
    # Create a callback to be executed immadiately after recieved a message
    async def callback(message):
        body = message.body
        print("[x] Received %r" % body)
        # Generate data from string payload message
        data = JSONPayload.from_str(body)
        print(f'data: firstname={data.firstname}, lastname={data.lastname}')

    # Receive & listen messages from queue channel
    await conn.receive('test', callback)

    return conn

# Event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
connection = loop.run_until_complete(main(loop))


GNU General Public License v3

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