graphw00f is Server Engine Fingerprinting utility for software security professionals looking to learn more about what technology is behind a given GraphQL endpoint.


graphw00f - GraphQL Server Fingerprinting

graphw00f (inspired by wafw00f) is the GraphQL fingerprinting tool for GQL endpoints.

Table of Contents

How does it work?

graphw00f is a Python utility which sends a mix of benign and malformed queries to determine the GraphQL engine running behind the scenes. graphw00f will provide insights into what security defences each technology provides out of the box, and whether they are on or off by default.

Specially crafted queries cause different GraphQL server implementations to respond uniquely to queries, mutations and subscriptions, this makes it trivial to fingerprint the backend engine and distinguish between the various GraphQL implementations. (CWE: CWE-200)


graphw00f currently attempts to discover the following GraphQL engines:

  • Graphene - Python
  • Ariadne - Python
  • Apollo - TypeScript
  • graphql-go - Go
  • gqlgen - Go
  • WPGraphQL - PHP
  • GraphQL API for Wordpress - PHP
  • Ruby - GraphQL
  • graphql-php - PHP
  • Hasura - Haskell
  • HyperGraphQL - Java
  • graphql-java - Java
  • Juniper - Rust
  • Sangria - Scala
  • Flutter - Dart
  • Diana.jl - Julia
  • Strawberry - Python
  • Tartiflette - Python

GraphQL Technologies Defence Matrices

Each fingerprinted technology (e.g. Graphene, Ariadne, ...) has an associated document (example for graphene) which covers the security defence mechanisms the specific technology supports to give a better idea how the implementation may be attacked.

| Field Suggestions | Query Depth Limit | Query Cost Analysis | Automatic Persisted Queries | Introspection      | Debug Mode | Batch Requests  |
| On by Default     | No Support        | No Support          | No Support                  | Enabled by Default | N/A        | Off by Default  |


  • python3
  • requests


Clone Repository

git clone [email protected]:dolevf/graphw00f.git

Run graphw00f

python3 -h

Usage: -h

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r, --noredirect      Do not follow redirections given by 3xx responses
  -t URL, --target=URL  target url with the path
  -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output-file=OUTPUT_FILE
                        Output results to a file (CSV)
  -l, --list            List all GraphQL technologies graphw00f is able to
  -v, --version         Print out the current version and exit.


python3 -t

                |     graphw00f     |                 
                  ***            ***                  
                **                  ***               
              **                       **             
    +--------------+              +--------------+       
    |    Node X    |              |    Node Y    |       
    +--------------+              +--------------+     
                  ***            ***                  
                     **        **                     
                       **    **                       
                    |   Node Z   |                      

                graphw00f - v1.0.0
          The fingerprinting tool for GraphQL
[*] Checking if GraphQL is available at
[*] Found GraphQL...
[*] Attempting to fingerprint...
[*] Discovered GraphQL Engine: (HyperGraphQL)
[!] Attack Surface Matrix:
[!] Technologies: Java
[!] Homepage:
[*] Completed.

Support and Issues

Any issues with graphw00f such as false positives, inaccurate detections, bugs, etc. please create a GitHub issue with environment details.


Want to learn more about GraphQL? head over to my other project and hack GraphQL away: Damn Vulnerable GraphQL Application

  • Fingerprinting crashes - possibly due to large Auth. Header?

    Fingerprinting crashes - possibly due to large Auth. Header?

    Hello @dolevf,

    I have been trying to fingerprint a graphql endpoint (sandboxed) for as part of a bug bounty program, but it keeps crashing:

    ~/graphw00f$ python -f -t

                |     graphw00f     |
                  ***            ***
                **                  **
              **                      **
    +--------------+              +--------------+
    |    Node X    |              |    Node Y    |
    +--------------+              +--------------+
                  ***            ***
                     **        **
                       **    **
                    |   Node Z   |
                graphw00f - v1.1.3
          The fingerprinting tool for GraphQL
           Dolev Farhi <[email protected]>

    [*] Checking if GraphQL is available at [!] Found GraphQL. [*] Attempting to fingerprint... Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/andrew/graphw00f/", line 153, in main() File "/home/andrew/graphw00f/", line 129, in main result = g.execute(url) File "/home/andrew/graphw00f/graphw00f/", line 52, in execute elif self.engine_graphene(): File "/home/andrew/graphw00f/graphw00f/", line 147, in engine_graphene if error_contains(response, 'Syntax Error GraphQL (1:1)'): File "/home/andrew/graphw00f/graphw00f/", line 32, in error_contains err_message = i.get(part, '') AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'

    To get anything sensible out of this endpoint, large authorization tokens are required (token is length 992 chars) and I wondered if this might be the root cause (but I maybe wrong). I have been using the long API keys successfully with Altair and configured one of these in graphw00f runs fine against a localhost graphql installation.


    opened by Sorren1969 5
  • ariadne and strawberry have conflicting signatures

    ariadne and strawberry have conflicting signatures

    While testing on an Ariadne engine sending query @deprecated {__typename} returned Directive '@deprecated' may not be used on query. which is the signature for strawberry.

    opened by MdotTIM 3
  • Clone in README

    Clone in README

    Using [email protected]:dolevf/graphw00f.git will give you permission denied, It's suppose to be , just change it in your README file or a lot of people will get confused.

    opened by gotr00t0day 2
  • Feature: custom authorization header

    Feature: custom authorization header

    Hi !

    Great project ! Is it possible (or is it planned) to add a custom header? I have a graphql app with an secure auth and I would need to add an authorization header in the request. Is it possible ?

    Thanks ! Trobyss'

    edit: I just find the :) it would be cool if it was specified in the readme

    opened by Trobyss 2
  • Create an Attack Surface Matrix Document for AWS AppSync

    Create an Attack Surface Matrix Document for AWS AppSync

    Graphw00f 1.0.8 has a new AWS AppSync fingerprint signature. It will be useful to create an attack surface matrix markdown file under docs/ for it to list the type of security features it offers and whether its vulnerable by default to GraphQL-ish things.

    documentation good first issue 
    opened by dolevf 1
  • feat: add AWS AppSync fingerprint

    feat: add AWS AppSync fingerprint

    Hello @dolevf,

    I work at Escape, a platform that helps developers find and fix the security flaws of their GraphQL endpoint, directly inside the CI-CD pipeline.

    Therefore, I am glad to contribute to your repository to make GraphQL safer, by providing a detection for Aws AppSync which is largely used in the ecosystem.

    Hope you will find it useful.

    Btw, checkout our free tool, to run dozens of GraphQL security tests for free, in ten seconds and without any sign-in. Also, results are private and not stored.

    opened by c3b5aw 1
  • Added --proxy and --burp options.

    Added --proxy and --burp options.

    Added support for explicit proxy specification through requests' built in proxy support. As a result, you don't need to rely on system proxies or set environment variables :)

    Using --proxy specifies an explicit proxy location. Using --burp uses the default Burp Suite proxy:

    opened by zw00sh 4
  • pyproject.toml


    opened by noraj 2
  • refactor: logging consistency

    refactor: logging consistency

    Address #20

    • refactor: print to logging module.
    • refactor: fstring over format (Graphw00f is targeting python3)
    • feat: that contains logger setup that we can later adjust.
    • chore: drop color class
    opened by c3b5aw 1
  • feat: publish as pypi package

    feat: publish as pypi package

    Address #18

    • feat: added CD workflow | Will create release/push to pypi on tag.
    • feat: pyproject file
    • refactor: version system
    • refactor: moved scripts assets into the main repository

    Instead of doing python which is an anti pattern and not sustainable, you will be able to install using pip and call it like graphw00f .... You are also able to call it using python -m graphw00f from a local directory.

    To setup the local env using poetry, install poetry (pip install poetry) and then do poetry install poetry shell.

    opened by c3b5aw 0
Dolev Farhi
Security Engineering
Dolev Farhi
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