Leon is an open-source personal assistant who can live on your server.



Your open-source personal assistant.

Website :: Documentation :: Roadmap :: Contributing :: Story

👋 Introduction

Leon is an open-source personal assistant who can live on your server.

He does stuff when you ask him for.

You can talk to him and he can talk to you. You can also text him and he can also text you. If you want to, Leon can communicate with you by being offline to protect your privacy.


  1. If you are a developer (or not), you may want to build many things that could help in your daily life. Instead of building a dedicated project for each of those ideas, Leon can help you with his packages/modules (skills) structure.
  2. With this generic structure, everyone can create their own modules and share them with others. Therefore there is only one core (to rule them all).
  3. Leon uses AI concepts, which is cool.
  4. Privacy matters, you can configure Leon to talk with him offline. You can already text with him without any third party services.
  5. Open source is great.

What is this repository for?

This repository contains the following nodes of Leon:

  • The server
  • The packages/modules
  • The web app
  • The hotword node

What is Leon able to do?

Today, the most interesting part is about his core and the way he can scale up. He is pretty young but can easily scale to have new features (packages/modules). You can find what he is able to do by browsing the packages list.

Sounds good for you? Then let's get started!

☁️ Try with a Single-Click

Gitpod will automatically setup an environment and run an instance for you.

Open in Gitpod

🚀 Getting Started


To install these prerequisites, you can follow the How To section of the documentation.


# Clone the repository (stable branch)
git clone -b master https://github.com/leon-ai/leon.git leon
# OR download the latest release at: https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/releases/latest

# Go to the project root
cd leon

# Install
npm install


# Check the setup went well
npm run check

# Build
npm run build

# Run
npm start

# Go to http://localhost:1337
# Hooray! Leon is running

Docker Installation

# Build
npm run docker:build

# Run
npm run docker:run

# Go to http://localhost:1337
# Hooray! Leon is running

📚 Documentation

For full documentation, visit docs.getleon.ai.

🧭 Roadmap

To know what is going on, follow roadmap.getleon.ai.

❤️ Contributing

If you have an idea for improving Leon, do not hesitate.

Leon needs open source to live, the more modules he has, the more skillful he becomes.

📖 The Story Behind Leon

You'll find a write-up on this blog post.

🔔 Stay Tuned

👨 Author

Louis Grenard (@louistiti_fr)

👍 Sponsors

30 USD / month
10 USD / month

You can also contribute by sponsoring Leon.

Please note that I dedicate most of my free time to Leon.

By sponsoring the project you make the project sustainable and faster to develop features.

The focus is not only limited to the activity you see on GitHub but also a lot of thinking about the direction of the project. Which is naturally related to the overall design, architecture, vision, learning process and so on...

📝 License

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2019-present, Louis Grenard [email protected]



  • Python && python3

    Python && python3

    Bonsoir, c'est difficile de mettre ce léon en place, mais je vais y arriver. J'ai un petit problème avec ce python et python3, léon ne detecte pas mon python3 (lors du check) car sur la derniere version derbian la version 2 est toujours utilisé. (Je ne suis pas un pro de linux). Donc suivant les forums on deconseil de remplacer python2 par python3 par defaut. Pourquoi est-ce que léon ne va pas chercher lui meme sa version lorsque les deux sont installés sur la machine? (c'est un detail, voir au mieux une idee). Bon je pense que je peux laisser python (python2) sur mon systeme et configurer léon pour qu'il utilise python3 a la place. Quel est le finchier de conf a modifier pour faire ca, si c'est possible

    .: CHECKING :.

    ➡ /bin/sh -c node --version ✔ v11.13.0

    ➡ /bin/sh -c npm --version ✔ 6.7.0

    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv --version ✔ pipenv, version 2018.11.26

    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv --where ✔ /home/odroid/leon

    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv run python --version ✖ The Python version must be 3.6.x. Please install it: https://www.python.org/downloads

    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv run python bridges/python/main.py en leon randomnumber "Give me a random number" ✖ Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c pipenv run python bridges/python/main.py en leon randomnumber "Give me a random number" Traceback (most recent call last): File "bridges/python/main.py", line 4, in import utils File "/home/odroid/leon/bridges/python/utils.py", line 6, in from pathlib import Path ImportError: No module named pathlib

    [email protected]:~$ python --version
    Python 2.7.15rc1
    [email protected]:~$ python3 --version
    Python 3.6.7

    Merci pour ton aide et ton projet que j'ai franchement hâte de tester.

    opened by marrodeur 24
  • Leon don't want to talk french, angry omelette du fromage

    Leon don't want to talk french, angry omelette du fromage


    • Leon version: beta 3
    • OS (or browser) version: Windows 10 but Leon on WSL Ubuntu 18
    • Node.js version: 11
    • Complete "npm run check" output:
    .: CHECKING :.
    ➡ /bin/sh -c node --version
    ✔ v11.15.0
    ➡ /bin/sh -c npm --version
    ✔ 6.7.0
    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv --version
    ✔ pipenv, version 2018.11.26
    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv --where
    ✔ /home/user/leon-dev/bridges/python
    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv run python --version
    ✔ Python 3.6.7
    ➡ /bin/sh -c pipenv run python bridges/python/main.py scripts/assets/query-object.json
    ✔ {"package": "leon", "module": "randomnumber", "action": "run", "lang": "en", "input": "Give me a random number", "entities": [], "output": {"type": "end", "codes": ["success"], "speech": 8, "options": {}}}
    ➡ Classifier state
    ✔ Found and valid
    ➡ Amazon Polly TTS
    ❗ Amazon Polly TTS is not yet configured
    ➡ Google Cloud TTS/STT
    ❗ Google Cloud TTS/STT is not yet configured
    ➡ Watson TTS
    ❗ Watson TTS is not yet configured
    ➡ Offline TTS
    ❗ Cannot find bin/flite/flite. You can setup the offline TTS by running: "npm run setup:offline-tts"
    ➡ Watson STT
    ❗ Watson STT is not yet configured
    ➡ Offline STT
    ❗ Cannot find bin/deepspeech/lm.binary. You can setup the offline STT by running: "npm run setup:offline-stt"
    .: REPORT :.
    ➡ Here is the diagnosis about your current setup
    ✔ Run
    ✔ Run modules
    ✔ Reply you by texting
    ❗ Amazon Polly text-to-speech
    ❗ Google Cloud text-to-speech
    ❗ Watson text-to-speech
    ❗ Offline text-to-speech
    ❗ Google Cloud speech-to-text
    ❗ Watson speech-to-text
    ❗ Offline speech-to-text
    ✔ Hooray! Leon can run correctly
    ➡ If you have some yellow warnings, it is all good. It means some entities are not yet configured

    Actual Behavior

    When i talk whit Leon in french it's crash

    How Do We Reproduce?

    Talk french with Leon :p

    Extra (like a sample repo to reproduce the issue, etc.)

    (node:1042) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined
        at Nlu.process (/home/user/leon-dev/server/dist/core/nlu.js:103:45)
        at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:86:5)
    (node:1042) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
    (node:1042) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
    opened by NT-me 17
  • Python 3.6

    Python 3.6

    Good morning,

    When i launch npm install, i get that : ✖ Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c pipenv install --skip-lock Warning: Python 3.6 was not found on your system... You can specify specific versions of Python with: $ pipenv --python path/to/python

    I am on raspberry 1, raspbian 10

    opened by Gadgetroch 15
  • Leon weather

    Leon weather

    What type of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [X] Feature
    • [ ] Refactor
    • [ ] Documentation
    • [ ] Not Sure?

    Does this PR introduce breaking changes?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [X ] No


    With this package you can ask Leon about the weather in all the cities of the world. It's not full finish because it's miss test and little things.

    opened by NT-me 15
  • How to update the packages?

    How to update the packages?

    How can I test my packages?

    I am trying to add some modules in the Existing package. I have added the quotes module in the leon package.

    I added this inleon/data/expressions/en.json

    "quote": [
    		"Tell me a Quote",
    		"Give me a Quote",

    Then I have updated the below in ` leon/data/expressions/en.json

    		  "Design is the silent ambassador of your brand. ",
    		  "If there is one word I’d like to remove from any conversation about design, it’s “pretty.",

    Then I create a new python file named quote.py. Please see the below code.

    import utils
    def quote(string):
    	"""Leon says some quote"""
    	return utils.output('end', 'quotes', utils.translate('quotes'))

    I also created a new test python file in the test folder.

    But it seems it breaks leon. Wheneve I ask question it gives reply as "Sorry, I don't work correctly!"

    How can I test the modules? Do I need to add anything else?

    opened by menporulporiayalan 15
  • chore(deps): bump googleapis from 67.1.1 to 89.0.0

    chore(deps): bump googleapis from 67.1.1 to 89.0.0

    Bumps googleapis from 67.1.1 to 89.0.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from googleapis's releases.

    googleapis googleapis-v89.0.0


    • retail: This release has breaking changes.
    • gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
    • dns: This release has breaking changes.
    • appengine: This release has breaking changes.
    • logging: This release has breaking changes.
    • compute: This release has breaking changes.
    • paymentsresellersubscription: This release has breaking changes.
    • bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.


    • analyticsadmin: update the API (983f8ba)
    • androidpublisher: update the API (2ef419e)
    • appengine: update the API (70c3733)
    • area120tables: update the API (d86574a)
    • artifactregistry: update the API (7de8325)
    • bigquery: update the API (0de2e24)
    • bigtableadmin: update the API (8ef0acf)
    • bigtableadmin: update the API (863c7f0)
    • chromepolicy: update the API (f6162a3)
    • cloudbuild: update the API (18fd64a)
    • cloudsearch: update the API (7c220ea)
    • compute: update the API (30bea18)
    • container: update the API (ab6d3f7)
    • content: update the API (3e942b4)
    • dialogflow: update the API (6495352)
    • dns: update the API (5fb88d6)
    • documentai: update the API (58576db)
    • domains: update the API (ba89daa)
    • firebase: update the API (9629195)
    • gkehub: update the API (7c7f873)
    • healthcare: update the API (33297c0)
    • iap: update the API (b95fd46)
    • localservices: update the API (43de21d)
    • logging: update the API (733a33b)
    • managedidentities: update the API (4904a02)
    • monitoring: update the API (7509670)
    • networkservices: update the API (339e0d3)
    • osconfig: update the API (2ff13e6)
    • osconfig: update the API (a2c067c)
    • paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (6564211)
    • realtimebidding: update the API (8bd83cf)
    • redis: update the API (6821f71)
    • regenerate index files (1a615ed)
    • regenerate index files (81d5df4)

    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from googleapis's changelog.

    89.0.0 (2021-10-18)


    • retail: This release has breaking changes.
    • gkehub: This release has breaking changes.
    • dns: This release has breaking changes.
    • appengine: This release has breaking changes.
    • logging: This release has breaking changes.
    • compute: This release has breaking changes.
    • paymentsresellersubscription: This release has breaking changes.
    • bigtableadmin: This release has breaking changes.


    • analyticsadmin: update the API (983f8ba)
    • androidpublisher: update the API (2ef419e)
    • appengine: update the API (70c3733)
    • area120tables: update the API (d86574a)
    • artifactregistry: update the API (7de8325)
    • bigquery: update the API (0de2e24)
    • bigtableadmin: update the API (8ef0acf)
    • bigtableadmin: update the API (863c7f0)
    • chromepolicy: update the API (f6162a3)
    • cloudbuild: update the API (18fd64a)
    • cloudsearch: update the API (7c220ea)
    • compute: update the API (30bea18)
    • container: update the API (ab6d3f7)
    • content: update the API (3e942b4)
    • dialogflow: update the API (6495352)
    • dns: update the API (5fb88d6)
    • documentai: update the API (58576db)
    • domains: update the API (ba89daa)
    • firebase: update the API (9629195)
    • gkehub: update the API (7c7f873)
    • healthcare: update the API (33297c0)
    • iap: update the API (b95fd46)
    • localservices: update the API (43de21d)
    • logging: update the API (733a33b)
    • managedidentities: update the API (4904a02)
    • monitoring: update the API (7509670)
    • networkservices: update the API (339e0d3)
    • osconfig: update the API (2ff13e6)
    • osconfig: update the API (a2c067c)
    • paymentsresellersubscription: update the API (6564211)
    • realtimebidding: update the API (8bd83cf)
    • redis: update the API (6821f71)
    • regenerate index files (1a615ed)
    • regenerate index files (81d5df4)

    ... (truncated)

    • 2d1e152 chore: release main (#2812)
    • 29ea4a1 build(node): update deps used during postprocessing (#1243) (#2817)
    • 1a615ed feat: regenerate index files
    • 4ab24ee fix(vmmigration): update the API
    • 42db7be fix(versionhistory): update the API
    • 2559495 fix(streetviewpublish): update the API
    • 64dedce feat(speech): update the API
    • 6ae8dd3 fix(sourcerepo): update the API
    • 276ebcf feat(servicenetworking): update the API
    • 7e40942 fix(servicemanagement): update the API
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 14
  • chore(deps): bump @google-cloud/text-to-speech from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1

    chore(deps): bump @google-cloud/text-to-speech from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1

    Bumps @google-cloud/text-to-speech from 3.2.1 to 3.3.1.

    Release notes

    Sourced from @​google-cloud/text-to-speech's releases.

    @​google-cloud/text-to-speech v3.3.1

    Bug Fixes

    @​google-cloud/text-to-speech v3.3.0


    • turns on self-signed JWT feature flag (#543) (bd5ecd3)

    @​google-cloud/text-to-speech v3.2.7

    Bug Fixes

    @​google-cloud/text-to-speech v3.2.6

    Bug Fixes

    • Updating WORKSPACE files to use the newest version of the Typescript generator. (#534) (dee8dc2)


    Bug Fixes


    Bug Fixes


    Bug Fixes


    Bug Fixes

    • GoogleAdsError missing using generator version after 1.3.0 (#515) (f48e238)

    Sourced from @​google-cloud/text-to-speech's changelog.

    3.3.1 (2021-09-10)

    Bug Fixes

    3.3.0 (2021-08-23)


    • turns on self-signed JWT feature flag (#543) (bd5ecd3)

    3.2.7 (2021-08-17)

    Bug Fixes

    3.2.6 (2021-07-21)

    Bug Fixes

    • Updating WORKSPACE files to use the newest version of the Typescript generator. (#534) (dee8dc2)

    3.2.5 (2021-07-12)

    Bug Fixes

    3.2.4 (2021-06-30)

    Bug Fixes

    3.2.3 (2021-06-23)

    Bug Fixes

    3.2.2 (2021-06-04)

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 14
  • Docker Install - no modules seems working v2019-03-04

    Docker Install - no modules seems working v2019-03-04


    I create this issue but the problem can be on my side ;), I install Leon on my ArchLinux with docker, The build and installation looks good, leon start on Leet's port ;) so when I want to speak with leon It looks like no modules work as we see on the screen capture :) I think the problem can be on my side, I have archLinux with deepin and docker don't have the reputaton to work good on it :P, I create this issue because if an other person have the same problem as me He can add it to this issue ;) Don't see it as a big priority, I have a lot of time to see what you do ;) My english is not perfect as you can see, I speak better french than English but I work on ;)


    Have a Nice day and be happy !!!!

    opened by rioukkevin 12
  • Unable to install it in ubuntu 18.10

    Unable to install it in ubuntu 18.10


    • Leon version: commit d0ca87d
    • pipenv version - 2018.11.26
    • npm version - 5.8.0
    • python version - 3.6.7
    • OS - Ubuntu 18.10

    Expected Behaviour Leon Should build successfully

    Actual Behaviour Throwed an error While installing the python package

    Error Message ✖ Failed to install the Python packages: Error: Command failed: /bin/sh -c pipenv install

    Any help would be appreciated.

    opened by menporulporiayalan 12
  • Docker image added

    Docker image added

    What type of change does this PR introduce?

    • [ ] Bugfix
    • [X] Feature
    • [ ] Refactor
    • [X] Documentation
    • [ ] Not Sure?

    Does this PR introduce breaking changes?

    • [ ] Yes
    • [X] No

    List any relevant issue numbers:

    https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/issues/1 https://github.com/leon-ai/leon/issues/4


    I added a DockerImage to run Leon, I also detailed the steps in the readme.md

    Unfortunately I saw the leon-ci-images afterward so my image is a bit different (so could be refactored)

    opened by Antoinebr 12
  • Improve NLU for more detailed queries

    Improve NLU for more detailed queries

    Be able to subtract a type of entity from a query. Such as date, number, location, etc.

    If it uses a tiers but Node.js, it should operate from the core and send the result object to modules via the child process parameters. Otherwise, it should fully be implemented in the core itself.

    I noted some following leads in this Trello card.

    opened by louistiti 12
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2021 2학기 데이터크롤링 기말프로젝트

공지 주제 웹 크롤링을 이용한 취업 공고 스케줄러 스케줄 주제 정하기 코딩하기 핵심 코드 설명 + 피피티 구조 구상 // 12/4 토 피피티 + 스크립트(대본) 제작 + 녹화 // ~ 12/10 ~ 12/11 금~토 영상 편집 // ~12/11 토 웹크롤러 사람인_평균

Choi Eun Jeong 2 Aug 16, 2022
Search msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity

前言 现在进行RBCD的攻击手段主要是搜索mS-DS-CreatorSID,如果机器的创建者是我们可控的话,那就可以修改对应机器的msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity,利用工具SharpAllowedToAct-Modify 那我们索性也试试搜索所有计算机

Jumbo 26 Dec 05, 2022
Chinese segmentation library

What is loso? loso is a Chinese segmentation system written in Python. It was developed by Victor Lin ( Fang-Pen Lin 82 Jun 28, 2022

This is the 25 + 1 year anniversary version of the 1995 Rachford-Rice contest

Rachford-Rice Contest This is the 25 + 1 year anniversary version of the 1995 Rachford-Rice contest. Can you solve the Rachford-Rice problem for all t

13 Sep 20, 2022
CATs: Semantic Correspondence with Transformers

CATs: Semantic Correspondence with Transformers For more information, check out the paper on [arXiv]. Training with different backbones and evaluation

74 Dec 10, 2021
Biterm Topic Model (BTM): modeling topics in short texts

Biterm Topic Model Bitermplus implements Biterm topic model for short texts introduced by Xiaohui Yan, Jiafeng Guo, Yanyan Lan, and Xueqi Cheng. Actua

Maksim Terpilowski 49 Dec 30, 2022
RoNER is a Named Entity Recognition model based on a pre-trained BERT transformer model trained on RONECv2

RoNER RoNER is a Named Entity Recognition model based on a pre-trained BERT transformer model trained on RONECv2. It is meant to be an easy to use, hi

Stefan Dumitrescu 9 Nov 07, 2022