📦 Autowiring dependency injection container for python 3


Lagom - Dependency injection container

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Lagom is a dependency injection container designed to give you "just enough" help with building your dependencies. The intention is that almost all of your code doesn't know about or rely on lagom. Lagom will only be involved at the top level to pull everything together.


  • Typed based auto wiring with zero configuration.
  • Fully based on types. Strong integration with mypy.
  • Minimal changes to existing code.
  • Integration with a few common web frameworks.
  • Support for async python.
  • Thread-safe at runtime

You can see a comparison to other frameworks here


pip install lagom
# or: 
# pipenv install lagom
# poetry add lagom

Note: if you decide to clone from source then make sure you use the latest version tag. The master branch may contain features that will be removed.


Everything in Lagom is based on types. To create an object you pass the type to the container:

container = Container()
some_thing = container[SomeClass]

Auto-wiring (with zero configuration)

Most of the time Lagom doesn't need to be told how to build your classes. If the __init__ method has type hints then lagom will use these to inject the correct dependencies. The following will work without any special configuration:

class MyDataSource:
class SomeClass:
   def __init__(datasource: MyDataSource)

container = Container()
some_thing = container[SomeClass] # An instance of SomeClass will be built with an instance of MyDataSource provided

and later if you extend your class no changes are needed to lagom:

class SomeClass:
   def __init__(datasource: MyDataSource, service: SomeFeatureProvider)

# Note the following code is unchaged
container = Container()
some_thing = container[SomeClass] # An instance of SomeClass will be built with an instance of MyDataSource provided


You can tell the container that something should be a singleton:

container[SomeExpensiveToCreateClass] = SomeExpensiveToCreateClass("up", "left")

Explicit build instructions when required

You can explicitly tell the container how to construct something by giving it a function:

container[SomeClass] = lambda: SomeClass("down", "spiral")

All of this is done without modifying any of your classes. This is one of the design goals of lagom.

Hooks in to existing systems

A decorator is provided to hook top level functions into the container.

def handle_move_post_request(request: typing.Dict, game: Game = lagom.injectable):
    # do something to the game
    return Response()

(There's also a few common framework integrations provided here)

Full docs here here


Contributions are very welcome. Please see instructions here

  • Injecting instances with a __call__ method on the class

    Injecting instances with a __call__ method on the class

    One of the use case is to Inject an instance of HttpBearer in FastAPI routes

    since the instance will have a different type than the class definition itself, this doesn't inject the instance as a dependency. Is there a workaround? Thanks

    opened by bejoygm 10
  • Support Classes with partial/magic_partial

    Support Classes with partial/magic_partial

    Resolves #129

    These changes allow calling Container.partial and Container.magic_partial with a class Callable. It also supports using the bind_to_container and magic_bind_to_container decorators on classes.

    Tests added for relevant methods in:

    • test_partial_classes.py
    • tests_magic_partial_classes.py

    Let me know if anything looks strange or if you feel the test coverage is not adequate.

    opened by BrentSouza 8
  • Consider creating a

    Consider creating a "compiled" container

    Since the container implements a dictionary interface it should be possible to analyse the code and generate a dictionary that can be dropped in place of the container. This would avoid any reflection happening at runtime.

    enhancement perfomance 
    opened by meadsteve 8
  • @dependency_definition doesn't work for generator functions with a Container parameter

    @dependency_definition doesn't work for generator functions with a Container parameter

    One more issue to throw your way @meadsteve 😅

    It seems @dependency_definition doesn't work for generator functions with the c: Container parameter, e.g.:

    def _session_dependency(container: Container) -> Generator[Session, None, None]:
        read_only: bool = container[Request].scope["db_access"] == "READ_ONLY"
        with get_db_session(read_only) as session:
            yield session

    This gives the following error:

    ImportError while loading conftest '/home/rbarrie/code/gdb/tests/unit/api/conftest.py'.
    tests/unit/api/conftest.py:10: in <module>
        from gdb.entrypoints.bootstrap import deps
    gdb/entrypoints/bootstrap.py:133: in <module>
        def _session_dependency(container: Container) -> Session:
    ../../.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/gdb-wpT7sdDb-py3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lagom/decorators.py:69: in _decorator
        definition_func, return_type = _extract_definition_func_and_type(func)  # type: ignore
    ../../.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/gdb-wpT7sdDb-py3.8/lib/python3.8/site-packages/lagom/decorators.py:102: in _extract_definition_func_and_type
        return value_from_gen, return_type.__args__[0]  # todo: something less hacky
    E   AttributeError: type object 'Session' has no attribute '__args__'

    For comparison a simple generator function without the c: Container parameter works fine:

    def _session_dependency() -> Generator[Session, None, None]:
        with get_db_session(False) as session:
            yield session

    I'm not sure if this is by design or not?

    I may be being too ambitious here but I want to have each of my FastAPI endpoints determine (via a custom APIRoute + Request.scope attribute) which DB transaction / connection is used (read/write vs read-only). I suppose I could achieve this with two independent Lagom containers, but then I would have two of every dependency initialised...

    bug question 
    opened by rowanbarrie 5
  • Support FastAPI dependency overrides

    Support FastAPI dependency overrides

    Hi Steve,

    Love the framework so far. One issue I'm having is in trying to use FastAPI dependency overrides in a similar manner to vanilla FastAPI, when making web-layer unit tests. I.e. mocking out dependencies.

    In vanilla FastAPI you would do something like this (with pytest):

    from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
    from dependencies import get_foo_service  # <-- Dependency function
    from foo import FooService
    def foo_service_mock():
        return Mock(FooService)
    def client(foo_service_mock) -> Generator:
        app.dependency_overrides[get_foo_service] = lambda: foo_service_mock
        with TestClient(app) as c:
            yield c

    But I can't see how I could replicate the override (app.dependency_overrides[get_foo_service]) functionality when using the Lagom FastAPI DI approach (i.e. when using deps.depends(FooService)).

    I suppose I would somehow need to reference the inner _resolver function of depends...surely this isn't possible?

    Thus it would be nice if there were explicit support for FastAPI dependency overrides.


    enhancement Integrations 
    opened by rowanbarrie 5
  • handle injecting into starlette HTTPEndpoints + tests

    handle injecting into starlette HTTPEndpoints + tests

    Closes #166

    Hey Steve! I was playing around with lagom and starlette and noticed there was a recent issue about this.

    This PR handles starlette's class-based views hopefully in a reasonably idiomatic way. The basic approach is to wrap the endpoint in a proxy class which ignores existing attributes from HTTPEndpoint but otherwise use lagom's DI to wrap what's assumed to be a handler function.

    Now that I look at it in a diff, potentially a more robust approach would be to wrap only attributes named after HTTP methods and otherwise not interfere, since (in theory, not sure why you would since you have no control over the way __init__ gets called) there could be custom non-route properties on a subclass of HTTPEndpoint.

    Happy to discuss / make changes either way!

    opened by marginalhours 5
  • Injection into instance methods

    Injection into instance methods


    Strangely I'm unable to make DI work with async / await coroutines as instance methods. Codes:

    import asyncio
    from lagom import Container, injectable
    class Foo: pass
    class Bar: pass
    class CoroutineHolder:
        async def coroutine(self, foo: Foo = injectable, bar: Bar = injectable):
    container = Container()
    holder = CoroutineHolder()
    coroutine_with_deps = container.partial(holder.coroutine)
    # prints the following:
    # <lagom.markers.Injectable object at 0x0000026A36369FD0>
    # <lagom.markers.Injectable object at 0x0000026A36369FD0>

    I inspected into the code a little (I'm not a great python programmer) and it seems Container._get_spec_without_self(self, func: Callable[..., X]) errs when the func argument is a Coroutine:

    if isinstance(func, FunctionType):
        spec = self._reflector.get_function_spec(func)
        t = cast(Type[X], func)
        spec = self._reflector.get_function_spec(t.__init__).without_argument(
    return spec

    Coroutines are CoroutineType unrelated to FunctionType, so this function makes a call to __init__, perhaps that is why, or I'm doing something wrong 😄

    opened by LeafyLappa 4
  • Aliasing a concrete type causes a RecursionError for identity map

    Aliasing a concrete type causes a RecursionError for identity map

    It appears that the change to how the Alias.skip_definitions flag is used in #150 introduced a regression. If an alias maps a type to itself, any resolution to the alias will raise a RecursionError.

    Python 3.9.4 (tags/v3.9.4:1f2e308, Apr  6 2021, 13:40:21) [MSC v.1928 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import abc
    >>> import sys
    >>> import lagom
    >>> sys.tracebacklimit = 5
    >>> class AbstractFoo(abc.ABC):
    ...   pass
    >>> class Foo(AbstractFoo):
    ...   pass
    >>> container = lagom.Container()
    >>> container[AbstractFoo] = Foo
    >>> container[AbstractFoo]
    <__main__.Foo object at 0x000001BF1CA4D700>
    >>> container[Foo]
    <__main__.Foo object at 0x000001BF1CA4D790>
    >>> container[Foo] = Foo
    >>> container[AbstractFoo]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\definitions.py", line 68, in get_instance
        return container.resolve(
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\container.py", line 237, in resolve
        return definition.get_instance(self)
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\definitions.py", line 68, in get_instance
        return container.resolve(
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\container.py", line 235, in resolve
        definition = self.get_definition(dep_type)
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\container.py", line 352, in get_definition
        definition = self._registered_types.get(dep_type, Unset)
    RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object
    >>> container[Foo]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\definitions.py", line 68, in get_instance
        return container.resolve(
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\container.py", line 237, in resolve
        return definition.get_instance(self)
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\definitions.py", line 68, in get_instance
        return container.resolve(
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\container.py", line 235, in resolve
        definition = self.get_definition(dep_type)
      File "X:\lagom\.venv\lib\site-packages\lagom\container.py", line 352, in get_definition
        definition = self._registered_types.get(dep_type, Unset)
    RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded while calling a Python object

    This is Python 3.9.4 and Lagom 1.3.0.

    Ultimately, this isn't a huge issue. But it seems that a guard condition is merited so the identity map can be allowed.

    opened by mrogaski 4
  • magic_partial fails for a class

    magic_partial fails for a class

    Not sure if intentional, but I had a need for using Container.magic_partial on a class type as opposed to a function. This throws an error because it's not able to resolve any of the dependencies.

    Taking a look at the pathway for Container.resolve, I noticed that it reflects on __init__ whereas magic_partial reflects directly on the callable:




    I was able to patch this by checking if func is a function or not:

    if isinstance(func, types.FunctionType):
        spec = self._reflector.get_function_spec(func)
        spec = self._reflector.get_function_spec(func.__init__)

    Which works successfully with something like:

    class Foo:
        def greet(self) -> str:
            return "Hello Foo"
    class Bar:
        def __init__(self, not_injected: str, foo: foo) -> None:
            self.not_injected = not_injected
            self.foo = foo
        def greet(self) -> str:
            return self.foo.greet() + self.not_injected
    container = Container()
    container[Foo] = Foo()
    bar = c.magic_partial(Bar)(not_injected="!")

    I can open a pull request with the fix above, just wanted to check if this was a design decision first.

    Also, thanks for your work on the library!

    opened by BrentSouza 3
  • Add request scoped context manager based resources for the fastapi integration

    Add request scoped context manager based resources for the fastapi integration

    Similar to: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/dependencies/dependencies-with-yield/

    See conversation on this issue: https://github.com/meadsteve/lagom/issues/179#issuecomment-979763975

    Stretch goal: make this generic enough to use for all lagom usages.

    opened by meadsteve 2
  • Decide whether django should have explicit or magic binding to views.

    Decide whether django should have explicit or magic binding to views.

    Magic (the current implementation):

    from .dependency_config import container
    def index(request, dep: SomeService):
        return HttpResponse(f"service says: {dep.get_message()}")
    # Or if you prefer class based views
    class CBVexample(View):
        def get(self, request, dep: SomeService):
            return HttpResponse(f"service says: {dep.get_message()}")

    vs. explicit:

    from lagom import injectable
    from .dependency_config import container
    def index(request, dep: SomeService=injectable):
        return HttpResponse(f"service says: {dep.get_message()}")
    # Or if you prefer class based views
    class CBVexample(View):
        def get(self, request, dep: SomeService=injectable):
            return HttpResponse(f"service says: {dep.get_message()}")
    opened by meadsteve 2
  • Request level singletons can not resolve fastapi/starlette Request class

    Request level singletons can not resolve fastapi/starlette Request class

    When resolving request level singletons, Request class from starlette can not be resolved

    As an example, editing the tests located at tests/integrations/fastapi_app/__init__.py as;

     from contextlib import contextmanager
     from typing import Iterator
    -from fastapi import FastAPI
    +from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
     from lagom import Container, dependency_definition
     from lagom.integrations.fast_api import FastApiIntegration
     class Inner:
    -    def __init__(self, msg=None):
    +    def __init__(self, request: Request, msg=None):
             self.msg = msg
    +        self.request = request

    The resolution gives the following error;

    lagom.exceptions.UnresolvableType: Unable to construct dependency of type Inner The constructor probably has some unre
    solvable dependencies

    I will try to make a PR when i have time. But not promise :D

    opened by alkimake 0
  • Document dependency lifetimes

    Document dependency lifetimes

    There are broadly three lifetimes:

    • Singleton - exists for the life of the container once created.
    • Invocation level shared - constructed once during a single function call (wrapped by a lagom decorator).
    • Regular - Constructed new every time they are needed.

    Special case for a lot of the framework integrations:

    • Request level - This is equivalent to the invocation level shared resources above but specifically for the lifetime of a request.
    opened by meadsteve 0
  • WIP integration with strawberry

    WIP integration with strawberry

    The TLDR goal of this work is to be able to build @strawberry data loaders like this:

    class AuthorLoader(DataLoader[str, Author]):
        def __init__(self, some_dep_db: DB):
            self.db = some_dep_db
        async def get_authors(self, ids) -> typing.List["Author"]:
            print(f"Bulk loading authors: {ids}")
            return await self.db.get_the_authors(ids)

    and then use it like

    container = StrawberryContainer()
    container[AuthorLoader] = AuthorLoader
    class Book:
        title: str
        author_id: int
        async def author(self, loader: "AuthorLoader") -> "Author":
            return await loader.load(self.author_id)
    class MyGraphQL(GraphQL):
        async def get_context(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
            context: Dict = {}
            return context
    opened by meadsteve 1
  • Document container layering

    Document container layering

    Lagom allows (and should encourage) containers to be stacked on top of each other. This is especially useful when you have different contexts like a web app and a worker on some job queue that share some dependency construction logic but not all.

    opened by meadsteve 0
  • 2.0.0(Sep 26, 2022)

    2.0.0 (2022-09-26)


    • Add helper exception if an async type is requested without being wrapped in Awaitable.
    • Use mypyc to compile some parts of lagom for a speed boost. This is only available on some platforms. A non-compiled fallback is also built.

    Bug Fixes


    Backwards incompatible changes

    • 3.6 is now no longer formally supported (though it may still work)
    • The compiled classes are less tolerant of slightly incorrectly typed arguments

    Benchmarking for compilation

    Running the benchmarking on a Darwin-CPython-3.8-64bit.

    001 is version 1.7.1 of lagom pre compilation. 002 is the newly compiled version.

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- benchmark: 6 tests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Name (time in us)                      Min                    Max                Mean              StdDev              Median                IQR            Outliers  OPS (Kops/s)            Rounds  Iterations
    test_optimised (0002_baselin)      71.7450 (1.0)         971.7620 (1.65)      87.0807 (1.0)       20.9528 (1.0)       81.8410 (1.0)       5.2518 (1.0)     6107;9432       11.4836 (1.0)       87699           1
    test_plain (0002_baselin)         128.2760 (1.79)        588.2040 (1.0)      154.0175 (1.77)      32.0413 (1.53)     144.8510 (1.77)      9.5982 (1.83)    1084;1869        6.4928 (0.57)      14475           1
    test_magic (0002_baselin)         147.2380 (2.05)        598.4200 (1.02)     169.9302 (1.95)      36.6631 (1.75)     159.4025 (1.95)      8.2840 (1.58)      227;405        5.8848 (0.51)       2962           1
    test_optimised (0001_baselin)     159.1330 (2.22)     19,492.6290 (33.14)    218.7509 (2.51)     238.4710 (11.38)    185.7110 (2.27)     40.6575 (7.74)     542;4813        4.5714 (0.40)      43520           1
    test_plain (0001_baselin)         250.3910 (3.49)        780.7970 (1.33)     289.7597 (3.33)      52.2043 (2.49)     272.0675 (3.32)     18.1820 (3.46)     839;1469        3.4511 (0.30)       9416           1
    test_magic (0001_baselin)         271.6470 (3.79)      1,122.6480 (1.91)     314.4931 (3.61)      65.8549 (3.14)     291.0765 (3.56)     24.0800 (4.59)      230;353        3.1797 (0.28)       2718           1

    Upgrade instructions

    Python 3.6 is no longer supported so this upgrade will not be possible. This release of the code may still work but this version and future releases will not be tested against 3.6.

    For python 3.7 and above the core parts of the library are now compiled and published to pypi. The interface for this new release is intended to be compatible with the 1.7.X version, but you should test before deploying to production and report any bugs. The compiled version (and therefore performance improvements) is only available for CPython, other python runtimes are supported through a pure python wheel.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.7.1(May 25, 2022)

    1.7.1 (2022-05-25)



    Bug Fixes

    • Fairly serious bug which affected fastapi integrations with more than 1 request level singleton. The bug caused the definitions of the singletons to all point to the last defined singleton. Fixed in #197 thanks to Dag for reporting and helping with replication.

    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.7.0(Nov 30, 2021)

    1.7.0 (2021-11-30)


    • Request lifetime instances with cleanup (using ContextManagers) for the FastApi integration.

    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed bug which meant generator dependencies could not accept the container as an argument

    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.6.0(Nov 25, 2021)

    1.6.0 (2021-11-25)


    • Starlette integration now has support for web sockets. #173. Thanks again @MisterKeefe
    • FastApi integration provides method to support altering dependency chains during test.

    Bug Fixes


    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.5.0(Nov 13, 2021)

    1.5.0 (2021-11-13)


    • Better error messages when failing to load environment variables.
    • Starlette integration now supports class based endpoints #170 thanks @MisterKeefe

    Bug Fixes


    Backwards incompatible changes


    New Contributors

    • @MisterKeefe made their first contribution in https://github.com/meadsteve/lagom/pull/170

    Full Changelog: https://github.com/meadsteve/lagom/compare/1.4.1...1.5.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.4.0(Aug 16, 2021)

    1.4.0 (2021-08-16)


    • container.partial now works for instance methods. Thanks to @LeafyLappa for pointing out this didn't work.
    • Added FunctionCollection type. Allows the container to store a collection of functions

    Bug Fixes

    • container.partial now works for instance methods. Thanks to @LeafyLappa for pointing out this didn't work.

    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.1(May 28, 2021)

    1.3.1 (2021-05-27)



    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed bug in flask integration where multiple route decorators caused an error
    • Fixed bug with self aliases causing infinite recursion. Thanks to @mrogaski for the report. #159.

    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.1(Mar 21, 2021)

    1.2.1 (2021-03-21)



    Bug Fixes

    • Fixed a bug that could cause an aliased class to skip a defined way of constructing the class.
    • Custom caching reflection logic replaced with lru cache. This prevents an in theory bug when the cache could fill up memory if a lot of temporary functions got reflected upon.

    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.2.0(Mar 17, 2021)

    1.2.0 (2021-03-17)


    • FastAPI integration now provides request level singletons.
    • [EXPERIMENTAL] Integration to click CLI package added

    Bug Fixes


    Backwards incompatible changes

    • Internal detail: The type hints for FunctionSpec from the caching reflector are now all non-mutable. The implementation is not changed but the immutable hints should prevent state based bugs.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Feb 24, 2021)

    1.1.0 (2021-02-24)


    • Classes can now be passed to container.partial and container.magic_partial. Thanks to @BrentSouza via PR #132.
    • Decorators now preserve function docs.
    • Decorators now communicate that the return type of the decorated function is preserved.

    Bug fixes

    • Stop unnecessary function call to parent definitions.

    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.0-beta.4(Dec 4, 2020)

  • 1.0.0-beta.3(Nov 28, 2020)

  • 1.0.0-beta.2(Nov 28, 2020)

  • 1.0.0-beta.1(Nov 27, 2020)

  • v0.19.0(Nov 16, 2020)

  • v0.18.1(Nov 3, 2020)

    0.18.1 (2020-10-23)


    • Better interface for build version info.

    Bug fixes

    • fix but in retrieving the git hash from the package.

    0.18.0 (2020-10-23)


    • (internal detail) when a plain object is provided to the container as a definition it is no longer wrapped as a Singleton, but stored instead as PlainInstance. This allows the container to skip any thread locks added in the singleton logic.
    • add publishing logic to ship git commit hash with package.

    Bug fixes


    Backwards incompatible changes


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.17.0(Oct 20, 2020)

    0.17.0 (2020-10-20)


    • Magic partial and regular partial binding for framework integrations
    • Thread locks for mutable state in the caching reflector and the singletons.

    Bug fixes


    Backwards incompatible changes

    • All framework binding methods are now non magic by default
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.14.0(Jun 24, 2020)

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32 Jun 21, 2022
Htmdf - html to pdf with support for variables using fastApi.

htmdf Converts html to pdf with support for variables using fastApi. Installation Clone this repository. git clone https://github.com/ShreehariVaasish

Shreehari 1 Jan 30, 2022
Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications

Generate FastAPI projects for high performance applications. Based on MVC architectural pattern, WSGI + ASGI. Includes tests, pipeline, base utilities, Helm chart, and script for bootstrapping local

Radosław Szamszur 274 Jan 08, 2023
A rate limiter for Starlette and FastAPI

SlowApi A rate limiting library for Starlette and FastAPI adapted from flask-limiter. Note: this is alpha quality code still, the API may change, and

Laurent Savaete 565 Jan 02, 2023
Recommend recipes based on what ingredients you have at home

🌱 MyChef 📦 Overview MyChef is an application that helps you decide what meal to make based on what you have at home. Simply enter in ingredients you

Logan Connolly 44 Nov 08, 2022
api versioning for fastapi web applications

fastapi-versioning api versioning for fastapi web applications Installation pip install fastapi-versioning Examples from fastapi import FastAPI from f

Dean Way 472 Jan 02, 2023
OpenAPI generated FastAPI server

OpenAPI generated FastAPI server This Python package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project: API version: 1.0.0 Build package: or

microbo 1 Oct 31, 2021
Social Distancing Detector using deep learning and capable to run on edge AI devices such as NVIDIA Jetson, Google Coral, and more.

Smart Social Distancing Smart Social Distancing Introduction Getting Started Prerequisites Usage Processor Optional Parameters Configuring AWS credent

Neuralet 129 Dec 12, 2022
A simple docker-compose app for orchestrating a fastapi application, a celery queue with rabbitmq(broker) and redis(backend)

fastapi - celery - rabbitmq - redis - Docker A simple docker-compose app for orchestrating a fastapi application, a celery queue with rabbitmq(broker

Kartheekasasanka Kaipa 83 Dec 19, 2022
Example of using FastAPI and MongoDB database.

FastAPI Todo Application Example of using FastAPI and MangoDB database. 💡 Prerequisites Python ⚙️ Build & Run The first thing to do is to clone the r

Bobynets Ivan 1 Oct 29, 2021
A simple web to serve data table. It is built with Vuetify, Vue, FastApi.

simple-report-data-table-vuetify A simple web to serve data table. It is built with Vuetify, Vue, FastApi. The main features: RBAC with casbin simple

11 Dec 22, 2022