Automate saving your Discover Weekly Playlist using Python.



Automate saving your Discover Weekly Playlist using Python. Made with <3 and FastAPI.
The saved playlist link is sent to my discord server via a webhook.


Clone this repository.

git clone

This project uses pipenv to create a virtual environment.

pip install pipenv

Activate and install dependencies using pipenv.

cd SpotWeekly
pipenv sync 

For venv enthusiasts, I have provided a requirements.txt file to help install project dependencies.

Rename the env.example file to .env.


Registering Your Spotify App on Spotify for Developers
  • Create a Spotify Developer account.
  • Copy the Client ID and Client SECRET and paste it in the .env file.
  • Go to edit settings and set Redirect URI to as shown

  • Setting up webhook for Discord
  • You need to have the create and manage webhook permissions in the server.
  • Go to Server Settings > Integrations > New Webhook
  • Fill the required values and select the channel for the webhook to be posted in.
  • Click on Copy Webhook URL
  • Paste the copied url in .env file.

  • Usage

    To get the playlist ID for your Discover Weekly, copy the link for the playlist.
    The highlighted portion as shown in the image is the Spotify Playlist ID.

    Spotify Playlist ID
    Extract the ID and paste it onto the .env file.
    Fill the remaining details in the .env file.

    Run and copy the token supplied. Run and supply the parameters asked.
    Check Discord once Successfully created playlist ! is printed on screen.


    [ ] Create Docker instance.
    [ ] Run this as a cron job using Github Workflows.
    [ ] Create a bash script for a cron job if locally deployed.


    Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

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