LegoDNN: a block-grained scaling tool for mobile vision systems


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Table of contents

1 Introduction

At present, LegoDNN includes six kinds of widely used visual DNN applications, including image classification, semantic segmentation, object detection, action recognition, anomaly detection and pose estimation. The DNNs in all visual applications contain a large number of convolution layers and blocks.


  • Image classification applications distinguish different categories of object from an image. The method first takes an image as input, then extracts the image's feature via convolutional layers, and finally outputs the probability of categories via fully connected layers. Take ResNet18 as example, which is shown in Figure (a), it can be divided into three parts: root, four stages and fully connected layer. Other applications use Resent18 pre-trained by ImageNet to extract image features, and make further modifications on the four stages. The pre-trained ResNet18 is so called Backbone.

  • Semantic segmentation applications are widely used in medical images and driverless scenes. A typical DNN model has an encoder-decoder structure, in which the encoder corresponds to an image classification network and the decoder varies across different DNNs. For example, in fully convolutional networks (FCN)~\cite{long2015fully} (Figure (b)), the encoder corresponds to the four stages in ResNet and the decoder contains four convolution layers.

  • Object detection applications detect coordinates of the frames containing objects (e.g., people, dogs, cars) and recognize the objects. Its mainstream networks can be divided into three parts: Backbone, net and detector. Figure (c) shows a popular object detection network YOLO-V3. Its backbone is a ResNet18 which is divided into two parts :a root convolution layer and four stages here. Its detector is the two conected convolution layers before each output. All the remaining convolution layers form the net.

  • Action recognition applications recognize an object's actions in video clips, such as speaking, waving, etc. As shown in Figure (d), a classical two-stream convolutional networks is presented. The network is divided into spatial convolutional network and temporal convolutional network, both of which use image classification networks to perform classification tasks.

  • Anomaly detection applications detect anomalies in data, particularly the image and video data. This network can be divided into two categories: (1) self-training-based model; (2) GAN-based model. As shown in Figure (e1) and Figure (e2), self-training-based model uses ResNet18 to extract data's feature, use fully connected layer to make prediction; GAN-based model is a simple and symmetric AutoEncoder model.

  • Pose estimation focuses on the problem of identifying the orientation of a 3-D object. It has been widely used in many fields such as robot vision, motion tracking, etc. The mainstream pose estimation networks are mainly divided into two categories. The first one first detects an object from an image, and then detects the key points of the object. Network structure of this category is similar to objection detection's. In contrast, the second one first finds the key points and then groups the points. In this way, it can obtain the detect results. Network structure of the second one is similar to semantic segmentation's.

LegoDNN is a lightweight, block-grained and scalable solution for running multi-DNN wrokloads in mobile vision systems. It extracts the blocks of original models via convolutional layers, generates sparse blocks, and retrains the sparse blocks. By composing these blocks, LegoDNN expands the scaling options of original models. At runtime, it optimizes the block selection process using optimization algorithms. The following figure shows a LegoDNN example of ResNet18. This project is a PyTorch-based implementation of LegoDNN, and allows to convert the deep neural networks in the above six mainstream applications to LegoDNN. With LegoDNN, original models are able to dynamically scale at edge, and adapt to changing device resources.

1.1 Major features

  • Modular Design

    This project decomposes the block extracting, retraining and selecting processes of legodnn into various modules. Users can convert their own custom model to legodnn more conveniently by using these module components.

  • Automatic extraction of blocks

    This project has implemented a general block extraction algorithm, supporting the automatic block extraction of the models in image classification, target detection, semantic segmentation, attitude estimation, behavior recognition, and anomaly detection applications.

1.2 Architecture

Architecture of legodnn is split into the offline stage and the online stage.

  • Offline Stage:

    • At the offline stage, theblock extratoridentifies the original/uncompressed blocks from a DNN model, and feeds them to the decendant block generator module to produce descendant blocks. The block retrainer module then retrains the descendant blocks. Finally, the block profiler module profiles all blocks' accuracies, memory and latency information.
  • Online Stage:

    • At the online stage, the latency estimator module estimates latencies of the blocks at edge devices, then sends these latencies with the accuracy and memory information together to the scaling optimater module to optimally select blocks. Finally, the block swicher module replaces the corresponding blocks in the model with the selected blocks at runtime.

Module details

  • BlockManager: this module integrates block extractor, descendant block generator, and block switcher. The block extractor is responsible for extracting original blocks from an original model's convolution layers. The descendant block generator is responsible for pruning the original blocks to generate multiple sparsity descendant blocks. The block switcher is responsible for replacing blocks with optimal blocks at run time, where the optimal blocks are selected by optimization algorithms. With the AutoBlockManager, this project has implemented automatic extraction of blocks for various models.
  • BlockRetrainer:this module is used to retrain descendant models to inprove their accuracies. The retraining takes the intermediate data as training data and the sparse blocks as models; the intermediate data is generated by original models as well as original training data; the sparse blocks are generated by original models. The retraining process is quite fast because it only used the intermediate data, reducing the model computation. Meanwhile, these intermediate data can be used in parallel to train the descendant blocks generated from the same original blocks.
  • BlockProfile:this module is used to generate analysis and statistics information of the block size, accuracy, etc. The size of a block is the memory it occupies. Since the accuracy loss of a block is different in different combined models, this module selects k different sizes in profiling.
  • LatencyProfile:this module is used to analyze the latency reduction percentage of the blocks on edge devices. The inference latency is obtained by simulating each block's inference on edge device directly. The latency reduction percentage of each block is calculated by using the following formula: (latency of the original block - latency of the currently derived block)/latency of the original block.
  • ScailingOptimizer:this module is used to update and optimize the blocks in real time. By formalizing the block selection as an integer linear programming optimization problem and resolving it in real time, we can continuously obtain the model that owns the maximal accuracy and satisfies the conditions of specific latency and memory limitation.

2 Code and Installation

2.1 Code

Offline stage

  1. Import components and initialize seed
    import os
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "0"
    import sys
    import torch
    from legodnn import BlockRetrainer, BlockProfiler, LatencyEstimator, ScalingOptimizer
    from legodnn.common.utils.gen_series_legodnn_models import gen_series_legodnn_models
    from legodnn.common.utils.dl.common.env import set_random_seed
    from legodnn.common.detection.model_topology_extraction import topology_extraction
    from legodnn.common.manager.block_manager.auto_block_manager import AutoBlockManager
    from legodnn.common.detection.common_detection_manager_1204_new import CommonDetectionManager
    from legodnn.common.manager.model_manager.common_model_manager import CommonModelManager
    from cv_task.datasets.image_classification.cifar_dataloader import CIFAR10Dataloader, CIFAR100Dataloader
    from cv_task.image_classification.cifar.models import resnet18
  2. Initialize original model
    teacher_model = resnet18(num_classes=100).to(device)
  3. Extract the blocks automatically, then generate descendant blocks and save the blocks to disk using AutoBlockManager
    cv_task = 'image_classification'
    dataset_name = 'cifar100'
    model_name = 'resnet18'
    compress_layer_max_ratio = 0.125
    device = 'cuda' 
    model_input_size = (1, 3, 32, 32)
    train_batch_size = 128
    test_batch_size = 128
    block_sparsity = [0.0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.8]
    root_path = os.path.join('results/legodnn', cv_task, model_name+'_'+dataset_name + '_' + str(compress_layer_max_ratio).replace('.', '-'))
    compressed_blocks_dir_path = root_path + '/compressed'   
    trained_blocks_dir_path = root_path + '/trained'    
    descendant_models_dir_path = root_path + '/descendant'
    block_training_max_epoch = 20
    test_sample_num = 100
    model_graph = topology_extraction(teacher_model, model_input_size, device=device)
    detection_manager = CommonDetectionManager(model_graph, max_ratio=compress_layer_max_ratio) # resnet18
    model_manager = CommonModelManager()
    block_manager = AutoBlockManager(block_sparsity, detection_manager, model_manager)
    block_manager.extract_all_blocks(teacher_model, compressed_blocks_dir_path, model_input_size, device)
  4. Retrain the blocks
    train_loader, test_loader = CIFAR100Dataloader()         
    block_training_max_epoch = 20                            
    block_retrainer = BlockRetrainer(teacher_model, block_manager, model_manager, 
  5. Get the profiles about accuracy and memory of the blocks.
    trained_blocks_dir_path = root_path + '/trained'         
    block_profiler = BlockProfiler(teacher_model, block_manager, model_manager,
    										  trained_blocks_dir_path, test_loader, model_input_size, device)

Online stage

  1. Estimate latency of the block
    test_sample_num = 100
    latency_estimator = LatencyEstimator(block_manager, model_manager, trained_blocks_dir_path,
    				     test_sample_num, model_input_size, device)
  2. Select the blocks optimally
    latency_estimator = LatencyEstimator(block_manager, model_manager, trained_blocks_dir_path,
    							   test_sample_num, model_input_size, device)
    optimal_runtime = ScalingOptimizer(trained_blocks_dir_path, model_input_size,
    				   block_manager, model_manager, device)
    optimal_runtime.update_model(10, 4.5 * 1024 ** 2)

2.2 Installation


  • Linux and Windows
  • Python 3.6+
  • PyTorch 1.9+
  • CUDA 10.2+

Prepare environment

  1. Create a conda virtual environment and activate it.

    conda create -n legodnn python=3.6
    conda active legodnn
  2. Install PyTorch and torchvision according the official site image Get install params according to the selection in the official site,and copy them to the terminal.

    Note: please determine whether the CPU version of pytorch or GPU version is installed. If the CPU version of pytorch is installed, please change the device ='cuda'in the following code to device ='cpu'

  3. Install legodnn

    git clone
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Docker

    Using docker Note that these Docker images do not support GPU

    Raspberry pi 4B or Jeston TX2
    docker run -it bitlinc/legodnn:aarch64-1.0

Note! You should specify a cbc path for some devices in the init method of online/,like this:

pulp_solver=pulp.COIN_CMD(path="/usr/bin/cbc",msg=False, gapAbs=0)

if your device does not have a cbc command in /usr/bin,you should run apt-get install coinor-cbc to install it.

3 Repository of DNNs in vision tasks

3.1 Supported models

Image classfication

Model Name Data Script
ResNet (CVPR'2016) Cifar100 Demo
MobileNetV2 (CVPR'2018) Cifar100
ResNeXt (CVPR'2017) Cifar100
InceptionV3(CVPR'2016) Cifar100 Demo
WideResNet (BMVC'2016) Cifar100
RAN (CVPR'2017) Cifar100
CBAM (ECCV'2018) Cifar100 Demo
SENet (CVPR'2018) Cifar100
VGG (ICLR'2015) Cifar100

Obejct detection

Model Name Data Script
Fast R-CNN (NIPS'2015) PARSCAL VOC 2007 Demo
YOLOv3 (CVPR'2018) PARSCAL VOC 2007 Demo
FreeAnchor (NeurIPS'2019) PARSCAL VOC 2007 Demo

Semantic segmentation

Model Name Data Script
FCN (CVPR'2015) PARSCAL VOC 2012 Demo
U-Net (MICCAI'2016) DRIVE Demo
DeepLab v3 (ArXiv'2017) PARSCAL VOC 2012 Demo

Anomaly detection

Model Name Data Script
GANomaly (ACCV'2018) Coil100 Demo
GPND (NIPS'2018) CLatech256 Demo
Self-Training (CVPR'2020) UCSD-Ped1 Demo

Pose estimation

Model Name Data Script
DeepPose (CVPR'2014) MPII Demo
SimpleBaselines2D (ECCV'2018) MPII Demo

Action recognition

Model Name Data Script
TSN (ECCV'2016) HDMB51 Demo
TRN (ECCV'2018) HDMB51 Demo

3.3 How to implement new models in LegoDNN

The model have particular training need to implement a custom model manager based on AbstractModelManager in package legodnn.common.manager.model_manager.abstract_model_manager.

class AbstractModelManager(abc.ABC):
	"""Define all attributes of the model.

	def forward_to_gen_mid_data(self, model: torch.nn.Module, batch_data: Tuple, device: str):
		"""Let model perform an inference on given data.

			model (torch.nn.Module): A PyTorch model.
			batch_data (Tuple): A batch of data, typically be `(data, target)`.
			device (str): Typically be 'cpu' or 'cuda'.
		raise NotImplementedError()

	def dummy_forward_to_gen_mid_data(self, model: torch.nn.Module, model_input_size: Tuple[int], device: str):
		"""Let model perform a dummy inference.

			model (torch.nn.Module): A PyTorch model.
			model_input_size (Tuple[int]): Typically be `(1, 3, 32, 32)` or `(1, 3, 224, 224)`.
			device (str): Typically be 'cpu' or 'cuda'.
		raise NotImplementedError()

	def get_model_acc(self, model: torch.nn.Module, test_loader: DataLoader, device: str):
		"""Get the test accuracy of the model.

			model (torch.nn.Module): A PyTorch model.
			test_loader (DataLoader): Test data loader.
			device (str): Typically be 'cpu' or 'cuda'.
		raise NotImplementedError()

	def get_model_size(self, model: torch.nn.Module):
		"""Get the size of the model file (in byte).

		model (torch.nn.Module): A PyTorch model.
	raise NotImplementedError()

def get_model_flops_and_param(self, model: torch.nn.Module, model_input_size: Tuple[int]):
	"""Get the FLOPs and the number of parameters of the model, return as (FLOPs, param).

		model (torch.nn.Module): A PyTorch model.
		model_input_size (Tuple[int]): Typically be `(1, 3, 32, 32)` or `(1, 3, 224, 224)`.
	raise NotImplementedError()

def get_model_latency(self, model: torch.nn.Module, sample_num: int, model_input_size: Tuple[int], device: str):
	"""Get the inference latency of the model.

		model (torch.nn.Module): A PyTorch model.
		sample_num (int): How many samples is used in the test.
		model_input_size (Tuple[int]): Typically be `(1, 3, 32, 32)` or `(1, 3, 224, 224)`.
		device (str): Typically be 'cpu' or 'cuda'.
	raise NotImplementedError()

4 Demo video and experiment data

4.1 Demo Video


4.2 Experiment data

4.2.1 Experiment setting

Device Models and data Baseline
Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4216 CPU @ 2.10GHz
Quadro RTX8000
ResNet18 on CIFAR100
MobileNetV2 on CIFAR100
GPNomaly on Coil100
ResNet18 on UCSD Ped1
Faster-RCNN-ResNet50 on PARSCAL VOC2007
YoloV3-DarkNet53 on PARSCAL VOC2007
FCN-ResNet18 on PARSCAL VOC2012
DeepPose-ResNet18 on MPII
TSN-ResNet18 on HDMB51
TRN-ResNet18 on HDMB
Filter Pruning
Low Rank Decomposition
Knowledge Distillation

4.2.2 Experiment result


5 Project member and contact information

5.1 Project member

5.1.1 Beijing Institute of Technology

Rui Han, Qinglong Zhang, Gaofeng Xin, Xinyu Guo, Yuxiao Liu, Chi Harold Liu, Guoren Wang

5.1.2 TU Delft

Lydia Y.~Chen

5.1.3 Midea Group and Syracuse University

Jian Tang

5.2 Contact information

Rui Han: [email protected]


This project is released under the Apache 2.0 license.


1.0.0 was released in 2021.12.20:

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