BGraph is a tool designed to generate dependencies graphs from Android.bp soong files.



BGraph is a tool designed to generate dependencies graphs from Android.bp soong files.


BGraph (for Build-Graphs) is a project aimed at create build graphs from blueprints in AOSP and querying those graphs.

In short, this project builds/uses Unified Dependency Graph for the Android Open Source Project by parsing and linking modules defined in the Android build system Soong.


You should use this tool if you want to find:

  • all the dependencies of a source file in AOSP;
  • all the sources involved in the building of a target in AOSP;
  • common dependencies between two targets.


% bgraph --help                                                       
Usage: bgraph [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  BGraph - generate and query build dependency graphes.

  BGraph is used to manipulate build dependency graphs generated from
  blueprint files. The main commands are:

      - generate : used to generates multiples graphs

      - query: used to query a previously generated graph

  To get more help, see the online documentation.

  -v, --verbose         Activate verbose output  [default: False]
  --install-completion  Install completion for the current shell.
  --show-completion     Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or
                        customize the installation.

  --help                Show this message and exit.

  generate         Generate BGraph's from a mirror dir.
  generate-single  Generate a BGraph from a branch.
  list             List the BGraph already generated.
  query            Query a BGraph.


Using poetry

poetry install bgraph

Using pip

pip install bgraph

Using docker

docker build -f docker/Dockerfile -t bgraph .

This will create a container with git, repo and bgraph and will take some time (because it compiles git from the source).

See Docker for more instructions.


  • python3.8

Optional dependencies for the builder:

  • repo
  • git (>25): since we're using partial-checkouts, a modern version of git is required
  • at least 1Go of free disk space
  • (Optional: AOSP mirror)

See Building from AOSP for more details.






Contributions are always welcome!

See the Contribution documentation for details on all you need to know about contributing.


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  • Unable to generate

    Unable to generate


    Steps to reproduce

    mkdir test && \
    cd test && \
    mkdir bgraphs && \
    python3.8 -m venv venv && \
    source venv/bin/activate && \
    pip install bgraph && \
    bgraph generate bgraphs ''

    Error Log

    2021-12-13 16:39:17,862 - bgraph.builder.builder - INFO - Found 1174 branches
    2021-12-13 16:39:17,863 - bgraph.builder.builder - INFO - Start composing for android-1.6_r1.1_
    2021-12-13 16:39:27,625 - bgraph.builder.builder - ERROR - Unable to init the repository. Verify that the mirror is correct.
    2021-12-13 16:39:27,625 - bgraph.builder.builder - INFO - Start composing for android-1.6_r1.2_
    2021-12-13 16:39:41,370 - bgraph.builder.builder - ERROR - Unable to init the repository. Verify that the mirror is correct.
    2021-12-13 16:39:41,370 - bgraph.builder.builder - INFO - Start composing for android-1.6_r1.3_
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