A synthetic data generator for text recognition


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A synthetic data generator for text recognition

What is it for?

Generating text image samples to train an OCR software. Now supporting non-latin text! For a more thorough tutorial see the official documentation.

What do I need to make it work?

Install the pypi package

pip install trdg

Afterwards, you can use trdg from the CLI. I recommend using a virtualenv instead of installing with sudo.

If you want to add another language, you can clone the repository instead. Simply run pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker image

If you would rather not have to install anything to use TextRecognitionDataGenerator, you can pull the docker image.

docker pull belval/trdg:latest

docker run -v /output/path/:/app/out/ -t belval/trdg:latest trdg [args]

The path (/output/path/) must be absolute.


  • Add --stroke_width argument to set the width of the text stroke (Thank you @SunHaozhe)
  • Add --stroke_fill argument to set the color of the text contour if stroke > 0 (Thank you @SunHaozhe)
  • Add --word_split argument to split on word instead of per-character. This is useful for ligature-based languages
  • Add --dict argument to specify a custom dictionary (Thank you @luh0907)
  • Add --font_dir argument to specify the fonts to use
  • Add --output_mask to output character-level mask for each image
  • Add --character_spacing to control space between characters (in pixels)
  • Add python module
  • Add --font to use only one font for all the generated images (Thank you @JulienCoutault!)
  • Add --fit and --margins for finer layout control
  • Change the text orientation using the -or parameter
  • Specify text color range using -tc '#000000,#FFFFFF', please note that the quotes are necessary
  • Add support for Simplified and Traditional Chinese

How does it work?

Words will be randomly chosen from a dictionary of a specific language. Then an image of those words will be generated by using font, background, and modifications (skewing, blurring, etc.) as specified.

Basic (Python module)

The usage as a Python module is very similar to the CLI, but it is more flexible if you want to include it directly in your training pipeline, and will consume less space and memory. There are 4 generators that can be used.

from trdg.generators import (

# The generators use the same arguments as the CLI, only as parameters
generator = GeneratorFromStrings(
    ['Test1', 'Test2', 'Test3'],

for img, lbl in generator:
    # Do something with the pillow images here.

You can see the full class definition here:

Basic (CLI)

trdg -c 1000 -w 5 -f 64

You get 1,000 randomly generated images with random text on them like:

1 2 3 4 5

By default, they will be generated to out/ in the current working directory.

Text skewing

What if you want random skewing? Add -k and -rk (trdg -c 1000 -w 5 -f 64 -k 5 -rk)

6 7 8 9 10

Text distortion

You can also add distorsion to the generated text with -d and -do

23 24 25

Text blurring

But scanned document usually aren't that clear are they? Add -bl and -rbl to get gaussian blur on the generated image with user-defined radius (here 0, 1, 2, 4):

11 12 13 14


Maybe you want another background? Add -b to define one of the three available backgrounds: gaussian noise (0), plain white (1), quasicrystal (2) or image (3).

15 16 17 23

When using image background (3). A image from the images/ folder will be randomly selected and the text will be written on it.


Or maybe you are working on an OCR for handwritten text? Add -hw! (Experimental)

18 19 20 21 22

It uses a Tensorflow model trained using this excellent project by Grzego.

The project does not require TensorFlow to run if you aren't using this feature


The text is chosen at random in a dictionary file (that can be found in the dicts folder) and drawn on a white background made with Gaussian noise. The resulting image is saved as [text]_[index].jpg

There are a lot of parameters that you can tune to get the results you want, therefore I recommend checking out trdg -h for more information.

Create images with Chinese text

It is simple! Just do trdg -l cn -c 1000 -w 5!

Generated texts come both in simplified and traditional Chinese scripts.





Add new fonts

The script picks a font at random from the fonts directory.

Directory Languages
fonts/latin English, French, Spanish, German
fonts/cn Chinese
fonts/ko Korean

Simply add/remove fonts until you get the desired output.

If you want to add a new non-latin language, the amount of work is minimal.

  1. Create a new folder with your language two-letters code
  2. Add a .ttf font in it
  3. Edit run.py to add an if statement in load_fonts()
  4. Add a text file in dicts with the same two-letters code
  5. Run the tool as you normally would but add -l with your two-letters code

It only supports .ttf for now.


Number of images generated per second.

  • Intel Core i7-4710HQ @ 2.50Ghz + SSD (-c 1000 -w 1)
    • -t 1 : 363 img/s
    • -t 2 : 694 img/s
    • -t 4 : 1300 img/s
    • -t 8 : 1500 img/s
  • AMD Ryzen 7 1700 @ 4.0Ghz + SSD (-c 1000 -w 1)
    • -t 1 : 558 img/s
    • -t 2 : 1045 img/s
    • -t 4 : 2107 img/s
    • -t 8 : 3297 img/s


  1. Create an issue describing the feature you'll be working on
  2. Code said feature
  3. Create a pull request

Feature request & issues

If anything is missing, unclear, or simply not working, open an issue on the repository.

What is left to do?

  • Better background generation
  • Better handwritten text generation
  • More customization parameters (mostly regarding background)
  • I got this error ,can anyone help me ?

    I got this error ,can anyone help me ?

    1 .error: /data/20180809/TextRecognitionDataGenerator-master/TextRecognitionDataGenerator# python run.py -i "texts/subtitle.txt" -c 100 -w 5 -e png -b 3 Missing modules for handwritten text generation. 31%|#####################################2 | 31/100 [00:00<00:01, 68.48it/s]multiprocessing.pool.RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3.4/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 119, in worker result = (True, func(*args, **kwds)) File "/data/20180809/TextRecognitionDataGenerator-master/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/data_generator.py", line 22, in generate_from_tuple cls.generate(*t) File "/data/20180809/TextRecognitionDataGenerator-master/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/data_generator.py", line 34, in generate image = ComputerTextGenerator.generate(text, font, text_color) File "/data/20180809/TextRecognitionDataGenerator-master/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/computer_text_generator.py", line 12, in generate image_font = ImageFont.truetype(font=font, size=32) File "/data/20180809/TextRecognitionDataGenerator-master/py3env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py", line 261, in truetype return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine) File "/data/20180809/TextRecognitionDataGenerator-master/py3env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py", line 144, in init self.font = core.getfont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine=layout_engine) OSError: unknown file format """

    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "run.py", line 290, in main() File "run.py", line 278, in main ), total=args.count): File "/data/20180809/TextRecognitionDataGenerator-master/py3env/lib/python3.4/site-packages/tqdm/_tqdm.py", line 930, in iter for obj in iterable: File "/usr/lib/python3.4/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 689, in next raise value OSError: unknown file format

    2.when i use my own background picture,i got the blurry picture,but i want a clear one. image image why they got different width(ps:i use my own texts) Looking forward to hear from you . @Belval

    opened by xieyufei1993 13
  • Generating Images similar to Oxford Synthetic Word Dataset

    Generating Images similar to Oxford Synthetic Word Dataset

    Hi, I am trying to generate images containing single words similar to that in the Oxford Synthetic Word Dataset. The words will also contain symbols such as colon, percentage etc. The process to create the Oxford dataset is described in the below image. process

    I am unsure how to generate such words along with symbols as I get such images below which are very much different from the ones in the Oxford dataset. newsynth1 newsynth4

    Images from Oxford dataset are given below, synth1 synth2

    opened by kevgeo 12
  • How to generate vertical images

    How to generate vertical images

    for example we often read words and characters from left to right. but in Chinese, we sometimes arrange characters from top to bottom. So I just wonder can this code generate top to bottom configuration of Chinese sentences?

    opened by savort 12
  • Add -obb parameter to output bounding boxes

    Add -obb parameter to output bounding boxes

    Follow-up to #107, when using the -obb 1 parameter, the CLI tool will output a txt file with one line per character with the matching bounding boxes.

    Current format is x1 y1 x2 y2 but it could be changed to fit @yyyash8 use case (or better yet, lets make a parameter for it).

    Still need to add tests.

    TEST1_0 out

    4 12 16 27
    17 12 26 27
    28 12 38 27
    38 12 50 27
    51 12 57 27

    Code used to render the bounding boxes:

    import sys
    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
    def main(argv):
        img = Image.open(argv[1])
        bboxes = []
        with open(argv[2], "r") as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                line = line[:-1]
                bboxes.append([int(coord) for coord in line.split(" ")])
        d = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
        for bbox in bboxes:
            d.rectangle(bbox, outline="green")
    if __name__=='__main__':
    opened by Belval 10
  • Generate training pictures for Tibetan ocr

    Generate training pictures for Tibetan ocr

    The result of generating ocr training pictures for Tibetan is as follows, with extra spaces between the text。There should be no spaces in the text of the picture!I have set --space_width=0, what is the reason for this? 9

    opened by hsyy673150343 10
  • Arabic text generator

    Arabic text generator


    File names generated by the Arabic version of the repo are correct as the word letters are connected. However, text in images has disconnected letters and the words started from left to right. The text in an image should be started from right to left and the letter must be connected. Any suggestion on how to correct these issues?


    opened by niddal-imam 10
  • chinese font problem

    chinese font problem

    some chinese fonts can not generate good samples(for example ,some word could not be generated),do you have some suggests to solve the problem .thank you in advance

    opened by DLUTfangping 10
  • Get custom color font with black border

    Get custom color font with black border


    I am trying to get this kind of font with white solid colour and black border. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dwyxDBzRDmQcjU6PL8zc924l4kFDdlKB/view?usp=sharing

    I tried many fonts and what I always get is Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cJXyxB7qS6bOuPpmh3A-UDMShBLLQIG6/view?usp=sharing

    Please tell how can I do this?


    opened by iknoorjobs 8
  • Regex gen, images_dir, image augmentation and more....

    Regex gen, images_dir, image augmentation and more....

    • generate strings with regular expressions
    • specifigy images dir for background generations
    • augment images with imgaug library
    • grayscale param for image grayscaling
    • minl, maxl of strings
    • fonts folder

    Everything should be in readme.

    opened by Cospel 7
  • I got this error, can anyone help me, please?

    I got this error, can anyone help me, please?

    here is the error python run.py -w 5 -f 64 -l am 0%| | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]multiprocessing.pool.RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 119, in worker result = (True, func(*args, **kwds)) File "/home/test/Documents/direse/scene/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/data_generator.py", line 22, in generate_from_tuple cls.generate(*t) File "/home/test/Documents/direse/scene/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/data_generator.py", line 36, in generate image = ComputerTextGenerator.generate(text, font, text_color, size, orientation, space_width) File "/home/test/Documents/direse/scene/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/computer_text_generator.py", line 9, in generate return cls.__generate_horizontal_text(text, font, text_color, font_size, space_width) File "/home/test/Documents/direse/scene/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/TextRecognitionDataGenerator/computer_text_generator.py", line 17, in __generate_horizontal_text image_font = ImageFont.truetype(font=font, size=font_size) File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py", line 261, in truetype return FreeTypeFont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine) File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/PIL/ImageFont.py", line 144, in init self.font = core.getfont(font, size, index, encoding, layout_engine=layout_engine) OSError: unknown file format """

    The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "run.py", line 342, in main() File "run.py", line 330, in main ), total=args.count): File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tqdm/_tqdm.py", line 930, in iter for obj in iterable: File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/multiprocessing/pool.py", line 731, in next raise value OSError: unknown file format Exception ignored in: <bound method tqdm.del of 0%| | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tqdm/_tqdm.py", line 882, in del File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tqdm/_tqdm.py", line 1087, in close File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/site-packages/tqdm/_tqdm.py", line 439, in _decr_instances File "/home/test/Anaconda3/envs/py35/lib/python3.5/_weakrefset.py", line 109, in remove KeyError: <weakref at 0x7f686b4df598; to 'tqdm' at 0x7f686b53cd30>

    opened by direselign 7
  • Handle `piece_width` for specific language (TH)

    Handle `piece_width` for specific language (TH)

    Some languages (in this case Thai) contain vowels, and tone marks that are not placed horizontally, they are placed on the top or bottom of consonants. This pull request is modified, in order to handle those characters.

    This is an example of before and after results.





    opened by luangtatipsy 6
  • unable to generate korean handwritten samples

    unable to generate korean handwritten samples

    Hi @Belval I am working on generating korean handwritten samples for training dataset. Still, I am unable to achieve it.

    Does anyone have an idea?

    trdg -l ko -c 1000 -w 5 -hw
    python3 run.py -i ko.txt -l ko -c 1000 -w 5 -fd fonts/ko -hw
    opened by khawar-islam 0
  • fixed utf encoding issue

    fixed utf encoding issue

    this fixes issue when generating data for other languages (like arabic)

    reproduce issue with:

    trdg --count 1000 \
        --length 10 \
        --format 64 \
        --output_dir trdg_data/ids \
        --language ar --font_dir TextRecognitionDataGenerator/trdg/fonts/ar/ \
        --skew_angle 15 --random_skew \
        --random \
        --thread_count 8 \
        --distorsion 3 --distorsion_orientation 2 \
        --background 2 \
        --random_blur \
        --output_bboxes 2

    this is now fixed with the encoding='utf8' lines

    opened by FarisHijazi 0
  • Arabic Alphabet shapes

    Arabic Alphabet shapes

    first of all I Would to thank you for this awesome project when use the arabic_reshaper repo when generating the the text for fix the Arabic shapes issue , i would produce other issue that if you know the arabic_reshaper repo generate a new shape by compaining chars like the two char (لا) if we reshape it by arabic_reshaper algorithm would generate the char (ﻻ) they seems the same by the first which is the correct one two chars and the other produced by arabic_reshaper algorithm is one char Unicode so they look like the same as a interface or UI but actually they not so i suggest to solve this small issue by just reshaping the arabic text that will put in the image and other one will not reshaping that will be in the labels.txt file

    opened by Mahmuod1 5
  • Unicode symbols and invalid images

    Unicode symbols and invalid images

    colab code

    !mkdir /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/trdg/fonts/kzdigits !cp /content/fonts/. /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/trdg/fonts/kzdigits/

    e.g. Verdana.ttf

    generator = GeneratorFromRandom( blur=0, random_blur=False, random_skew=True, language='kzdigits' )

    print(generator.generator.fonts) #Verdana.ttf

    Sometimes the generator produces a valid image image

    Sometimes not


    The ₸ sign is not displayed.

    opened by avber 2
Edouard Belval
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