Almost State-of-the-art Text Generation library


Ps: we are adding transformer model soon

Text Gen 🐐

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Almost State-of-the-art Text Generation library

Text gen is a python library that allow you build a custom text generation model with ease 😄 Something sweet built with Tensorflow and Pytorch(coming soon) - This is the brain of Rosalove ai (

How to use it

Install text-gen

pip install -U text-gen

import the library

from text_gen import ten_textgen as ttg

Load your data. your data must be in a text format.

Download the example data from the example folder

load data

data = 'rl.csv'
text = ttg.loaddata(data)

build our Model Architeture

pipeline = ttg.tentext(text)
seq_text = pipeline.sequence(padding_method = 'pre')
configg = pipeline.configmodel(seq_text, lstmlayer = 128, activation = 'softmax', dropout = 0.25)

train model

model_history = = 'categorical_crossentropy', optimizer = 'adam', batch = 300, metrics = 'accuracy', epochs = 500, verbose = 0, patience = 10)

generate text using the phrase

pipeline.predict('hello love', word_length = 200, segment = True)

plot loss and accuracy


Hyper parameter optimization

Tune your model to know the best optimizer, activation method to use.

pipeline.hyper_params(epochs = 500)

use a saved model for prediction

#the corpus is the train text file
ttg.load_model_predict(corpus = corpus, padding_method = 'pre', modelname = '../input/model2/model2textgen.h5', sample_text = 'yo yo', word_length = 100)

Give us a star 🐉

If you want to contribute, take a look at the issues and the file


  • use pipenv for managing dependencies

    use pipenv for managing dependencies

    Consider using (pipenv)[] to pin your dependencies. This would allow contributors to easily reproduce the project without messing up the dependencies and its also good on the long run for maintainability

    opened by paularah 1
  • [Snyk] Security upgrade pillow from 6.2.2 to 8.3.2

    [Snyk] Security upgrade pillow from 6.2.2 to 8.3.2

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • requirements.txt

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- high severity | 661/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1319443 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.3.2
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the effected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    🛠 Adjust project settings

    📚 Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    opened by snyk-bot 0
  • Read on how to create a simple python library

    Read on how to create a simple python library

    opened by Emekaborisama 0
  • [Snyk] Security upgrade wheel from 0.30.0 to 0.38.0

    [Snyk] Security upgrade wheel from 0.30.0 to 0.38.0

    This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • requirements.txt
    ⚠️ Warning
    torchvision 0.5.0 requires pillow, which is not installed.
    tensorflow 1.14.0 requires protobuf, which is not installed.
    tensorflow-serving-api 1.12.0 requires protobuf, which is not installed.
    tensorboard 1.14.0 requires protobuf, which is not installed.
    GPyOpt 1.2.6 requires GPy, which is not installed.

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- medium severity | 551/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 5.3 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-WHEEL-3180413 | wheel:
    0.30.0 -> 0.38.0
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the affected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    🛠 Adjust project settings

    📚 Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

    🦉 Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

    opened by Emekaborisama 0
  • [Snyk] Security upgrade wheel from 0.30.0 to 0.38.0

    [Snyk] Security upgrade wheel from 0.30.0 to 0.38.0

    This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • requirements.txt
    ⚠️ Warning
    torchvision 0.5.0 requires pillow, which is not installed.
    tensorflow 1.14.0 requires grpcio, which is not installed.
    tensorflow 1.14.0 requires protobuf, which is not installed.
    tensorboard 1.14.0 requires protobuf, which is not installed.
    tensorboard 1.14.0 requires grpcio, which is not installed.
    parameter-sherpa 1.0.6 requires pymongo, which is not installed.
    parameter-sherpa 1.0.6 requires GPyOpt, which is not installed.

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- medium severity | 551/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 5.3 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-WHEEL-3092128 | wheel:
    0.30.0 -> 0.38.0
    | No | No Known Exploit

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the affected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    🛠 Adjust project settings

    📚 Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:

    🦉 Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)

    opened by Emekaborisama 0
  • [Snyk] Fix for 23 vulnerabilities

    [Snyk] Fix for 23 vulnerabilities

    Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `pip` dependencies of this project.

    Changes included in this PR

    • Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version:
      • requirements.txt
    ⚠️ Warning
    torchvision 0.5.0 requires pillow, which is not installed.
    parameter-sherpa 1.0.6 requires scikit-learn, which is not installed.
    GPy 1.10.0 requires paramz, which is not installed.
    GPy 1.10.0 requires cython, which is not installed.
    GPy 1.10.0 has requirement scipy<1.5.0,>=1.3.0, but you have scipy 1.2.3.

    Vulnerabilities that will be fixed

    By pinning:

    Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Upgrade | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1055461 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1055462 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 509/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 5.9 | Out-of-bounds Write
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1059090 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1080635 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1080654 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Denial of Service (DoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1081494 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Denial of Service (DoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1081501 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Denial of Service (DoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1081502 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 654/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 8.8 | Heap-based Buffer Overflow
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1082329 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Insufficient Validation
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1082750 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Denial of Service (DoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1090584 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Denial of Service (DoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1090586 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Denial of Service (DoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1090587 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Denial of Service (DoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1090588 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1292150 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit high severity | 589/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1292151 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 566/1000
    Why? Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 5.6 | Buffer Overflow
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-1316216 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 414/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 4 | Out-of-Bounds
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-574573 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 414/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 4 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-574574 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 414/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 4 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-574575 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 414/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 4 | Out-of-bounds Read
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-574576 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit medium severity | 469/1000
    Why? Has a fix available, CVSS 5.1 | Buffer Overflow
    SNYK-PYTHON-PILLOW-574577 | pillow:
    6.2.2 -> 8.1.0
    | No | No Known Exploit low severity | 506/1000
    Why? Proof of Concept exploit, Has a fix available, CVSS 3.7 | Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS)
    SNYK-PYTHON-SCIKITLEARN-1079100 | scikit-learn:
    0.20.4 -> 0.24.2
    | No | Proof of Concept

    (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.

    Some vulnerabilities couldn't be fully fixed and so Snyk will still find them when the project is tested again. This may be because the vulnerability existed within more than one direct dependency, but not all of the effected dependencies could be upgraded.

    Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project.

    Note: You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.

    For more information: 🧐 View latest project report

    🛠 Adjust project settings

    📚 Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic

    opened by snyk-bot 0
Emeka boris ama
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