A python script to convert images to animated sus among us crewmate twerk jifs as seen on r/196



A python script to convert images to animated sus among us crewmate twerk jifs as seen on r/196

Examples sussified brit ditto with higher resolution sussy jonathon

How to use

  • install python
  • pip install pillow numpy
  • change input.png to your desired image
  • optionally change output_width in sus.py (output height is calculated automagically)
  • run sus.py
  • upload sussified.gif to r/196 for free karma and also to kill the sus among meme faster

my discord is Lines#9260 send complaints / memes whatever (pls)

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  • "Inspiration"

    This is clearly just a recreation of my program: https://github.com/ThatOneCalculator/Among-Us-Dumpy-Gif-Maker

    While that's fine on its own, you gave ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIT. Given your program does exactly the same thing as mine, going as far as to use the same assets, credit would be appreciated.

    opened by ThatOneCalculator 3
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    Compare (width is 30):



    Before patch:


    You can see how it picks up the noise in the image and uses the colors poorly

    After patch:


    The patch can be viewed here: https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/img_sussifier/commit/5eb29c4235238f59fa2e19b5ec4216a37cc7368f

    My fork targets Linux and has likely diverged too much to make a PR useful, but you can just change that bit of code to gain this feature.

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    no shell = True -> I got the error [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'ffmpeg -f image2 -i sussified_%d.png -filter_complex "[0:v] scale=sws_dither=none:,split [a][b];[a] palettegen=max_colors=255:stats_mode=single [p];[b][p] paletteuse=dither=none" -r 20 -y -hide_banner -loglevel error sussified.gif'

    with shell = True works just fine! https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23258660/subprocess-call-fails-on-mac-and-linux

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    Here is the command for video output if you want, I used this in my fork.

    ffmpeg -f image2 -i sussified_%d.png -r 20 -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p -vf "scale=iw*min(1920/iw\,1080/ih):ih*min(1920/iw\,1080/ih)" -y -hide_banner -loglevel error sussified.mp4

    This command is somewhat opinionated, in that it limits video dimensions to 1080p. Otherwise it's very easy to generate gigantic videos and slow down your computer when ffmpeg runs.

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