Cross-Task Consistency Learning Framework for Multi-Task Learning

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Cross-Task Consistency Learning Framework for Multi-Task Learning

Tested on

  • numpy(v1.19.1)
  • opencv-python(v4.4.0.42)
  • torch(v1.7.0)
  • torchvision(v0.8.0)
  • tqdm(v4.48.2)
  • matplotlib(v3.3.1)
  • seaborn(v0.11.0)
  • pandas(v.1.1.2)


Cityscapes (CS)

Download Cityscapes dataset and put it in a subdirectory named ./data/cityscapes. The folder should have the following subfolders:

  • RGB image in folder leftImg8bit
  • Segmentation in folder gtFine
  • Disparity maps in folder disparity


We use the preprocessed NYUv2 dataset provided by this repo. Download the dataset and put it in the dataset folder in ./data/nyu.


The model consists of one encoder (ResNet) and two decoders, one for each task. The decoders outputs the predictions for each task ("direct predictions"), which are fed to the TaskTransferNet.
The objective of the TaskTranferNet is to predict the other task given a prediction image as an input (Segmentation prediction -> Depth prediction, vice versa), which I refer to as "transferred predictions"

Loss function

When computing the losses, the direct predictions are compared with the target while the transferred predictions are compared with the direct predictions so that they "align themselves".
The total loss consists of 4 different losses:

  • direct segmentation loss: CrossEntropyLoss()
  • direct depth loss: L1() or MSE() or logL1() or SmoothL1()
  • transferred segmentation loss:
    CrossEntropyLoss() or KLDivergence()
  • transferred depth loss: L1() or SSIM()

* Label smoothing: To "smooth" the one-hot probability by taking some of the probability from the correct class and distributing it among other classes.
* SSIM: Structural Similarity Loss


The flags are the same for both datasets. The flags and its usage are as written below,

Flag Name Usage Comments
input_path Path to dataset default is data/cityscapes (CS) or data/nyu (NYU)
height height of prediction default: 128 (CS) or 288 (NYU)
width width of prediction default: 256 (CS) or 384 (NYU)
epochs # of epochs default: 250 (CS) or 100 (NYU)
enc_layers which encoder to use default: 34, can choose from 18, 34, 50, 101, 152
use_pretrain toggle on to use pretrained encoder weights available for both datasets
batch_size batch size default: 8 (CS) or 6 (NYU)
scheduler_step_size step size for scheduler default: 80 (CS) or 60 (NYU), note that we use StepLR
scheduler_gamma decay rate of scheduler default: 0.5
alpha weight of adding transferred depth loss default: 0.01 (CS) or 0.0001 (NYU)
gamma weight of adding transferred segmentation loss default: 0.01 (CS) or 0.0001 (NYU)
label_smoothing amount of label smoothing default: 0.0
lp loss fn for direct depth loss default: L1, can choose from L1, MSE, logL1, smoothL1
tdep_loss loss fn for transferred depth loss default: L1, can choose from L1 or SSIM
tseg_loss loss fn for transferred segmentation loss default: cross, can choose from cross or kl
batch_norm toggle to enable batch normalization layer in TaskTransferNet slightly improves segmentation task
wider_ttnet toggle to double the # of channels in TaskTransferNet
uncertainty_weights toggle to use uncertainty weights (Kendall, et al. 2018) we used this for best results
gradnorm toggle to use GradNorm (Chen, et al. 2018)



For the Cityscapes dataset, there are two versions of segmentation task, which are 7-classes task and 19-classes task (Use flag 'num_classes' to switch tasks, default is 7).
So far, the results show near-SOTA for 7-class segmentation task + depth estimation.

ResNet34 was used as the encoder, L1() for direct depth loss and CrossEntropyLoss() for transferred segmentation loss.
The hyperparameter weights for both transferred predictions were 0.01.
I used Adam as my optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.0001 and trained for 250 epochs with batch size 8. The learning rate was halved every 80 epochs.

To reproduce the code, use the following:

python --uncertainty_weights


Our results show SOTA for NYU dataset.

ResNet34 was used as the encoder, L1() for direct depth loss and CrossEntropyLoss() for transferred segmentation loss.
The hyperparameter weights for both transferred predictions were 0.0001.
I used Adam as my optimizer with an initial learning rate of 0.0001 and trained for 100 epochs with batch size 6. The learning rate was halved every 60 epochs.

To reproduce the code, use the following:

python --uncertainty_weights


Evaluation metrics are the following:


  • Pixel accuracy (Pix Acc): percentage of pixels with the correct label
  • mIoU: mean Intersection over Union


  • Absolute Error (Abs)
  • Absolute Relative Error (Abs Rel): Absolute error divided by ground truth depth

The results are the following:


Models mIoU Pix Acc Abs Abs Rel
MTAN 53.04 91.11 0.0144 33.63
KD4MTL 52.71 91.54 0.0139 27.33
PCGrad 53.59 91.45 0.0171 31.34
AdaMT-Net 62.53 94.16 0.0125 22.23
Ours 66.51 93.56 0.0122 19.40


Models mIoU Pix Acc Abs Abs Rel
MTAN* 21.07 55.70 0.6035 0.2472
MTAN† 20.10 53.73 0.6417 0.2758
KD4MTL* 20.75 57.90 0.5816 0.2445
KD4MTL† 22.44 57.32 0.6003 0.2601
PCGrad* 20.17 56.65 0.5904 0.2467
PCGrad† 21.29 54.07 0.6705 0.3000
AdaMT-Net* 21.86 60.35 0.5933 0.2456
AdaMT-Net† 20.61 58.91 0.6136 0.2547
Ours† 30.31 63.02 0.5954 0.2235

*: Trained on 3 tasks (segmentation, depth, and surface normal)
†: Trained on 2 tasks (segmentation and depth)
Italic: Reproduced by ourselves

Scores with models trained on 3 tasks for NYU dataset are shown only as reference.

Papers referred

MTAN: [paper][github]
KD4MTL: [paper][github]
PCGrad: [paper][github (tensorflow)][github (pytorch)]
AdaMT-Net: [paper]

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