The official code for paper "R2D2: Recursive Transformer based on Differentiable Tree for Interpretable Hierarchical Language Modeling".



This is the official code for paper titled "R2D2: Recursive Transformer based on Differentiable Tree for Interpretable Hierarchical Language Modeling". The current repo is refactored from the original version used in the paper. If meet any issue, please feel free to feedback.




For training from scratch in a single machine with multiple GPUs, please follow scripts below:


python -m torch.distributed.launch \
    --nproc_per_node $NODE_NUM --batch_size 16 \
    --min_len 2 \
    --max_batch_len 512 \
    --max_line -1 \
    --corpus_path $CORPUS_PATH \
    --vocab_path data/en_bert/bert-base-uncased-vocab.txt \
    --config_path data/en_bert/config.json \
    --epoch 60 \
    --output_dir $OUTPUT_PATH \
    --window_size 4 \
    --input_type txt



python trainer.R2D2_trainer \
    --batch_size 16 \
    --min_len 2 \
    --max_batch_len 512 \
    --max_line -1 \
    --corpus_path $CORPUS_PATH \
    --vocab_path data/en_bert/bert-base-uncased-vocab.txt \
    --config_path data/en_bert/config.json \
    --epoch 10 \
    --output_dir $OUTPUT_PATH \
    --input_type txt


Evaluating the bidirectional language model task.

CORPUS_PATH=path to training corpus
VOCAB_DIR=directory of vocab.txt
MODEL_PATH=path to model.bin
CONFIG_PATH=path to config.json

python \
    --model_name R2D2 \
    --dataset test \
    --config_path CONFIG_PATH \
    --model_path MODEL_PATH \
    --vocab_dir VOCAB_DIR \
    --corpus_path CORPUS_PATH

For evaluating F1 score on constituency trees, please refer to

Evaluating compatibility with dependency trees: Download WSJ dataset and convert to dependency trees by Stanford CoreNLP( As WSJ is not a free dataset, it's not included in our project. Please refer to the files in data/predict_trees for detail format of tree induced.

python \
    --pred_tree_path path_to_tree_induced \
    --ground_truth_path path_to_dependency_trees
    --vocab_dir VOCAB_DIR

On-going work

  1. Re-implement whole model to increase GPU utility ratio.
  2. Pre-train on large corpus


[email protected] and [email protected]

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  • question about perplexity measures with R2D2 original model

    question about perplexity measures with R2D2 original model

    I have a few minor questions about the R2D2 PPPL measurements and their implementation.

    Q1: In the paper, it says PPPL is defined as, exp(-(1/N) sum(L(S)))

    This makes sense. But in the evaluation code here,

                    log_p_sums, b_c, pppl = self.predictor(ids, self.bucket_size, self.get_bucket_id)
                    PPPL += (pppl - PPPL) / counter
                    print(PPPL, file=f_out)

    We are outputting PPPL without taking the exponential. I assume the numbers in the paper are actually 2^{PPPL} here right? assuming we are using 2 as the base. I simply load a random BERT model, PPPL outputted here is around 10.4, 2^{10.4} ~= 1351, which is about right.

    Q2: For pretraining the BERT model baseline, are you guys loading the same dataset as in the link below? or loading some default huggingface dataset?

    Sorry to throw random questions at you, but this would be very helpful for me to build something on top of this.


    opened by frankaging 4
  • an potential issue found for the nn.MultiheadAttention module setup

    an potential issue found for the nn.MultiheadAttention module setup

    Hi Authors!

    Thanks for sharing this repo, I enjoyed when reading your paper, and I am working on a related project. As I am going through the code, I found one potential issue with the current setup. I will (1) explain the issue, and (2) provide a simple test case that I ran on my end. Please help with verifying.


    • nn.MultiheadAttention module inside the BinaryEncoder module is set with batch_first=True, however it seems like we are passing in Q, K, V matrics without the first dimension being the batch dimension.

    Code Analysis: In, it is calling the encoder here, as the following

            tasks_embedding = self.embedding(task_ids)  # (?, 2, dim)
            input_embedding =[tasks_embedding, tensor_batch], dim=1)  # (?, 4, dim)
            outputs = self.tree_encoder(input_embedding.transpose(0, 1)).transpose(0, 1)  # (? * batch_size, 4, dim)

    We can see that input_embedding is definitely with the first dimension being the batch_size as it concat with the embeddings from the nn.embedding module. Before we call self.tree_encoder, .transpose(0, 1) makes the the second dimension of the input being the batch_size instead. Specifically, the first dimension, in this case, is always 4.

    Testing Done: I simply add some logs inside TreeEncoderLayer as,

        def forward(self, src, src_mask=None, pos_ids=None):
            :param src: concatenation of task embeddings and representation for left and right.
                        src shape: (task_embeddings + left + right, batch_size, dim)
            :param src_mask:
            :param pos_ids:
            if len(pos_ids.shape) == 1:
                sz = src.shape[0]  # sz: batch_size
                pos_ids = pos_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand(sz, -1)  # (3, batch_size)
            position_embedding = self.position_embedding(pos_ids)
            print("pre: ", src.shape)
            print("pos_emb: ", position_embedding.shape)
            output = self.self_attn(src + position_embedding, src + position_embedding, src, attn_mask=src_mask)
            src2 = output[0]
            attn_weights = output[1]
            print("attn_w: ", attn_weights.shape)
            src = src + self.dropout1(src2)
            src = self.norm1(src)
            src2 = self.linear2(self.dropout(self.activation(self.linear1(src))))
            src = src + self.dropout2(src2)
            src = self.norm2(src)
            print("post: ", src.shape)
            return src

    And this is what I get,

    pre:  torch.Size([4, 8, 768])
    pos_emb:  torch.Size([4, 8, 768])
    attn_w:  torch.Size([4, 8, 8])
    post:  torch.Size([4, 8, 768])

    Summary: It seems like for, the self-attention is not on those 4 tokens (2 special prefix + left and right children embedding), but it is on the full collection of candidates with their children.

    I saw this issue is not presented in as,

                outputs = self.tree_encoder(
                    input_embedding)  # (? * batch_size, 4, dim)

    This is great. I have not checked the rest of the code for though. With this, I am wondering are the numbers from either of your papers need to be updated with this potential issue? Either way, I am not blocked by this potential issue, and I was inspired quite a lot by your codebase. Thanks!

    opened by frankaging 3
  • 关于backbone的疑问。


    作者你好,非常感谢你的贡献,我觉得你的工作很有意义,感觉是一个新方向。 有2个疑问需要请教一下:

    1. encoder 使用 transformer,基于注意力的模型,其能力很大部门来源于能通过注意力机制编码出上下文中有用的信息,但这里每次输入只有 [SUM], [CLS], [token1], [token2] 共4个,上下文短,个人感觉 transformer 可能不是最合适的,有试过其它编码器吗?比如gru,或者textCNN?
    2. 有办法并行编码吗?虽然 transformer 的时间复杂度高,但是GPU并行编码很好解决了训练时间长的问题。从论文的E图看 CKY 树编码,一个 token 要分别编码几次,这样会不会导致训练时间实际更长?如,3层 R2D2 比 12 层 transformer 训练数据时间更长? 谢谢作者。
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